Words and expressions Flashcards


It’s on me today! / She is so selfish! / Thanks for the heads up! / The main takeaway for me is… / I accept your challenge gleefully / What time would you like to have class today? / Home made recipe! / I’ll keep you posted! / I gotta (got to) get my stuff out of the dryer! / I’m gonna grab/get a coffee! / Ukrain issued an ARREST WARRANT against Russian President! / The chief prosecutor said that hundreds of Ukrainian children had been taken from orphanages / Micro-apartments have very few AMENITIES! / We couldn’t have done it without you! The local market was BUSTLING (fervilhando, movimentado) with people buying fresh fruits and vegetables!


Hoje sou eu (hoje é a minha vez) / Ela é tão egoísta! / Obrigado pela atenção! / A principal lição pra mim é… / Aceito seu desafio com alegria / Que horas você gostaria de ter aula hoje? / Receita caseira / Eu manterei você informado! / Eu tenho que tirar minhas coisas da secadora! / Vou pegar um café! / Ucrânia emitiu um mandado de prisão contra o presidente russo! / O promotor-chefe disse que centenas de crianças ucranianas foram retiradas de orfanatos / Os microapartamentos possuem poucas comodidades!

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I got the runs! / It’s a stone throw away! / My wife drove on a way back! / I majored 12 years ago! / I’d rather stay indoors with the air conditioner! / Out of those what is your favorite? / he’s been puking a lot / Have you seen one of them? / Do not underestimate yourself buddy! / Whenever you can! / I wish all my students had this will power! / You can also upgrade your membership if you haven’t already done that! / That is UNDERNEATH the episode! / As the years went by… / Hopefully, He’ll get the job… Fingers crossed / We got to the airport late, but the plane was delayed! What a STROKE OF LUCK! (golpe de sorte)! She’ll pass her driving test… TOUCH WOOD! (Bata na madeira!) / The comedian MADE FUN OF the politician (brincou, fez piada do político) / My wife told me that she was adopting a parrot, but she WAS PULLING MY LEG (brincando comigo, me sacaneando) / He was JOKING AROUND with his friends all afternoon (passando o tempo zoando e rindo) / Don’t be SILLY (bobo), I’m not IN THE MOOD for jokes today (com bom humor, com clima) / I was laughing WITH my friends yesterday (com meus amigos) / I was laughing AT my wife yesterday (da minha esposa) / I recorded a conversation about fusion food but it FELL THROUGH THE CRACKS (foi esquecido, negligenciado, de forma não intencional)! / He seems to have OVERLOOKED (negligenciado, omitido) one important fact!


Eu comecei com diarreia! / É muito perto daqui! / Minha esposa dirigiu no caminho de volta! / Eu me formei 12 anos atrás! / Eu prefiro ficar em casa com o ar condicionado! / Desses qual o seu favorito? / Ele tem vomitado bastante / Você viu algum deles? / Não se subestime, amigo! / Quando você puder! / Eu gostaria que todos meus alunos tivessem essa força de vontade! / Você também pode atualizar sua assinatura, caso ainda não tenha feito isso! / Isto está abaixo do episódio! / Com o passar dos anos… / Espero que ele consiga o trabalho… dedos cruzados!

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Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow? / Are there any special events going on tomorrow? / I quit smoking! / It’s been a couple of months since I saw you! / what have you been up to? / It’s a great feeling when I get done! / I already got sick of this trip! / He committed the theft to finance his drug addiction! / As I was BRAINSTORMING… / I’ll call you back IN A JIFFY! / IN A NEW YORK MINUTE (to do something very quickly) / HAVE A BALL (to have a great time) / We need to lessen (reduzir) our carbon footprint (pegada de carbono, emissão) / Most of them are locally sourced (origem local) / Improve your overall sense (sensação geral) of well-being! / Sarah lay on a QUILT (colcha) under the tree! / Sarah drew her warm CLOAK (capa) close! / I went into the WILDERNESS (região selvagem) of London! / I was ROCKING (balançando) the baby in his CRADLE (berço)! / The other nights they had come to a SETTLEMENT (acordo)!


