Words from あぁあぁあぁああぁあぁああぁby Nashimoto P Flashcards
未来 みらい
Future (Usually distant)
暗い くらい
Adjective (Keiyoushi)
Dark, gloomy, dull
悲しみ かなしみ
Sadness, sorrow, grief
壊れる(て) こわれる(て)
Ichidan verb, intransitive verb
To be broken, to break
死 し
Death, decease
星空 ほしぞら
Starry sky
響く ひびく
Godan verb, intransitive verb
To echo, to resound
広い ひろい
Adjective (Keiyoushi)
spacious, wide, vast, huge
正解 せかい
Noun The world (can also mean society, the universe)
歌う(お) うたう(お)
Godan verb, transitive/intransitive verb
To sing
溢れる(て) あふれる(て)
Ichidan verb, intransitive verb, usually written using kana alone
To overflow, to brim over, to flood
Ichidan verb, transitive verb
To grasp tightly
冷たい つめたい
Adjective (Keiyoushi)
Cold (to the touch), chilly, icy
声 こえ
彼方 かなた
Noun, pronoun, usually written with kana only
beyond, across, the other side, the distance
消える(て) きえる(て)
Ichidan verb, intransitive verb
To go out, to vanish, to disappear
行く いく
Godan verb, intransitive verb
To go, to move
て form
Used for an action that is currently in progress/in the process of…