Work Test Flashcards
What all can a user access through their Portal Account?
EGCS Compliance testing
Tools that are specific to their job title at dealership
Data that is contained within those tools
What information is required to create a user account?
First name
Last name
Email Address
Dealership or Dealerships
Job Title or Position(Not technically required to create account just helpful.)
Be able to demonstrate how to reach account creation and create an account.
Step 1: Portal
Step 2: Hover over dealer setup tab
Step 3: Click on add user
Hint: (Copy and paste only)
Step 5: Hit submit
What search options do we have when searching for users?
User Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
(if account is similar to others. You’ll get a question. )
Add only 1 dealer and use ctrl - F to search!!
User info tab
This tab will show you:
Users name
Email address
whether user is a texter user (texter users will only have a mobile phone and no email. EGCS updates texter users and upgrades them to regular users.)
Will show any other users they may have on account
Identity box with three check boxes (this allows us to add users as Ethos Rep, Ethos employee, Admin
Options Tab
We do not use Ticket Subscription Box for anything
Default dealers box is used to select default dealer
Choose dealer from drop down and check box that says “ make dealership default when I log in”
Dealership Tab
Shows all available and current dealerships
you can add or remove multiple dealerships at the same time. For selecting multiple you can use CTRL or SHFT on keyboard.)
Live search is built in in the dealership tab
Roles Tab
Shows all current and available roles user has
○ Live search is built in on this screen
○ You can remove multiple roles but can only add one at a time.
○ If user is marked Ethos internal employee there will be an extra box for internal roles
○ Admins and leads can also see deleted roles in this tab
Deleted roles section:
What role was it
What dealership was it
When was it created
When was it deleted
Admin Tab
- Unlink from and Link to an Authyr account
* Will show last log in
* Last time they changed their password
* Will show user who created the account
* Can click reset password button to send reset password link
Stats Tab
Doesn’t work
We don’t use it
How can you add Dealerships and Roles to a User Account?
Open a users portal account
2. Click on Dealerships tab
3. Select dealer or dealers you want to add (Hold shift to select all)
4. Click add button
5. Click on roles tab to the left
6. Select dealer you want to add roles for
7. Click add role
- What basic Roles would a Service Advisor require and what is their function at the dealership?
Service advisors work in the service dept and process claims made on contracts/warranties.
* Dealer_Program_Claims * ProductLookup_Service ○ They can look up contracts purchased from any dealer that they have access too in the Ethos portal. ○ It is common for advisors to have access to several or all dealers within a dealer group. ○ Customers may purchase a contract from one dealer in a group and then go to another dealer in the same group to have their vehicle serviced.
- What do we typically need to do for all Service Advisors after adding Portal access?(Demo)
Add them as an advisor within the claims portal
1. 2. Click on Hamburger Icon in the top left corner 3. Click on vendor 4. Click search 5. Type in dealer name (doesn't have to be full name) 6. Hit enter or click magnifying glass to search 7. Click on vendor number of correct dealership 8. Click on employee contact tab 9. Click add employee button on right side. 10. Copy and paste employee name into field 11. Select advisor from title drop down 12. After you click advisor you'll see a green autosave message in bottom right corner J Make sure not to add duplicates J Ctrl - F to search J Sometimes name will be there but won't have a title. Add title to existing name J If you do put in a name and it recognizes there are duplicates. It will create a field that shows similar users.
- What type of access would a Finance Manager require
What access:
○ There is no standard or build between FI Managers
○ It will differ
○ There are common access types to add but the best practice is to ask the requestor or someone else at the dealership who’s access we can mirror
Common Access:
§ Analytics (Basic or Advanced)
§ Cyclops
§ Play all or Playself
§ Record All or Record Self (Only if the dealer uses Cyclops)
§ Pegasus PayFI (If dealer uses Pegasus Pay)
§ Cancel Quotes
§ Menu Basic
§ Pricing FI
§ Econtracting (Print and View Printed are standard. They may get other contracting roles as well.)
Billing/Smart Statements (Basic Access usually.)
- What do finance managers do at the dealership?
Finance Managers work in the finance dept of the dealership. They assist customers with financing vehicles and purchasing contracts. They sell back end products that are tracked in EGA and printed in E-Contracting. These are the employees customers speak with after selecting vehicle.