Words that mean something Flashcards
A dark beer made using roasted malt or roasted barley, hops, water and yeast. Stouts were traditionally the generic term for the strongest or stoutest porters, typically 7% or 8% alcohol by volume (ABV), produced by a brewery.[1][2] There are a number of variations including Baltic porter, milk stout, and imperial stout; the most common variation is dry stout, exemplified by Guinness Draught, the world’s best selling stout.
Beer distinguished by using Top Fermenting yeast strains Warmer Temperatures
Pale Ales brewed with amber malt
Amber Ales
These are beers similar to the traditional pale ales of England, although less bitterly hopped.
Bock is a strong lager of German origin. Several substyles exist, including maibock (helles bock, heller bock), a paler, more hopped version generally made for consumption at spring festivals; doppelbock (double bock), a stronger and maltier version; and eisbock, a much stronger version made by partially freezing the beer and removing the ice that forms.

German word for ‘yeast’ Used mostly with wheat (Weiss) Bottled or legged with yeast in suspension resulting in cloudy refreshing beer Little known fact: Gary’s band name is Yeast in Suspension.
Four basic ingredients of beer
Malted barley Yeast Hops Water
German Style Pilsner
The Pilsner beer was first brewed in Bohemia, a German-speaking province in the old Austrian Empire. Pilsner is one of the most popular styles of lager beers in Germany
A Type of Pale Lager
Infinite Ale Works
Ocala FL
India Pale Ale IPA are known as a ‘hoppy’ beer style within the Ale category
Beers made with bottom fermenting yeast Colder fermenting temperatures The cooler environment inhibits the production of some nasty byproducts thus creating a crisper tasting product. 💥Boom💥 knowledge all up in your face!
Beer of Belgium Naturally fermented with wild yeasts.
Dark beer Well-hopped. Made from brown malt Strong porters were originally called StoutPorter. Eventually it shortened to Stout. Duhhhh FYI Guinness was originally Called Extra Superior Porter
Dark style of beer developed in London from well-hopped beers made from brown malt Black or chocolate malt also used
Trappist beers
The brewing of Trappist beers takes place in Trappist monasteries. For a beer to qualify for Trappist certification, the brewery must be in a monastery, the monks must play a role in its production and the policies and the profits from the sale must be used to support the monastery or social programs outside. Only eleven monasteries currently meet these qualification
Beyond saying they are mostly top-fermented, the Trappist beers have very little in common stylistically.
Belgian Beer Types
Amber Ales Trappist Beers
Winter or Christmas Abbey Beers
Tripel Pils or Pale Lager
Dubbel White or Wheat Beer
Quadrupel Blonde or Golden
Saison Lambic Beer
How should draft beer be poured for a customer?
Glass at 45 degree angle Pour down the side until 2/3 full Shift glass upright pour down middle.
What makes a beer a Belgian Style??? Hmmmmmm……
Primarily Ales w heavy emphasis on malts and lots of fruity yeast flavors. Very low bitterness
One of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Beer is brewed from cereal grains—most commonly from malted barley, though wheat, maize(corn), and rice are also used. During the brewing process, fermentation of the starch sugars in the wort produces ethanoland carbonation in the resulting beer. Most modern beer is brewed with hops, which add bitterness and other flavours and act as a natural preservative and stabilizing agent. Other flavouring agents such as gruit, herbs, or fruits may be included or used instead of hops. In commercial brewing, the natural carbonation effect is often removed during processing and replaced with forced carbonation.
A distilled beverage, spirit, liquor, hard liquor or hard alcohol is an alcoholic beverage produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content (commonly expressed as alcohol by volume, ABV).[1] As distilled beverages contain significantly more alcohol, they are considered “harder”