Words to remember Flashcards
Monophonic Texture
Music consisting of a single line of melody with no harmony or accompaniment
Polyphonic Texture
Two or more independent melodic lines heard simultaneously
Referred to as contrapuntal style
A cappella
Latin for “in the chapel”
Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment
Characteristic feature of vocal music in Middle Ages and Renaissance
Scale patterns distinguished by their own unique order of tones and semitones, used in the music of Ancient Greece
The earliest form of notation in Western art music; small notational symbols, originally indicating the direction of the melodic line
chanting with no musical accompaniment, unmeasured rhythm, following the flow of the melody. Monophonic. It is the unmeasured rhythm and monophony of the Gregorian chant.
Syllabic Text setting
one note per syllable, can be heard very clearly
Neumatic Text setting
one note per syllable
Melismatic Text setting
Many notes for a single syllable of text
Responsorial Singing
A method of performance in which the solo voice alternates with the chorus
The most important service in the Roman Catholic liturgy, it became important during the Renaissance era, Choral work
Mass Proper
The changing, variable prayers of the Mass linked to the Church calendar; consists of Introit, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Offertory, Communion
Vocal music in which new melodic line(s) are added to an existing Gregorian chant (IV, V, VIII)
music that simultaneously combines two or more independent lines.
Cantus Firmus
Latin for “fixed song”; borrowed material, often from a Gregorian chant that serves as a structural skeleton for a new polyphonic composition
From Latin tenere, “to hold”; in a polyphonic composition from the Middle Ages, it refers to the voice that contains the cantus firmus (borrowed material)
Organal style
A style of free organum in which the notes from the original chant are sung by the lower voice in long note values
Discant style
A style of organum in which there is more rhythmic movement in the cantus firmus
Rhythmic modes
Rhythmic patterns related to poetic meters used in Latin grammar that were used to provide rhythmic structure
Vocal composition with or without instrumental accompaniment, usually anonymous and often polytextual in the 13th century
Two or more texts heard simultaneously; as a result, the words can sometimes be hard to distinguish
A song were the same music is performed in each verse; little connection can be achieved between words and music
French for “finder” or “inventor”, an aristocratic poet-musicians who composed and performed original songs and poems; worked and lived in North France
French for “low”, soft volume, indoor instruments such as dulcimer, lute, recorder and vielle
French for “high”, loud volume , outdoor instruments such as cornetto, crumhorn, sackbut and shawm
A Medieval dance with stately character, danced by couples involving elaborate body movements
Simultaneous variation, same melody is played in more than one way at a time among two voices
the important service in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, consists of prayers that do not change from day to day (Ordinary) and prayers that change depending on the calendar (Proper)
Mass Ordinary
Unchanging prayers of the Mass; consists of Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei.
Mass Proper
The prayers of the Mass that change according to the calendar; Consists of Indroit, Gradual, Alleluia, Tract, Offertory, Communion
Musica Ficta
Latin for “False music”, performance practised applied in modal music of the later Middle Ages and Renaissance, performers raised or lowered pitches by a half step much like modern-day accidentals
A compositional device perfected in the Ars Nova; combines melodic patterns with rhythmic patterns
from French word hoquet meaning “hiccup”; a rhythmic and melodic technique where two voices are combined to create a single melody; one rests, while the other sings
French for “rebirth”, the period spanning the years 1450-1600 in European history, a time of continued change and developement in musical style
Imitative counterpoint
a type of polyphony associated with the Renaissance style; a motive or theme from one voice to another
A popular secular vocal genre that flourished in the 16th century, based on the intimate relationship between poetry and music, for aristocratic audiences. Wordpainting, music was generally through composed, chromaticism was used as an expressive device
Word painting
A musical pictorialization ; the music reflects the meaning of the texts in vocal works
Nonsense syllables
Syllables with no meaning, such as “fa-la-la”, a characteristic feature of the English madrigal
Melodies and harmonies that include any of the notes within the octave, in either tonal or modal context
A 16th-century Italian and English strophic song type generally in simple dancelike style
A work based on the statement of a theme followed by a series of transformations(variations)
a keyboard instrument in which the sound is generated by small quills that pluck the strings
A generic term for all plucked keyboard instruments in England; generally smaller and lighter than the harpsichord
Idiomatic writing
A compositional style that highlights the unique technical capabilities of an instrument; developed in the late Renaissance and the early Baroque era
From the Portuguese word barroco, meaning irregularly shaped pearl, now applied to art, architecture, and music of the 17th and 18th centuries
Figured bass
A type of musical shortcut developed in the Baroque Era, numbers are placed below the bass line to show harmonic progression
Basso Continuo
Important element in Baroque performance practice, generally two players:
- one playing notated bass line
- one realizing harmonies from figured bass on a keyboard instrument
