Words - Aug 15 Flashcards








Plenipotentiary (adj., n) - having full power to take independent action; a person especially a diplomat, invested with full power of independent action behalf of their government, typically in a foreign country. From L. plenus - full, potentia - power. * (Formal) A plenipotentiary is a person who has full power to make decisions or take action on behalf of their government, especially in a foreign country. …the U.S. Plenipotentiary to the UN conference. * (Formal) An ambassador plenipotentiary or minister plenipotentiary has full power or authority to represent their country. * (Formal) If someone such as an ambassador has plenipotentiary powers, they have full power or authority to represent their country.

Filch (v with obj., informal), Filcher (n) - to steal, especially something unimportant; pilfer or steal (especially an item of small value) in a casual way.

Fastness (n) - a safe, fortified place; a secure place, well protected by nature; firm, fixed in place, not ease to move.

Bellwether (n) - related to wether (a castrated ram, sheep), the leading sheep of a flock, generally with a bell on its neck; something that leads or indicates a trend, an indicator especially one that predicts future outcomes. * a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry. * a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index. * a person who leads a mob, mutiny, conspiracy, or the like; ringleader.

Camarilla (n, derogatory) - a small group of people, especially a group of advisors to a ruler or politician with a shared purpose; group of counsellors to a leader, especially ones who plot of connive. * a group of unofficial or private advisers to a person of authority, especially a group much given to intrigues and secret plots; cabal; clique.

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