Workbook, Reading Flashcards
Who is an expatriate ?
ex‧pat / ekspæt / noun [ countable ] informal
someone who lives in a foreign country :
British expatriates living in Spain
1 [ intransitive ] to get off a ship or aircraft OPP embark
2 [ transitive ] to put people or goods onto the shore (uzberezhzhya) from a ship
dis‧em‧bark / dɪsəmbɑk, dɪsɪmbɑk $ -ɑrk / verb
not allowing water to enter :
wa‧ter‧proof 1 / wɔtəpruf $ wɒtər-, wɑ- / adjective
a waterproof jacket
waterproof adhesive
Rub the wax in to make the shoe waterproof .
formal to go beyond the usual limits of something
tran‧scend / trænsend / verb [ transitive ]
The desire for peace transcended political differences.
1 a balance between different people, groups, or forces that compete with each other, so that none is stronger than the others and a situation is not likely to change suddenly
2 a state in which you are calm and not angry or upset
e‧qui‧lib‧ri‧um / ikwəlɪbriəm, ikwɪlɪbriəm / noun [ singular, uncountable ]
1 The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.
2 She struggled to recover her equilibrium.
1 somebody you know [ countable ] someone you know, but who is not a close friend
2 relationship [ singular, uncountable ] a relationship with someone you know, but who is not a close friend
4 knowledge [ uncountable ] formal knowledge or experience of a particular subject
ac‧quaint‧ance / əkweɪnt ə ns / noun
1 She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
In everyday English, people usually say someone I know rather than an acquaintance :
I got the job through someone I know .
2 They developed an acquaintance over the Internet.
4 acquaintance with
The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court procedures.
1 a job that lasts for a short time, that someone, especially a student, does in order to gain experience → intern
2 a job that someone who has nearly finished training as a doctor does in a hospital → intern
in‧tern‧ship / ɪntɜnʃɪp $ -ɜrn- / noun [ countable ] American English
ordinary, and happening every day
quo‧tid‧i‧an / kwəʊtɪdiən $ kwoʊ- / adjective literary
1 [ intransitive and transitive ] formal to start burning, or to make something start burning :
2 [ transitive ] to start a dangerous situation, angry argument etc
to ig‧nite / ɪɡnaɪt / verb
1 The petrol tank suddenly ignited.
The candle ignited the plastic.
2 events which ignited the war in Europe
to make someone very interested and excited, so that they listen or watch something very carefully
to en‧thral British English , enthrall American English / ɪnθrɔl $ -θrɒl / verb ( past tense and past participle enthralled , present participle enthralling ) [ transitive usually passive ]
be enthralled by/with somebody/something
The children were enthralled by the story she was telling
— enthralled adjective
a style of Spanish music, played especially on the guitar and accompanied by singing and dancing. - фламенко
small Spanish savory dishes, typically served with drinks at a bar. - тапас
formal to name a list of things one by one
to e‧nu‧me‧rate / ɪnjuməreɪt $ ɪnu- / verb [ transitive ]
a flea