Você ouviu a previsão do tempo para amanhã? / Há algum evento especial acontecendo amanhã? / Eu parei de fumar! / Faz alguns meses desde que te vi! / O que você tem feito? / É uma ótima sensação quando eu termino! / Eu já enjoei dessa viagem! / Ele cometeu o roubo para financiar seu vício em drogas! / Enquanto eu estava pensando… / Ligarei de volta em um segundo! / I’ll be there faster than a New York minute! / I was bored at the party but my friends were having a ball

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The environment is not the best-suited for exercising! / I’m a sophomore! / Have fun while it lasts! / I thought it would have been more fun if I had gone without my parents! / I’ll keep that in mind! / You begin TO CRAVE more! / When your phone buzzes in the middle of productive work! / IT WOULD SEEM that our brains perceive… / As crazy as it seems… / AFFECTIONATE BEHAVIOUR / Outrage (offense, harm, insult, injury) / Dalai Lama’s actions had been MISINTERPRETED / SANCTITY and CELIBACY / I’m HEADING (going or entering to) to the store! We need to TACK STOCK (assess / think about the current situation, fazer um balanço) of our financial situation! / IMPROMPTU (unplanned, improvisado) stops! / Obama POPPED INTO (to get in rapidly, don’t spend much time) a bakery! / It’s quite a PACKED (lotada, cheia, crowded) schedule for a short trip! I have a heavy WORKLOAD (amount of work, carga de trabalho)!


O ambiente não é o mais adequado para o exercício! / Eu sou estudante do segundo ano (faculdade) / Divirta-se enquanto é tempo! / Achei que teria sido mais divertido se tivesse ido sem meus pais! / Vou manter isso em mente (vou lembrar disso) / Você começa a desejar mais! / Quando seu telefone vibra no meio de um trabalho produtivo! / Parece que nossos cérebros percebem… / Tão louco quanto parece… / Comportamento afetuoso / Ofensa / Suas ações foram MAL INTERPRETADAS / Santidade e celibato

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He is an easy grader! / He is definitely no fair! / You’re screwed! / So many people DROP OUT of that class! / That’s helpful! / The school CALLED OFF our field trip! / Did you LOOK UP what this word means? / The professor said it’s better to THROW AWAY the old essay and star a new! / Comb the hair / There are no cupboards nor cockroaches in the kitchen! / I have to TAKE MY HAT OFF TO him, He did a great job! We need to COME UP WITH a catchy slogan for our new marketing campaign! I use the computer to make contact with my ACQUAINTANCES


Ele é um graduador fácil! / Ele definitivamente não é justo! / Você está ferrado! / Tantas pessoas DESISTEM dessa aula! / Isso é útil! / A escola CANCELOU nossa viagem de campo! / Você PESQUISOU o que essa palavra significa? / O professor disse que é melhor JOGAR FORA a velha redação e começar uma nova! / Pentear o cabelo / Não tem armários nem baratas na cozinha! / Tenho que tirar meu chapéu pra ele que fez um grande trabalho! / Nós precisamos CRIAR / TER UMA IDEIA de um cativante slogan para nossa nova campanha de marketing / Conhecidos

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His idea was hard TO GRASP at first, but now I get it! / No theory is any good until you TRY IT OUT IN THE WILD! / Yes, IN THAT SENSE, I agree with you! / I’m trying TO BREAK MY BAD HABIT of drinking sweet beverages! / New convenience stores keep POPPING UP across town! / Bill and Ann decided to SETTLED DOWN and start a family! / You have to PAY a lot of money UP FRONT to buy a house! / Getting a LOAN to buy a house! / Keeping your money in a bank GOES NOWHERE! / Stop THROWING MONEY AWAY and buy a house! / WARDROBE! / CUPBOARD / You have to ROOT AROUND to find something / There was an old QUARREL between the two families / Will SCARCITY of supply keep pushing up prices?


Sua ideia foi difícil de entender no começo, mas agora eu entendo! / Nenhuma teoria é boa até que você a experimente na natureza (prática)! / Sim, nesse sentido, concordo com você! / Estou tentando quebrar meu mau hábito de beber bebidas doces! / Novas lojas de conveniência continuam APARECENDO em toda a cidade! / Bill e Ana decidiram SOSSEGAR e começar uma família! / Você tem que pagar muito dinheiro adiantado (à vista) para comprar uma casa! / Pegar um EMPRÉSTIMO para comprar uma casa! / Manter seu dinheiro no banco NÃO DÁ EM NADA! / Pare de JOGAR DINHEIRO FORA e compre uma casa! / Guarda-roupa / Armário / Você precisa VASCULHAR pra achar algo / Havia uma antiga DISPUTA entre as duas famílias / A ESCASSEZ de oferta continuará elevando os preços?

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The milk we buy in stores is PASTEURIZED! / He overcame poverty to become very rich! / The one that STICKS OUT to me the most was attending university! / It was just a HUGE MESS of interacting! / I tried to HANG OUT with other people! / You’re TAKING your health FOR GRANTED / The body is RUN DOWN due to excessive training / I run several miles on a TREADMILL / I’ll RESORT to western medicine! where are you headed?


