Wordsworth Flashcards
Tables turned: Let nature
Let nature be your teacher
Tables turned: Up up my friend
Up, up my friend and quit your books
Tables turned: Nature..
Nature.. she has a world of wealth
Tables turned: Can learn more of
Can learn more of ‘moral evil and of good’
Writen in London, September, 1802:
No granduer
No granduer now in nature or in book
Writen in London, September, 1802:
The wealthiest man
The wealthiest man among us is the best
Writen in London, September, 1802:
Plain living
Plain living and high thinking is no more
Surprised by joy:
Deep buried
Deep buried in the silent tomb
Surprised by joy:
To my most
To my most grievous loss
Surprised by joy:
My hearts
My heart’s best treasure was no more
Solitary Reaper:
Yon solitary
Yon solitary highland lass
Solitary Reaper:
Is overflowing
Is overflowing with the sound
Solitary Reaper:
Reaping and
Reaping and singing by herself
That fleeced
That, fleeced with moss, under the shady trees
The heart
The heart luxuriates with indifferent things
Rich beyond
Rich beyond the wealth of kings
Lines written in early spring:
To her
To her fair works did nature link
Lines written in early spring: If such
If such natures holy plan
Composed upon Westminster bridge: This city
This city now doth like a garment
Composed upon Westminster bridge: All bright
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air
Composed upon Westminster bridge: The river
The river glidedth at his own sweet will
The world is too much with us: Getting and spending
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers
The world is too much with us: Little we see
Little we see in Nature that is ours
The world is too much with is: We have
We have given our hearts way, a sordid boon