Work, Retirement & Leisure Flashcards
A form of insurance or investment entitling
the investor to a series of an nual sums. Annuities
are most commonly used to generate
retirement income.
Bona Fide Occupational Requirements
rule that establishes a requirement that is
necessary for proper or efficient performance
of a job. In Canada, the bona fide occupational
requirement (BFOR) exception is
included in virtually all human rights codes.
Bridge Employment
The pattern of returning to work following
Fertility Replacement Level
Defined as the total fertility rate-the average
number of children born per woman-at
which a population exactly replaces itself
from one generation to the next, without
migration . This rate is roughly 2.1 children
per woman for most countries, although it
may modestly vary with mortality rates.
Financially Solvent
Being able to service the debt and meet
its other obligations especially in the
Further Education
Education that uses a formal curriculum.
Programs can range from baccalaureate
degrees to adult continuing education
The tendency of businesses, technologies, or philosophies to spread th roughout the world, or the process of making this happen. The global economy sometimes is refer red to as a globality, characterized as a totally interconnected marketplace, unhampered by t ime zones or national boundaries.
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
One of the supplementary benefits payable
under the Old Age Security (OAS) Act. The
GIS is a monthly non-taxable benefit that is
paid to eligible pensioners, in addition to
the basic monthly OAS amount.
Labour Force
Refers to the number of persons actually
working or willing to work.
Labour Force Participation Rate
The participation rate for a particular group
(age, sex, marital status, geographic area,
etc.) is the total labour force in that group
expressed as a percentage of the population
15 years of age and over in that group.
Leisure Activities
Activities outside of work and household
responsibilities. Examples of leisure activities
include watching TV, playing sports, and
playing cards.
Old Age Security (OAS) Pension
A taxable monthly social security payment
available to most Canadians 65 years of age
or older with individual income less than a
defined amount.
Overall Dependency Ratio
The ratio of the combined youth population
(0 to 19 years) and senior population
(65 years and older) to the working-age
population (20 to 64 years). The dependency
ratio is expressed as the number of dependents
for every 100 workers.
Cultural products (including values, customs, and traditions) that represent individuals' basic knowledge of what others do and think that they should do.
Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
A tax -defer red retirement plan under the
Canadian tax law. RRIFs are an extension
of RRSPs; that is, RRSPs are used to save for
retirement while RRIFs are used to withdraw
income during retirement.
Retirement Readiness
Being financially prepared for retirement.
Self-Directed Informal Learning
Learning without direct reliance on a teacher
or mentor or organized curriculum.
A pre-conceived notion or thought that can
be adopted about specific types of individuals
or certain ways of doing things. These
thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately
reflect reality.
A dynamic concept that in cludes subjective,
social, and psychological dimensions as well
as health-related behaviours.