O leite que compramos nas lojas é pasteurizado! / Ele superou a pobreza para se tornar muito rico! / Aquele que mais ME MARCOU foi cursar a universidade! / Foi apenas uma grande confusão de interação! / Eu tentei SAIR (PASSAR UM TEMPO JUNTO) com outras pessoas! / Você está ignorando sua saúde / O corpo está esgotado devido ao treinamento excessivo / Eu corro vários quilômetros em uma esteira / Irei recorrer a medicina ocidental! / Onde você está indo?

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Thais is how I overcame the HURDLE of first year university! / WATCH OUT for joggers in this area cause many of them cross the street! / Can you SPOT the mistake? / I thought the boss was mad at me, but he’s not! I am IN THE CLEAR! / Jay and I just HIT IT OFF when we met! / That movie completely BLEW ME AWAY! /
She MADE OUT with him last night and now they’re dating! / Both companies will benefit from this merger; It’s a WIN-WIN SITUATION! / It was a GOOD CALL to postpone today’s picnic, since it will be raining heavily all day! / If you’ve never done bungee-jumping before, you have to TAKE A SHOT!


Foi assim que superei o obstáculo do primeiro ano da universidade! / Cuidado com os corredores nesta área porque muitos deles atravessam a rua! / Você pode identificar o erro? / Achei que o patrão estava bravo comigo, mas não está! Estou livre! / Jay e eu nos demos bem quando nos conhecemos! / Esse filme me surpreendeu completamente!
/ Ela FICOU com ele ontem à noite e agora eles estão namorando! / Ambas as companhias irão se beneficiar com a fusão; uma SITUAÇÃO DE BENEFÍCIO MÚTUO! / Foi uma BOA PEDIDA (IDEIA) adiar o piquenique de hoje, já que vai chover muito o dia todo! / Se você nunca fez bungee-jumping antes, você tem que TENTAR!

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It was very ODD to see that group all mixed together! / I’ve just left the shower! / I’m running outta (out of) battery! / My battery is about to die! / MUG of coffee! / They start TO PUT UP the Christmas tree on November! / After her friend got her heartbroken, she HAD her BACK! / Will you LEND ME A HAND this weekend moving my furniture? / How do you spell your name?! I’m having a BRAIN FART! / I need to go pickup my daughter from school, so let’s WRAP this UP! / The BOTTOM LINE is our company isn’t making enough money! / JOHN HANCOCK (signature) / I don’t wanna be a PAPER-PUSHER every day, I want a more exciting job!


Foi muito estranho ver aquele grupo todo misturado! / Acabei de sair do banho! / Estou ficando sem bateria! / Minha bateria está prestes a acabar! / Caneca de café! / Eles começam a montar a árvore de Natal em Novembro! / Depois que sua amiga a deixou com o coração partido, ela ofereceu ajuda! / Você me daria uma mão neste fim de semana mudando meus móveis? / Como soletra o teu nome?! Estou tendo um LAPSO DE MEMÓRIA! / Eu preciso ir buscar minha filha na escola, então vamos ENCERRAR isso! / O PONTO PRINCIPAL é que nossa empresa não está fazendo dinheiro suficiente! / We just need your JOHN HANCOCK and then all the paperwork will be legal! / Não quero ser um EMPURRADOR de PAPEL (trabalho entediante) todos os dias, quero um trabalho mais emocionante!

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I’m gonna (I muna) go to the mall! / firecrackers (fireworks) / I will TURN forty! / GOWN / Wedding dress / I take my wife out to dinner! / I STRIVE to eat in moderation! / I’d prefer to take the initiative by myself! / This club is dead! / Wait untill you see the new building, it will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! / That book BLEW MY MIND! / I was just FLOORED that she would do that! / The name RINGS A BELL, but I don’t remember meeting him! / I think you really HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD when you said the plan was illogical! / I grew up in the BURBS but I live in the city now! / I’ll buy a new car WHEN PIGS FLY!


Eu vou ao shopping! Fogos de artifício! / Vou fazer 40! / Vestido / Vestido de noiva / Eu levo minha esposa pra jantar! / Eu me esforço para comer com moderação! / Eu prefiro tomar a iniciativa sozinho! / Este clube está morto (vazio)! / Espere até você ver o novo prédio, irá te IMPRESSIONAR! / Aquele livro me IMPRESSIONOU (SURPREENDEU)! / Eu estava apenas CHOCADO (SURPRESO) que ela faria isso! / O nome me parece familiar, mas não me lembro de encontrado ele! / Eu acho que você realmente ACERTOU EM CHEIO quando disse que o plano era ilógico! / Eu cresci no SUBÚRBIO mas moro na cidade agora! / Eu vou comprar um carro novo quando os porcos voarem (impossível acontecer)!

