Words Frequently in the News Flashcards
thanks to; due to; owing to
most of all
более всего
более того
no more, no longer
больше не
in the near time/future
в ближайшее время
in the near future
в ближайшем будущем
later on; subsequently
в дальнейшем
in this case
в данном случае
depending on, subject to
в зависимости от
as, in the capacity of
в качестве
in the end, finally, in the final account
в конечном счёте
in the end, after all, ultimately
в конечном концов
in any case
в любом случае
at present
в настоящее время
in general, all in all; in the whole
в общем
в основном
with respect to, regarding, as regards
в отношении + Gen
lately, recently, of late
в последнее время
as a result
в результате + Gen
at one time, in its (my, his, etc.) time, in due course
в своё время
in its (my, his, etc.) turn
в свою очередь
in connection with, in conjunction with
в связи с + Instrumental
soon, before long
в скором времени
in case of
с случае + Gen
in case if
в случае, если…
in accordance, conformity, compliance with
в соответствий с + Instrumental
during, in the course of
в течение + Gen
at the same time
в то же время
в том числе
in the course of
в ходе + Gen
as a whole, on the whole
в целом
with a view to; for the purpose of
в целях + Gen
в числе + Gen
in particular
in this connection
в етой связи
in this case
в етом случае
most likely
вероятнее всего
включая + Acc
at the same time
вместе с тем
during; at the time of
во время + Gen
во многом
second; secondly
first; firstly
for the first time
afterwards; later on, subsequently
врад ли
more and more
всё более
more and more
всё больше
still; nevertheless
всё же
всё ещё
owing to, due to, in consequence of
вследствие + Gen
from time to time
время от времени
mainly, principally
главным образом
they say
until recently
до недавнего времени
until recently
до последнего времени
until now
до сих пор
до тех пор, пока (не)
with the exception of
за исключением + Gen
and so on
и т.д. = и так далее
as, since, for
otherwise, differently
in other words
иными словами
namely; that is; just, exactly; also used for emphasis
so, thus
by now
к настоящему времени
moreover, besides; in addition
к тому же
as if, as though
как бы
as it is said; as the saying goes
как говорится
as they say
как говорят
as is expected
как ожидается
as they expect
как ожидают
as it turned out
как оказалось
as is noted
как отмечается
as they note, as is noted
как отмечают
as a rule
как правило
as they report, as is reported
как передают
as they presume, as is presumed
как полагают
as is supposed
как предполагается
as they suppose, as is supposed
как предполагают
as is reported
как сообщается
as they report, as is reported
как сообщают
as became known
как стало известно
as is considered
как считается
as they consider, as is considered
как считают
as soon as
как только
as is maintained/affirmed
как утверждается
as they maintain/affirm, as is maintained/affirmed
как утверждают
once, formerly
in short, to cut a long story short
besides, in addition, furthermore
кроме того
besides this
кроме этого
by the way, incidentally
между прочим
между тем
the other day; one of these days
на днах
in fact
на самом деле
on this account, in reference to this, concerning this
на этот счёт
on the eve of
накануне + Gen
at last
на конец
along with, on a par with
наряду с + Inst
independently of, irrespective of, regardless of
независимо + Gen
more than once
despite, in spite of
несмотря на + Acc
not in the least
ни в коей мере
by no means; in no case, on no account
ни в коем слуае
now, at present, currently
now, nowadays
concerning, about
относительно + Gen
from now on
according to the data
по данным + Gen
at least
по крайней мере
at least
по меньшей мере
in the opinion of
по мнению + Gen
after; on the termination of
по окончании + Gen
with respect to; regarding; as regards
по отношению к + Dat
according to the evaluations
по оценкам + Gen
about; on the occasion of, apropos
по поводу + Gen
according to the preliminary data
по предварительным данным + Gen
according to the information
по сведениям + Gen
in the words of
по словам + Gen
according to the report
по сообщению + Gen
in comparison with
по сравнению с + Instrumental
differently, in a different way
differently, in different ways
while; until; so far; for the time being
so far as, as far as; so long as, since
first of all, above all
прежде всего
at the same time; when doing so; for all this
при этом
** usually not translated, but may cause subsequent verb to be translated as present participle
Many parents want to send their children to private schools, not being scared by the expensive tuition.
Многие родители хотят отдать своих детей в частные школы, причём высокая плата за обучение их не пугает.
at once, at one go
the matter is that…
речь идёт о…
since that time, since then
с тех пор
from the point of view of
с точки зрения + Gen
with the consideration of
с учётом + Gen
most likely
скорее всего
in one word, in short
at first, at the beginning
with reference to
со ссылкой на + Acc
according to; in accordance with
согласно + Dat
respectively, accordingly, correspondingly
referring to, citing
ссылаясь на + Acc
it became known that
стало известно, что
judging by
судя по + Dat
judging by everything, all things considered
судя по всему
it is believed/considered that
считается, что…
that is
то есть (т.е.)
так и не
since, as
так как
thus, in that way
таким образом
all the more (so)
тем более
by doing so
тем самым
тем не менее
every now and then; time and again
то и дело
given, taking into consideration
as for, as far as something is concerned
что касается + Gen
nearly, almost
чуть не