Work Book 1 Flashcards
what is the stucure of the bone of the skull made of , the 3 layers
compact bone, spongey bone, compact
what type of joint are sutuere
fibrous joint
between what bone does the coronal suture lie
frontal and parietal
betwen what suture does hte sagital suture lie
parietla and paritela
between what bones does the lamboid suture lie
parital and occipicat
what are fontanelles
areas of bone that are not fused together and are connected by fibrous tissue
what bone is the mastoid proces form
temporal bone
what bones are the zygomatic arch from
temporal and zygomatic
what bone is the styloid process from
what is the occipital condyles from
opictal bone
what are the 3 seperate parts of the floor of the skull
antierl cranal fossa, middle craina fosa and postier crian crossa
postier border of anteiror crianl fossa
limbus of the sphenoid bone
postieor border of middle crainal fossa
orsum sellae of the sphenoid
what is the pitutary foss on the sphneoi dbone
area where hte pituarty gland sits
what passes though foramen magnum
spina cord , left and righ vertbal arties , cranial nerve 11
what are the 4 sinuses
frontal sinus, sphenoid isnusk, ethmoid cinsus , maxillary sinuses
what are the alternaive names for the hamour, anvil and stirrup
mallous, incus, stapes
what are the layers in teh scalp pnumonic
connective tissue
apernousoi of the occipitofornla muscle
loose aleroa tissu
what ishte part so the zygomatic arch antieroy and posstierly
antieroly - zygomatic bone
postierl termpal bone
what bones are the nucal line part of
what neve innervates the anterior part of the scap
trigeminal nerve - cn 5
what is the 3 brances of trigeminal nere
v1 - opthalmic
v2 - maxilary
v3 - mandibular
what is the brahcl pelxus nerve supply
c5 - t1
what veins drian into exernal jugarl vien
Posterior auricular vein
retromaniduparulj vein
what are emissary veins
valveless veins
mucle of upper lip
g - orbicularis oris
muscle of eye
orbicualr oculi - palpebral part (close eyelids tightly)
and orbital part (close eye light gently
orbital belly of occipitofrontalis role
retract scapula
buccinator role
press cheek into molar teeth
platysma roel
depress manidlbe