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My clothes are looking a bit SHABBY! / At his job he PUTS UP with a lot of abuse! / Owning a bike COST A FRACTION of owning a car! / It was an electrical surge that fried all the circuits? / My father used to read FOOD LABELS! ! The meeting has been PUT BACK to next week! / THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM! / CORKED (arrolhado) / LAY THE FOUNDATION for much of the AI technology… / One thing you can do for yourself before you start BLAMING (culpando) local street cooks is wash your hands! / You should check if the STALL (tenda, barraca) is clean! WATCH OUT (atenção, cuidado)! / It’s always important TO PEEL (past: PEELED - descascar) the fruits! Sam is a cool guy and he had no trouble FITTING IN (sendo aceito, se adaptando, encaixando) with his new colleagues! / After releasing her book, Alie embarked on a WHIRLWIND (turbilhão, redemoinho) of interviews and publicity events! / These findings UNDERSCORE (ressaltam) the need for governments to take urgent actions! I wish my parents would stop MEDDLING (interferir, intrometer) in my personal affairs! / Japan dominated the G7 summit (cúpula)!


Minhas roupas estão um pouco surradas (gastas)! / Em seu trabalho, ele aguenta (tolera) muitos abusos! / Possuir uma bicicleta CUSTA UMA FRAÇÃO de possuir um carro! / Foi um surto elétrico que fritou todos os circuitos? / Meu pai costumava ler rótulos de alimentos! / A reunião foi adiada para a próxima semana! / DEUS AJUDA QUEM CEDO MADRUGA! / Always open and taste your wine before the meal, if only to check that it is not corked! / ESTABELECER AS BASES para grande parte da tecnologia de IA…

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We have no plans in the immediate future to LAY OFF workers! / I’ve been lost countless times even with the GPS! / My new MOTTO for mental health is… / If you DROP a single tea LEAF in the ocean… / My parents spent the weekend here! / My apartment can accommodate 25 people! / TO BE UP TO (it’s your decision) / TO BE WORTH + gerund (vale a pena) / TO BE A BIG DEAL (something you consider important) / TO RING A BELL (something sounds familiar) / TO CUT A LONG STORY SHORT (in summary) / IN A NUTSHELL (em poucas palavras)


Não temos planos no futuro imediato de demitir trabalhadores! / Eu me perdi inúmeras vezes mesmo com o GPS! / Meu novo lema para a saúde mental é… / Se você derrubar uma única folha de chá no oceano… / Meus pais passaram o fim de semana aqui! / Meu apartamento pode acomodar 25 pessoas! / It’s up to her which restaurant we go to! It’s not worth washing your car before a rainstorm! / It’s a big deal to win the World Cup! / I’ve never been to that restaurant, but the name rings a bell! / To cut a long story short, I burned the cake! / In a nutshell, that’s why I love her!

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We need to refuel because we are going to RUN OUT (ficar sem) of gas! / Flavorful (saboroso) / Tasteless (sem gosto) / I’m always willing to try exotic foods! / Moose (alce) / I have no availability rather than the arranged (combinado) schedule! / He decided to GET RID OF (livrar-se) his car! / Thank you for giving me notice ahead of time (com antecedência) / DIVIDEND / TAX / SHARES OR EQUITIES (ações) / SHAREHOLDERS (acionistas) / SHARE CAPITAL (capital social) / BONDS (títulos) / LOAN (empréstimo) / REPAID (reembolso) / LIABILITIES (passivos) / WORKING CAPITAL (capital de giro) / EXPENSES (despesas) / PROFIT (lucro) / FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (declarações financeiras) / ASSETS (ativos)


Precisamos reabastecer porque vamos FICAR SEM GASOLINA! / Saboroso / Sem gosto / Estou sempre disposta a experimentar comidas exóticas! / Alce / Não tenho disponibilidade além do horário combinado! / Ele decidiu se livrar de seu carro! / Obrigado por me avisar com antecedência! / Dividendos / Imposto / Ações / Acionistas / Capital social / Títulos / Empréstimo (emprestar) / Reembolso / Passivos / Capital de giro / Despesas / Lucro / Declarações financeiras / Ativos

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I don’t think so! / It’ll get harder and harder as time goes by! / Different ethnic backgrounds / TOLLS / POTHOLES / FLAT FIRE / I am a hospitable person! / WEALTHY / APPEALING / BASKETBALL HOOP / DRIVEWAY / Quick-witted game / SPARK / I wasn’t able to GET HOLD OF my brother over the weekend! / GUESS WHAT? I just got my first part in a movie! / I’m NOT IN THE MOOD to study!


