Workbook 1 Flashcards
Differences between male and female pelvis
Males have narrower, heart shaped, taller and with acute pubic arch.
Females have wider, rounder, shorter and with wider pubic arch
Pelvic measurements:
Diagonal conjugate, true conjugate, interspinous distance and intertuberous distance
Diagonal conjugate is taken from the inferior margin of pubic symphesis to the sacral prominance. Depth of pubic symphesis allows calculation of true conjugate (Bladder is the way of measuring).
Interspinous is distance between ischial spines, intertuberous distance is between the pubic tuberosities.
Levator ani and surrounding
Obturator externis laterally, with levator ani in middle (Separated by tendinous arch). Has pubococcygeus, ischiococcygeus and puborectalis. Coccygeus is not levator ani but there too
Blood supply is inferior gluteal, and Innervated by the anterior ramus of S4 and branches of the pudendal nerve (roots S2, S3 and S4).
What are the main routes of venous drainage from the pelvic organs?
Largely into the internal iliac veins, which then drain into the common iliac veins and
subsequently into the IVC. There is a plexus around the rectal veins and this plexus can
drain into the superior rectal vein which empties into the inferior mesenteric vein before
entering the portal heptaic system.
While most of the veins follow the arteries, the deep dorsal vein (from the clitoris and the
penis) does not follow the internal pudendal artery but instead passes through a gap
between the arcuate pubic ligament and the anterior of the perineal membrane where it
enters the pelvic cavity and joins a plexus (prostatic plexus in men and vesical plexus in
What do the myometrium and the stomach have in common
3 layers
Describe the nerve supply of the uterus. Which sensory nerves are involved and what is
their origin?
Sympathetic innervation is via the inferior hypogastric plexus, while parasympathetic
innervation is via the pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4).
The sensory (afferent) fibres are T10-T12 and L1.
Normal uterus conformation
Anteflexed and antiverted. Flexed is the angle through the uterus, verted is the angle between uterus and vagina
Information from looking at cervix
round in nulliparous, slitlike in multiparous. Pointing down if antiverted, pointing up if retroverted.
The transormation zone starts up in the endocervix and moves down to the ectocervix
during puberty/pregnancy
Where might cervical cancer spread to?
External and internal iliac lymph nodes. Can spread to rectum and bladder. Can metastasize to
lung, liver, bone and bowel (about 5% of patients).
Water over bridge in females?
1cm lateral to lateral fornix, ureter runs and uterine artery passes over it.
Relations of the ovary
Ovaries sit posteriosuperiorly to the uterus. Have fallopain tubes above them. Parietal peritoneum lines the walls, and behind this sits the ureters, internal iliac vessels, obturator vessels, obturator nerve, uterine artery
Closeness to obturator can lead to thigh pain in ovarian pathology
Locations of deep and superficial inguinal rings
Deep is 1.5cm above midpoint between ASIS and PS (or midpoint between pubic tubercle and ASIS), superficial is lateral to pubic tubercle.
Deep is invagination of transversalis fascis, superficial is invagination of external oblique aponeurosis
Male inguinal canal
Has spermatic cord, genitofemoral nerve and inguinal nerve.
Testes descend through them before birth.
Men more at risk of direct and indirect hernias than women (due to men having longer canal)
Male inguinal canal is larger than womens
Female inguinal canal
Has round ligament, genitofemoral nerve and ilioinguinal nerve.
Ovaries don’t descend as prevented by broad ligament.Women are more likely to suffer indirect than direct hernia.
Women are more likely than men to suffer femoral hernia (as pelvis is wider). Inguinal canal is amall in women.
What does the gubernaculum become in men/women
ovarian ligament and round ligament in women, scrotal ligament in men
Breast bed, and nerve near axillary tail
Breast bed goes from 2nd or 3rd rib to 6th or 7th rib, and from lateral sternum up to mid-axilla. Axillary tail (tail of spence) goes into axilla. Long thoracic nerve runs near axilla.
Breast anatomy
Underlying muscles are pectoralis major and serratus anterior. Fascia lies over this. Then the retromammary space with breast tissue (therefore, breast should not move on pec contraction). Suspensoty ligaments support breast. Lactiferous duct connects gland to nipple.
Lymph drainage is medially, laterally, into axilla and also superior (supraclavicular) - main lymph nodes are CHAAPS (central, humoral, anterior, apical, posterior and supraclavicular)
DNA virus. Strains 16 and 18 associated with cervical cancer, strains 6 and 11 for warts.
Where does nutrient exchange take place at the placenta
In the space between chorionic villi and intervillous space
Placental hormones
Human chorionic hormone (promotes pregnancy)
Human placental lactogen (antiinsulin hormone to imcrease maternal blood glucose)
Human chorionic thyrophin
These are protein hormones, also produces steroid hormones (progesterone and oestrogen)