Working Outdoors Flashcards
Lightning can occur
Anywhere, even if it is not raining
When working outdoors, if a Qualified Electrical Worker sees lightning moving toward the area, he or she should ?
Avoid tall structures
If lightning is moving toward the work site, one safety precaution is to ?
get to an open space and squat low to the ground as quickly as possible
When a tornado watch is issued, ?
prepare to take cover if a tornado warning is issued
If trapped in a vehicle during a blizzard, ?
Run the engine about 10 minutes each hour
If trapped in a vehicle during a blizzard and the snow stops falling, ?
hand a brightly colored cloth on the radio antenna and raise the hood
If Qualified Electrical Workers feel their hair standing on end due to an imminent lighting strike, they should ?
Squat down and keep their heads between their knees
When a tornado warning is issued, ?
Take immediate shelter
First Aid treatment for heat stroke before medical help arrives is to ?
move the victim to a cooler place
Wind chill is figured by combining the ?
wind speed with the air temperature
The most common and widespread natural disasters are ?
The group of people who receives 60% of all dog bites are ?
A flash flood ? is given when a flash flooding is occurring or imminent. Immediate action should be taken by those threatened
A snake bite is best treated by cutting into the wound site and sucking as much of the venom out as possible.
Plants that contain toxic oils become nontoxic as soon as they are cut down
First aid for a victim of shock is to have the victim ?
Lie down and position the victim’s feet 12” to 15” higher than his or her head
If oil from a toxic plant gets on the hands, wash them with hot water and soap.
If a rash develops from a toxic plant and the rash spreads to other parts of the body, ?
seek medical help
Ticks are known to be carriers of rocky mountain fever and ?
lyme disease
If bitten by a rattlesnake, allow the bite to bleed for ? clean and disinfect the area, then cover the bite with a gauze pad and tape it in place.
15 to 30 seconds