Acho que não (Não creio) / Vai ficar cada vez mais difícil com o passar do tempo! / Origens étnicas diferentes / Pedágios / buracos / pneu furado / Eu sou uma pessoa hospitaleira / Próspero (rico) / Atraente / Cesta de basquete / Entrada da garagem / Jogo de raciocínio rápido / Faísca (fagulha) / Eu não consegui ENTRAR EM CONTATO com meu irmão final de semana! / ADVINHA SÓ! Acabei de conseguir meu primeiro papel num filme! / Não estou com vontade de estudar!

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IN HOT WATER / BUTTERFLIES IN ONE’S STOMACH / UNDER THE WEATHER / HOLD YOUR HORSES / A PIECE OF CAKE / LET THE CAT OUT OF (OTTA) THE BAG / AT THE DROP OF A HAT / COST AN ARM AND A LEG / WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE / WARNING / Break the law (to commit something illegal) / To get into trouble (I got into trouble with my friend) / He was convicted of theft (roubo) / The thief (ladrão) stole the drugs from a doctor’s surgery / He was involved in drugs, extortion and robbery / The cash was taken during the burglary (arrombamento) of the apartment / She had convictions (condenações) for shoplifting (roubo de lojas) / Several witnesses (testemunhas) saw the crime / Criminals received tough punishment (punição dura, severa) for their crimes / I agree with some governments that have adopt the CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (pena de morte)


To be in trouble / To be nervous / To feel unwell / To wait (keep calm) / Very easy / To reveal a secret / Immediately / Very expensive / Seja qual for o caso / Aviso

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PULL’S ONE LEG (to play a joke) / LOSE ONE’S MARBLES (to act in a crazy way) / HIT THE SACK (to go to bed) / I think in order to MASTER any skill you need to stay focused on the TASK AT HAND / To excel at business, you must GO ABOVE AND BEYOND the competition / I’m a early bird person / Fend off / I can’t go because I am CAUGHT UP with work / Take lightly / I GET ON WELL (to have a good relationship) with my boss! / My girlfriend met my sister and they GOT ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE (they really like each other as a friends)! / My two best friends have FALLEN OUT (to have an argument and stop liking someone) over money! What a pity (que pena!) / My parents were ROLE MODELS (modelos, bons exemplos) for me when I was growing up! / My kids are FIGHTING LIKE CAT AND DOG at the moment!


I always pull my brothers leg / I forgot to pick up my kid after school and my wife lost her marbles / I was so tired that I hit the sack at 7 o’clock / Eu acho que para dominar qualquer habilidade você precisa estar focado na tarefa em questão / Para se destacar nos negócios, você deve IR ACIMA E ALÉM da concorrência / Pessoa que acorda cedo / To avoid (afastar) / Não posso ir porque estou ocupada com o trabalho / Banalizar


Hard work OUTWEIGHS talent / The article in the paper SUMMED UP the current economy really well! / I just PUT IN a lot of work and hours and I started playing guitar! / The factory had to increase production in order to KEEP PACE WITH the growing demand / The stadium was decorated with several large BANNERS to celebrate the big game / The snooze (soneca) has got (tem ficado) a lot longer! / I’m GREEDY (ganancioso) now so I want to CARRY ON (continuar) for as long as possible! I haven’t had a day when I haven’t thought that! / The process of digestion begins with SWALLOWING (ingestão / engolir) foods! At the event, you’ll get a chance to meet people from many WALKS OF LIFE (ocupações ou posições na sociedade) / The New York Yankees SWEPT THE BOARD (to win easily) last season and became champions! I went WEAK AT THE KNEES (overwhelmed by strong emotion, tipically fear or desire) when I was in court (tribunal)!


O trabalho duro SUPERA o talento! / O artigo do jornal RESUMIU muito bem a economia atual / Eu apenas coloquei muito trabalho e horas e comecei a tocar guitarra! / Acompanhar o ritmo / Bandeiras


If I wanna learn english, I need to PUT MY MIND TO (colocar minha mente, FOCAR) it! / ROAMING (vagando) a new city / Aim, target, goal (alvo, mirar) / Perishable (biodegradável, perecível) / Grasp (entender, agarrar) / Widely used (largamente utilizado) / I BARELY (eu mal conheço você) know you / The WIDESPREAD USAGE (o uso disseminado, amplo) of credit cards… / Learning to ride a bicycle IS A MATTER OF (é uma questão de prática) practice / Aircraft (aeronave) / Allie (aliado) / Fleet (Frota) / Puzzle (quebra-cabeça / A man consumed by WANDERLUST (desejo de viajar) / CABLE CAR OR CHAIR LIFT (teleférico) / TO MUCH EXPENSIVE (STEEP, PRICEY, EXORBITANT, ASTRONOMICAL)


