Working Capital Management Flashcards
Working Capital
Current Assets
Those which can be converted to cash within a short duration, generally less than one year. Inventories, Debt, Cash and Bank Balances, Prepaid Expenses, Loans and Advances, Marketable Investments.
Current Liabilities
fall for payment or settlement within a short duration or time period, ie less than a year like Trade Creditors, Outstanding Expenses, Tax Provision, Proposed and Unclaimed Dividend, Short Term Expenses, Bank OD, Cash Credit
Importance of WC
- It is required to use fixed assets profitably. e.g. A machine needs raw materials
- For day-to-day operations and transactions. These are provided by cash and cash equivalents forming parts of current assets
- It determines the short-term solvency of the firm. Inadequate Working Capital means the firm will be unable to meet its immediate payment commitments
- Funds are obtained from a mix of short-term and long-term sources. Hence to maintain structural health of the firm they need to be invested appropriately in a mix of short and long term assets
- Increase in sales and activity levels should be backed up by suitable investment in WC. Otherwise it will lead to under-capitalism and over-trading
- maintaining balance between profitability and liquidity, which are inversely related
Adequate WC when
CR= CA:CL=2:1
Quick Ratio= Quick Assets: Quick L= at least 1:1
Current Assets/ Fixed Assets is neither too low (aggressive) neither too high (conservative)
Permanent Vs Temporary WC
Read from notes
Working Capital Cycle or WCC is the time required for conversion of cash into cash equivalents like raw materials, WIP, FG, Debtors, and back into cash
Segments of Operating cycle
- Lead Time: Cash to RM
- Production/ process cycle: RM to WIP to FG
- Stockholding period: FG to Debtors through sales
- Conversion of Receivables into cash: Average Collection period
WCC computation
WCC in days= RM storage period+ WIP holding period+ FG storage period+ debtors collection period- creditors payment period
Duration of WCC
Should be on par with industry standard. Long cycle indicates overstocking of inventories or delayed collection of receivables. bad
Working Capital Turnover= 365/ Operating Cycle: higher the better
Working capital requirements can be forecasted by:
Total Approach
Cash Cost Approah