Work Environments - Offices Flashcards
People who helps other person or people with their day-to-day jobs.This usually administration work in an office.
An assistant
A meeting room where many people can meet, usually around a table, to talk.
A boardroom
A business bag to carry documents in. It is usually rectangular, hard, and made from leather.
A briefcase
A small card with contact and personal details that one business person may give to another.
A business card
A small workspace, often the size of a desk, that separated from the staff on either side barriers.
A cubicle
A section of a company that does a specific job. For example, the accounts department and the marketing department.
A department
À machine that you feed a document into. It makes an electronic copy and, via a telephone line, sends it to another company who receive it as a print out.
A fax machine
A piece of office furniture, with drawers, that stores documents, often in alphabetical order.
A filing cabinet
A document that is sent to request payment for a profuct or service.
An invoice
Business communication in the form of a note to tell a group of people to do something or to inform of upcoming news or changes in policy, etc.
A memo ( a memorandum)
The chairs, desks, cabinets, shelves, etc, in the office.
The office furniture
A large room with many desks where people sit and work. This may, or may not, be divided into cubicles.
An open-plan office
À machine that copies documents and prints them out.
A photocopier
À machine that is usually connected to a computer and prints out copies of work produced
A printer
A document that is sent as a request to buy a product or service
A purchase order