Se eu quero aprender inglês, preciso colocar minha mente (focar) nisso! / Vagando por uma nova cidade / Alvo (mirar) / Perecível / Entender (agarrar) / Largamente utilizado / Eu mal conheço você / O uso disseminado (amplo) de cartões de crédito / Aprender a andar de bicicleta é uma questão de prática / Aeronave / Aliado / Frota / Quebra-cabeça


They bark (eles latem) a lot / Is it mandatory to put them on a LEASH (coleira)? / We have TO SHOULDER (arcar) the expenses! / I have to pay fine (multa)! / We don’t need to PUT DOWN (sacrificar) the dog if they bite someone! / Working-class (classe trabalhadora) / Thank you for BEARING WITH ME (me aguentar, ter tolerância) / Remarkable (extraordinário) / Accomplish (realizar, concluir) / Regarding (a respeito de, em relação a…) / The teller (o caixa) / It’s been a very long time (já faz muito tempo) / Waive a fee (isenção de taxa) / The best way to plan AHEAD OF TIME (com antecedência)


Eles latem muito / É obrigatório colocá-los na COLEIRA? / Temos que arcar com as despesas! / Eu tenho que pagar multa! Não precisamos sacrificar o cachorro se ele morder alguém! / Classe trabalhadora / Obrigado por me aguentar (ter paciência) / Extraordinary (amazing, wonderful) / Realise (achieve, fulfil) / About (in connection with) / O caixa / Já faz muito tempo / Isenção de taxa


FUR / MUZZLE / LEASH / BARK / BREED / CHORES / PENGUIN / INCOME / INWARDLY / OBLIGED / I DON’T THINK AGE COMES INTO THE QUESTION / OUTSPOKEN / CARDBOARD BOXES / CHEEKILY / FEARFULLY / PASSERSBY / HASTY / WARNING / HAND me that book / Cashiers don’t have to MAKE CHANGE nowadays / It seems like the vast majority prefers to pay with card / A large number of vídeos currently available for PURCHASE / The INTEREST RATES HAVE GONE UP / This is kind of a touchy subject (assunto delicado)! / FORMAL ATTIRE (traje formal)! / We actually COMPLIMENT (elogiar) people’s appearance in some situations! / YOU LOOK PRETTY SPIFFY YOURSELF (você parece bem estiloso) / I barely recognized him (eu mal o reconheci)!


Pelagem / focinheira / coleira / latir / raça / tarefas / pinguim / renda / internamente / obrigado (obrigação) / Eu não acho que a idade entra em discussão / franco / caixas de papelão / atrevidamente / temerosamente / transeuntes / apressado / aviso / Give me that book / Os caixas não precisam dar troco hoje em dia / Parece que a grande maioria prefere pagar com cartão / Um grande número de vídeos atualmente disponíveis para compra / As taxas de juros subiram



TIME TO KILL (Tempo à toa) / It’s RAINING CATS AND DOGS! / NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED (não é o melhor) / A SANDWICH SHORT OF A PICNIC (STUPID OR CRAZY PERSON) / BITING OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW (try to do something that is too difficult for you) / BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD (back to the beginning of a process to start it again cause it is not working) / NOT MY CUP OF TEA (I don’t like or enjoy something) / CALL IT A DAY (stop what you are doing) / CUT CORNERS (tomar atalhos) / BREAK A LEG (boa sorte) / HANG IN THERE (aguenta firme) / ONCE IN A BLUE MOON (muito raramente / uma vez na vida outra na morte) / IN THE NICK OF TIME (bem na hora, na hora H) / HIT THE HAY (SACK) - go to bed / PIG OUT (eaten too much food) / BEAT AROUND THE BUSH / I have been TONING UP (ganhar músculo, tonificar) at the gym by lifting weights! / If you’ve never paragliding before, that is a chance to GET YOUR FEET WET (to try something new for the first time) / All her efforts ENDED IN SMOKE (to end in failure / to be destroyed or ruined) when the project was cancelled! / Why are you so FULL OF BEANS (energetic and enthusiastic) this morning? / My mother GAVE ME A PIECE OF HER MIND (to express dissatisfaction or disagreement) when I told her I wanted to date Craig! You HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD (acertar em cheio) with that suggestion! I have to BITE THE BULLET (encarar a situação) and tell him the truth! He KICKED THE BUCKET (bater as botas/morrer) after a long illness!


The flight is delayed, so we have TIME TO KILL! / It’s raining heavy / He failed all of his exams, he is NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED! / John gave up his job in a big bank, he is one SANDWICH SHORT OF A PICNIC! / He has bitten off more than he can chew taking all those classes! We have to rethink about it, we should go back to the drawing board and reconsider the trust option! / Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn’t my cup of tea! / After 14 Years living in this country she thinks it’s time to call it a day! / I won’t cut corners just to save money. I put quality first! / Tonight is the first night of the play! Guys, break a leg! / Sometimes you just have to hang in there and wait! / My sister lives in Alaska so I only see her once in a blue moon! / I arrived just in the nick of time to catch my bus! / I have a busy day tomorrow so I think I’ll hit the sack! / We pigged out all the delicious cakes and pastries! Quit beating around the bush and say what’s on your mind!



