Words to ask for and give information- Most important one!! Flashcards
De donde eres?
How you would respond: Soy de ______.
What it means: Where are you from?
Como se dice ___ en espanol?
How you would respond: Se dice _____.
What it means: How do you say ____ in spanish?
Cual es la fecha de hoy?
How you would respond: Hoy es el (the day) de (the month)
What it means: What is today’s date?
Cual es tu numero de telephono?
How you would respond: Mi numero es ______
What it means: What is your telephone number?
Cuantos hay?
How you would respond: Hay _____.
What it means: How many are there?
Que dia es hoy?
How you would respond: Hoy es ____.
What it means: What day is it?
Cuants anos tienes?
How you would respond: Tengo (your age) anos.
What it means: How old are you?
Como se escribe ____ en espanol?
How you would respond: Se escibe _____.
What it means: How do you write ____ in spanish?