Workbook (Chapter 12) Flashcards
What is the average weight of the adult human liver?
3-4 pounds (1.5 kg) or 1/36 of total body weight
Which abdominal quadrant contains the gallbladder?
Right upper quadrant (RUQ)
What is the name of the soft tissue structure that separates the right from the left lobe of the liver?
Falciform ligament
Which lobe of the liver is larger, the right or the left?
List the other two lobes of the liver (in addition to right and left lobes):
The liver performs more than 100 functions.
The average healthy adult liver produces 1 gallon, or 3000 to 4000 mL, of bile per day.
List the three primary functions of the gallbladder:
Store bile
Concentrate Bile
Contracts to release bile into duodenum
Concentrated levels of cholesterol in bile may lead to gallstones.
What is a common site for impaction, or lodging, of gallstones?
Duodenal papilla
In about 40% of individuals, the end of the common bile duct and the end of the pancreatic duct are totally separated into two ducts rather than combining into one single passageway into the duodenum.
An older term for the main pancreatic duct is the duct of Vater.
False (duct of wirsung)
The gallbladder is located more ______ (posteriorly or anteriorly) within the abdomen.
Match the following structures to their primary location within the abdomen.
- Liver
- Gallbladder on asthenic patient
- Gallbladder on hypersthenic patient
- Gallbladder on hyposthenic patient
- to right of midsagittal place
- Near midsagittal plane
- To right of midsaittal plane
- To right of midsagittal plane
Cholecystocholangiography is a radiographic examination of
Study of both the gallbladder and the biliary ducts.
Which imaging modality produces cholescintigraphy?
Nuclear Medicine
Acute cholecystitis may produce a thickened gallbladder wall.
Condition of having gallstones
Inflammation of the gallbladder
Biliary stenosis
Narrowing of the biliary ducts
Surgical removal of the gallbladder
Benign or malignant tumors
Enlargement or narrowing of the biliary ducts because of the presenceof stones
List the seven major components of the alimentary canal:
Mouth Pharnyx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Anus
List the four accessory organs of digestion:
Salivary glands
What are the primary functions of the digestive system?
Intake and digestion of food
Absorption of digested food particles
Elimination of solid food particles
What two terms refer to a radiographic examination of the pharnyx and esophagus?
Barium swallow
Which term describes the radiographic study of the distal esophagus, stomach, and duodenum?
Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series Upper GI
Which three pairs of salivary glands are accessory organs of digestion associated with the mouth?
The act of swallowing is called
List the three divisions of the pharynx:
What structures create the two indentations seen along the lateral border of the esophagus?
Aortic arch
Left primary bronchus
List the three structures that pass through the diaphragm.
Inferior vena cava
What part of the upper GI tract is a common site for ulcer disease?
duodenal bulb or cap
What term describes the junction between the duodenum and jejunum?
(This is a significant reference point in small bowel studies.)
Duodenojejunal flexure (suspensory muscle of the duodenum or ligament of Treitz)
The C-loop of the duodenum and pancreas are _________ (intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal) structures.
Retroperitoneal ( or “behind peritoneum”)
The body of the stomach curves inferiorly and posteriorly from the fundus.
The three main subdivisions of the stomach are:
Another term for mucosal folds of the stomach is
Name the two anatomic structures implicated in the phrase “romance of the abdomen”
Head of pancreas
C-loop of duodenum
Mechanical digestion includes movements of the entire gastroinestinal tract.
Peristaltic activity is not found in which of the following structures?
Stomach contents are churned into a semifluid mass called
A churning or mixing activity present in the small bowel is called
Rhythmic segmentation
List the three classes of substances that are ingested and must be chemically digested.
Lipids (fats)
Biologic catalysts that speed up the process of digestion are called
List the end products of digestion for the following classes of food:
Carbohydrates: Simple sugars
Lipids: fatty acids and glycerol
Proteins: amino acids
What is the name of the liquid substance that aids in digestion and is manufactured in the liver and stored in the gallbladder?
How does bile assist in emulsification in fat?
Large fat droplets are broken down to small fat droplets, which have greater surface area ( to volume) and give enzymes greater access for the breakdown of lipids
Absorption of nutrients primarily takes place in the __________, although some substances are absorbed through the lining of the ______________.