You say that the candidates are essentially the same, but I BEG TO DIFFER (tenho que discordar)! / Our issue CAME UP (foi mencionado, discutido) in the meeting last week! / He CAME UP (chegou perto, se aproximou) to me and kissed me on my cheek! / How could you COME UP WITH (produzir) such a large amount of money? / I’ve COME UP WITH (achei uma ideia, solução) an idea for Mom’s birthday present! / I CAME ACROSS (encontrar alguém ou algo) a book that I was looking for! / Christmas will soon COME ROUND (acontecer novamente)! / My grandpa has finally COME ROUND (despertar, tornar consciente) after three years in a coma / Our break-up CAME ABOUT (to happen) in a way that I could never imagine! / Just go ahead! I’ll COME ALONG (eu vou junto)! / Although he joined the class quite late, he CAME ALONG (progredir) very well! / The sun always COMES OUT (aparece) after a dark night! / Don’t worry about the scandal! The truth will COME OUT (aparecer, revelar) soon! / My puppy has finally COME BACK (voltar, retornar) after three days! / Sorry, I’ve got to go. My parentes just CAME OVER (chegar por curto tempo) from England! / Whenever I see that pink dress, the feelings of missing my daughter just COME OVER (afetar fortemente, mexer emocionalmente) me! / The city has COME THROUGH (superar e se tornar melhor) after a terrible earthquake! / Jack’s car CAME APART (se partir, dividir em pedaços) in the car crash! / My father’s family has always COME BEFORE (vir primeiro, prioridade) his career! / I always TAKE OFF (tirar) my watch before I wash my hands! / Hurry up! The plane will TAKE OFF (decolar) in 20 minutes! / I will TAKE you OUT for dinner tomorrow! / Remember to TAKE OUT (retirar) the trash! / The event will TAKE PLACE (happen, occur) tomorrow night! / The new owner will TAKE OVER (assumir o controle) the business soon! / I don’t wanna TAKE AFTER (parecer ou agir como alguém da família) my sister at all… I wanna be myself! / I’d like to order some burgers to TAKE AWAY (levar), please! / He has TAKEN AWAY my heart and soul! I love him! / The hairdryer stopped working. I’ll TAKE it APART (separar em pedaços) and see what is wrong! / Currently, our company isn’t ready to TAKE ON (aceitar) any new employees! / Why did you TAKE ON (aceitar, assumir) such a challenging task? / I’ve recently TAKEN UP (começar, iniciar) gardening! / You need to TAKE HER UP ON (pedir explicação) what she said to you yesterday! I think something is wrong! / He offered to assist me with the new project and I TOOK HIM UP ON (aceitar a oferta de alguém) it! / Don’t TAKE UP WITH (se relacionar) him! He’s a criminal! / Jane was completely TAKEN UP WITH (tomada, ocupada) concern for her newborn baby! / Can you help me TAKE that picture DOWN (tirar, retirar) from the shelf, please? / You need to TAKE DOWN (anotar) some important information while listening! / We should BREAK this DOWN (divulgar) for our listeners! / I PILED UP (empilhei) my books! / How can we KEEP UP WITH (acompanhar) AI?
/ The antique picture frame just CAME APART (separou em pedaços, se desfez) in my hands! / A nurse was with me when I CAME AROUND (recuperei a consciência) after the operation! / Let your shirt soak (de molho) overnight and the stain (mancha) will probably COME OUT (desaparecerá) / If this story COMES OUT (aparecer, se tornar pública) about the Prime Minister, he’ll have to resign (renunciar)! / I’m not sure it’s going to COME OFF (acontecer com sucesso, conforme o esperado)! / I’m not sure how that CAME ABOUT (aconteceu, especialmente quando não esperado)


