Workset 3 Flashcards
nanciscor, nancisci, nactus/nanctus sum (3)
to get, obtain
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum (3)
to set, place,
decide, determine
build, establish
idoneus, a, um
suitable, fit
tempestas, tempestatis (f)
weather, storm, wind
vigilia, ae (f)
watch, guard, patrol
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum (3)
to loosen, unbind, (navem - set sail)
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensum (3)
to embark,
mount, ascend
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactum (3)
to touch,
arrive at, reach
expono, exponere, exposui, expositum (3)
to set out, disembark,
draw up
contineo, continere, continui, contentum (2)
to hold together, bind,
contain, retain, confine,
hinder, prevent, stop
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactum (3)
to drive, bring, drive in,
draw up
egredior, egredi, egressus sum (3)
to march/come out,
set sail, land, disembark
by no means, not at all
ancora, ae (f)
convoco (1)
to call together, assemble,
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum/ostensum (3)
to show,
exhibit, demonstrate,