Small intestine
Of the three primary food substances (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), the digestion of which begins in the mouth?
Any residues of digestion or unabsorbed digestive products are eliminated from the ________ as a component of feces.
Large intestine
Peristalsis is an example of which type of digestion?
Which term describes food once it is mixed with gastric secretions in the stomach?
A high and transverse stomach would be found in a _____________ patient.
A J-shaped stomach that is more vertical and lower in the abdomen with the duodenal bulb at the level of L3-L4 would be found in a _____________ patient.
On the average, how much will abdominal organs drop in the erect position?
1 to 2 inches
Name the two abdominal organs most dramatically affected, in relation to location, by body habitus:
Would the fundus of the stomach be more superior or more inferior when one takes in a deep breath and why?
Inferior because of its proximity to the diaphragm
Anatomic Sites
- Oral cavity
- Pharynx
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Mastication and Deglutition
- Deglutition
- Deglutition and Peristalsis
- Peristalsis and Mixing
- Peristalsis and Rhythmic segmentation
With the use of digital fluoroscopy, the number of postfluoroscopy radiographs ordered has greatly diminished.
Another term for a negative contrast medium is
Radiolucent contrast medium
What substance is most commonly ingested to produce carbon dioxide gas as a negative contrast medium for gastrointestinal studies?
Calcium or magnesium citrate
What is the most common form of positive contrast medium used for studies of the gastrointestinal system?
Barium sulfate
Is a mixture of barium sulfate a suspension or a solution?
Suspension (colloidal)
Barium sulfate never dissolves in water.
Certain salts of barium are poisonous to humans, so barium contrast studies require a pure sulfate salt of barium for human consumption during GI studies.
What is the ratio of water to barium for a thin mixture of barium sulfate?
One part water to one part barium sulfate (1:1) ratio
What is the chemical symbol for barium sulfate?
Ba So4
When is the use of barium sulfate contraindicated?
When the mixture may escape into the peritoneal cavity.
What patient condition prevents the use of a water soluble contrast medium for an upper GI?
Sensitivity to iodine
What is the major advantage for using a double-contrast medium technique for esophragrams and upper GIs?
Better coating and visibility of the mucosa. polyps, diverticula, and ulcers, are better demonstrated.
The speed with which barium sulfate passes through the GI tract is called gastric
What is the purpose of the gas with a double-contrast media technique?
It forces the barium sulfate against the mucosa for better coating
Which of the following devices on a digital fluoroscopy system converts the analog into a digital signal?
What device (found beneath the radiographic table when correctly positioned) greatly reduces exposure to the technologist from the fluoroscopic x-ray tube?
Bucky slot shield
How is the bucky activated or placed in its correct position for fluoroscopy?
By moving the bucky tray all the way to the end of the table
What is the minimum level of protective apron worn during fluoroscopy?
0.5 mm Pb/Eq apron
What is the major benefit of using a compression paddle during an upper GI study?
Reduces exposure to arms and hands or radiologist
During an upper GI fluroscopy procedure, if the technologist stands directly beside the radiologist next to the patient’s head and shoulders, how much radiation would the technologist receive to the lead apron at waist level during each fluoroscopic exam if the radiologist averaged 5 minutes of fluoroscopy exposure per patient?
7-3. 3x5=8.5-16.5 mrad
List the three cardinal principles of radiation protection:
Time, Distance, Shielding
Which one of the three cardinal principles is most effective in reducing exposure to the technologist during a fluroscopic procedure?
List the four advantages or unique features and capabilities of digital fluoroscopy over conventional fluoroscopic recording systems:
Optimal postfluoroscopy overhead images
multiple frames formatting and multiple original images
cine loop capability
image enhancement and manipulation
What capability on most digital fluooscopy systems demonstrates dynamic flow of contrast media through the GI tract?
Cine loop capability
Difficulty in swallowing
Replacement of normal squamous eithelium with columnar epithelium
Barrett’s esophagus
May lead to esophagitis
May be secondary to cirrhosis of the liver
Esophageal varices
Large outpouching of the esophagus
Zenker’s diverticulum
Also called cardiospasm
Most common form is adenocarcinoma
Cardinoma of esophagus
Blood in vomit
Inflammation of lining of stomach
Blind outpouching of the mucousal wall
Undigested material trapped in stomach