Words from News Flashcards
عاشقان مد، زیبایی و فرهنگ
fashion, beauty, and culture lovers
a person whose views are taken to be authoritative and influential رهبران متفکر
بهبودی بعد از جراحی شکم
recover/ heal after abdominal surgery
a person who speaks as the representative of a group or organization سخنگو
someone who is employed by a newspaper a television station etc to report news from a particular area or on a particular subject خبرنگار
correspondent, reporter
این آپدیت بعد از اینکه ……
آمد/ منتشر شد
The update comes after
bright, fashionable, and attractive
جذاب و به روز
e.g: received a snazzy refresh
بشکن زدن
snap your finger
a sudden loud sound, especially made by something breaking or closing
e.g: he shut the book with a snap
a photograph taken quickly and often not very skilfully
snap, snapshots
e.g: holiday snaps
تلاشهای خیرخواهانه / مربوط به خیریه
charitable endeavours
art such as painting, sculpture etc that you look atهنرهای بصری/ دیداری/ تجسمی
visual arts
سلامت ذهنی کودکان
children’s mental health
- Someone who support the activities of an organization, for example giving money
patron (n), financer, sponsor, guarantor
e.g: other charities she is a royal patron in
e.g: a wealthy patron
e.g: a patron of the arts
A famous person who is officially involved with an organization, such as charity, and whose name is used to help advertise it
patroness, patron
e.g: facilities for disabled patrons
ترخیص شدن از بیمارستان
discharge, to be out of hospital
someone who stays in a hospital while they receive treatment
inpatient (n)
e.g: Receive inpatient care
E.g: the companies limiting inpatient stays, putting more emphasis on outpatient services
e.g: many are sited in hospital grounds near the inpatient unit
someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but he doesn’t stay for the night
outpatient (n)
E.g: an outpatient clinic
E.g: a routine examination in outpatients ( the outpatient department of hospital)
به کسی کمک کنید که مراقبت های خانگی را هماهنگ کند
Help somebody coordinate home care