words that point + grammar points Flashcards
what end prefix of pointing words + noun is grammatical
(end prefix”no”) この, その, あの, どの e.g: この かばん は おおきい です。
“This one” – Used for things near the speaker.
“That one” - Used for things near the listener.
“That one over there” - Used for things far from both the speaker and the listener.
“Which one?” - Used when asking about one of multiple items, regardless of distance.
“This …” - Used for something near the speaker, followed by a noun.
“That …” - Used for something near the listener, followed by a noun
“That … over there” - Used for something far from both the speaker and listener, followed by a noun.
“Which…” – Used to ask which of several items in a sentence with a noun.
“Here” - Refers to a location near the speaker.
“There” - Refers to a location near the listener.
“Over there” - Refers to a location far from both the speaker and listener.
“Where?” - Used to ask about a location
“Who?” - Used to ask about a person
Sentence Pattern ①: X wa Y desu.
(X is Y.) 1: say this is a bag in Japanese using this
これは かばん です
Sentence Pattern ②: X wa Y desu ka?
(Is X Y?) ask Is that a wallet? in Japanese
それは さいふ ですか?
AのB = A’s B / B of A / B from A / B at A / B in A
say “My umbrella is blue” in Japanese.
Example: わたしのかさは あおい です。
(My umbrella is blue.)
X wa Z no Y desu = X is Z’s Y. / X is Y of Z. / X is Y from Z. / X is Y at Z. / X is Y in Z.
possession example = “This is my friends wallet
possession: これ は ともだち の さいふ です。
(This is my friend’s wallet.)
X = これ (this)
Y = さいふ (wallet)
Z = ともだち (friend)