Workforce Performance Flashcards
Labour turnover
No. Employees leaving during the year / total number of employees employed during the year
Total days absent in a month x 100 / total available days working
No. Late arrivals x 100 / Total No. scheduled attendances (employee no. x working days)
Workforce productivity
Output (per week/month/year) / no. of employees [round down if a decimal]
Factors effective workforce performance
-average may be misleading (one employee may change it)
-single figure is limited in use (needs to be compared to previous months)
-not all departments employ same no. people (everything is relative)
-no. do not explain situation (eg current road works = more lateness or flu going around = absenteeism)
Short term abscence
Absent for a day or few
Long term absence
Absent for long period due to long term illness (illness is unsafe in workplace)
Authorised absence
Consulted manager and asked for permission to be absent eg medical appointment
Unauthorised absence
Hasn’t consulted manager beforehand