words/phrases to learn for mocks - Writing Flashcards
As far as I know
Que yo sepa
We get along like the cat and dog
nos llevamos como el perro y el gato
It’s a piece of cake
es pan comido
when I was younger
Cuando era más joven
I went
I do
I would like
me gustaría
town hall
el ayuntamiento
la iglesia
second hand shops
las tiendas de segunda mano
If I could, I would like to…
si pudiera, me gustaría + infinitive
If I had more money, I would buy…
Si tuviera más dinero, compraría…
you can
se puede
you must
se debe
it could be said that
Se podría decir que
from my point of view
Desde mi punto de vista
he/she supports me when I have a problem
me apoya cuando tengo un problema
If I had the opportunity, I would love to…
Si tuviera la oportunidad, me encantaría + infinitive
If I had to describe my ____, I would say that…
Si tuviera que describir mi ____, diría que…
to begin with
para comenzar
It was the bomb!
¡Fue la bomba!
When I am older
Cuando sea mayor
If I had more time
Si tuviera más tiempo
It would be
It will be
I can’t stand it
No aguanto
I had a great time!
Lo pasé bomba!
On the one hand
Por un lado
If it were possible
Si fuera posible
I would live in
If I could
Si pudiera
It helps me relax
Me ayuda a descansar
If I had to give my opinion I would say that there are two sides of the coin.
Si tuviera que dar mi opinión, diría que hay dos caras de la moneda.
On the other hand
Por otro lado