New style which developed in 16th century; a single vocal melody with simple instrumental accompaniment
The “Affections”
Refers to emotional states of the soul; Baroque philosophy inspired by Greek and Roman writers; a single movement or composition expresses one “affection”
binary form
Refers to two part form AB
Rounded Binary form
Two-part musical form A:||:B+A:||
Ternary Form
Three-part form ABA
Terraced Dynamics
Baroque practice of changing dynamics abruptly; results in stark contrast
drama that is sung; combines vocal and instrumental music with drama, visual arts, and dance ; usually based off of Greek myths, invented in Florence Italy around 1600
the text of an opera, oratorio, or cantata; usually written by someone other than the composer
Stile rappresentativo
term used by Florentine Camerata musicians to describe the monodic style
male soprano or alto voice, subjected to surgical procedure before reaching puberty which prevented voice from changing
Recitative secco
A speech-like, declamatory style of singing, supported by continuo
A solo song with accompaniment, heard in opera, oratorio and cantata
Ground Bass
Baroque compositional device; consists of continuous repetition of a short melody over which free variations occur
Opera Seria
Italian for “serious opera”; sung throughout; based on historical or mythological subjects
Da capo Aria
an aria employing a ternary (ABA) structure; the most common type of aria in Baroque opera and oratorio
a multi-movement choral work (sacred or secular) for soloists, chorus, and orchestra
a hymn tune, associated with German Protestantism intended for congregational singing
A strict type of polyphonic composition in which each voice enter in succession with the same melody
A highly imitative, contrapuntal composition in which a single theme or subject prevails
A recurring theme that functions as a refrain in Baroque compositions
the small group of solo instruments featured in the concerto grosso of the Baroque Era
Concerto Grosso
A Baroque orchestral work usually in 3 movements (fast-slow-fast) in which a group of solo instruments is showcased
a term used to denote the use of the full orchestra in the Baroque concerto
A multimovement orchestral work in 3 movements (fast-slow-fast) 2 types : solo concerto and concerto grosso, displayed virtuosity
Ritornello Form
A structure usually incorporated in the 1st and 3rd movement of the Baroque concerto during which the opening passage is restated throughout the movement
A collection of stylized dances and other pieces in the same key ; cultivated in the Baroque period, grouping of contrasting dance pieces in the same key was taken a step further with the invention of the dance suite
French term for “suite”
a French term for an ornament or embellishment used in the 17th and 18th century keyboard music
Notes Inegales
performance associated with the French music of the 17th and 18th centuries ; notes with time values that are written with equal values are performed with unequal values similar to jazz swings
a keyboard instrument in which small quills pluck strings to produce sound
French for “harpsichord”
a lively, triple meter dance of English origin originally associated with sailors
Refers to the cultures of ancient Greek and Roman, as well as the art , architecture, and music of the 18th century; adheres to the principles of symmetry, proportion and balance
Sonata Cycle
A multi-movement structure that emerged during the Classical era; demonstrated in symphony, sonata and concerto
Sonata Form
a formal structure often used in first movement of sonata cycle; consists of Exposition, Development, and Recapitulation
monothematic exposition
in sonata form, theme 2 is a transposed version of theme 1 rather than containing contrasting musical material; frequently employed by Haydn
Large-scale vocal and orchestral work, based on a sacred or grand-scale subjects; performed in the concert setting without costumes, scenery or acting; contains recitatives, arias and choruses
recitativo accompagnato
Speech-like declamatory style of singing accompanied by orchestra or ensemble
Double Exposition (first movement concerto form)
A modified version of the sonata form , often used in the first movement of a Classical concerto; an orchestral exposition is followed by the solo exposition, adapted by Mozart
A solo passage found in concertos and arias displaying the virtuosity of the soloists.
Piano Concerto in G major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1st movement )
Concerto in three movements with piano and orchestra
1st movement is in sonata form with double exposition (first-movement concerto form)
Italian Buffa
Italian opera comic sung throughout with no spoken dialogue
Piano Concerto In G major by Mozart Structure
1st : concerto form with opening orchestral theme with ritornello virtuosic piano writing
2nd : concerto form with dialogue between piano and orchestra expressive, lyrical character
3rd : Theme and variations with dance-like theme in binary form; escalating complexity and virtuosity
Modified sonata form
An abbreviated sonata form containing the exposition and recapitulation but no development
Italian for “trio” , a musical number for three voices
Trouser role
a male character performed by a soprano (female), mezzo-saprano, or contralto
An instrumental genre for one or two instruments , generally with several contrasting movements
Rondo form
a formal structure in which the opening section returns two or more times separated by contrasting section eg. ABACA
Chamber Music
Music for a small ensemble (2 to 10 players), one player per part and usually performed without a conductor
String Quartet
The most popular chamber ensemble of the Classical Era consisting of first violin, second violin, viola, and cello
All voices sing in the same rhythm. Listeners attention is drawn to the top voice. Syllabic text setting.