PHRASAL VERBS - part two

I can’t PUT UP WITH (tolerar, aguentar) it any longer! / PUT AWAY (arrumar, por em ordem) any valuable or breakable objects! / He was trying to PUT ACROSS (explicar de forma clara) a serious point! / Try to PUT BY (guardar dinheiro) a little bit each week! / She PUT ON (colocar, vestir) a new pair of nylon socks! / Never PUT OFF (adiar) until tomorrow what you can do today! / PUT DOWN (escrever) your name in capitals! It took two hours to PUT OUT (apagar, cessar) the fire! / I decided to PUT IN (aplicar, candidatar) for a job as deputy secretary! / He asked to be PUT THROUGH (conectado, chamado ao telefone) to Michael! / They’re PUTTING UP (construir algo grande) 5 new apartments! / Your son doesn’t TAKE AFTER (parecer, assemelhar) you any way! / This crib (berço) TAKES APART (desmontar, separar em partes) for easy storage! / He can’t TAKE OVER (assumir) the business when I’m away! / TAKE AWAY (retirar, remover) the glasses and the tray (bandeja)! / I went to the library and TOOK the books BACK (devolver, retornar para o lugar original)! / My house is full and I can’t TAKE IN (receber em casa) anymore guests! / The plane will TAKE OFF (decolar) in a minute! / Don’t TAKE ON (aceitar) more than you can handle (suportar)! TAKE DOWN (remover algo de um lugar mais alto) this book and read it slowly! / Why have you suddenly TAKEN AGAINST (passar a não gostar) her? / I’m not good at basketball, I only TOOK it UP (começar um novo hobby) recently! / The dentist has to TAKE OUT (retirar algo de algum lugar) this tooth! / We STUMBLED UPON (deparar, tropeçar, encontrar) a hidden gem (joia escondida) of a restaurant and decided to try their special dish! / As we were WALKING ALONG the promenade, a street musician started playing a catchy tune (música cativante)! / The kids were so excited to find a playground where they could RUN AROUND (correr pra cima e pra baixo) and play! / We ended up RUNNING INTO (deparar ou encontrar por acaso) some old friends at the art gallery downtown! The sun was setting (se pondo), so we HEADED BACK (voltar, regressar) to our hotel to freshen up! / After a quick shower, we MET UP (encontrar) with our friends for a night out on the town! / As our vacation CAME TO AND END (chegar ao fim) we said goodbye to the beautiful city and boarded our flight back home!



We’re going to KICK OFF (começar algo) the meeting! / You should to BRUSH UP ON (to study or practice sth) your French before you travel to Paris! He TURNED DOWN (recusar, rejeitar, negar) all our offers of help! His plan to move to Berlin FELL THROUGH (falhar, não acontecer como planejado) / You can BANK ON (confiar, contar com) her to get the job done when it has to be done quickly! / I ASKED AROUND (perguntar pras pessoas a mesma coisa) but nobody has seen my wallet! / I need to ZERO IN (focar exclusivamente)on my studies this year! / We can start by BREAKING DOWN (explicar detalhadamente) exactly what it means! / That tour was such a RIP OFF (enganação) because we only got to see three or four things! / Thankfully, my new curtains BLOCK OUT (stop Sth from entering) the sun from entering! / Roy and Camys weren’t speaking to each other but thankfully they WORKED IT OUT (to solve a problem or conflict)! / Before you finish your test, LOOK it OVER (to review) to see if there’s any mistakes! / Let’s go to the mall, they’re GIVING OUT (to distribute) free pizza today! / This technique allows to CARRY OUT (realizar, executar) projects that would seem unfeasible (impraticáveis) / The group plans to SET UP (criar, iniciar) an import business / I’ve already asked them to PICK their toys UP (pegar) / We didn’t think he’d GO BACK to his wife after everything that’s happened /
We decided to COME BACK to France for another holiday / Let’s GO OUT and look at the stars! / How long have John and Mary been GOING OUT (sair)? / Researchers POINTED OUT (apontaram) that fish contains a type of fat that’s good for you / Her parents FOUND OUT (FIND OUT - descobrir, ficar sabendo) that she had a boyfriend / I’m going to have to cancel our lunch because something’s (HAS) COME UP (surgiu algo, um imprevisto, um compromisso)! / He CAME UP (ir, se aproximar) and began to talk to us! / We CAME UP WITH (sugerir, propor uma ideia, pensar em algo novo) a whole bunch of ideas! / We SET OFF (partir) for the hiking trail as soon as the sun rose! / A tour guide POINTED OUT famous landmarks while we explored the city! / After a long day of walking we decided to stop by a cafe and CHILL OUT (relaxar)! John hopes to TRY OUT (testar, experimentar) his new shoes this weekend! / I RAN INTO (encontrei inesperadamente) Joe yesterday at the mall! Let’s CATCH UP (conversar, encontrar) soon! / Her husband had WALKED OUT ON (abandonar) her a year before /



Bail: fiança / Defendant: réu ou ré / Witness: testemunha / Overseeing: vigiando, supervisionando / Attorney: advogado, procurador / Attempt: tentar, tentativa, esforço / Tiles: azulejos, ladrilhos / To slip: escorregar / COULD IT BE (será) that we’ve already met before (será que já não nos conhecemos antes?) / I have to get out of bed FIRST THING (logo, de imediato)! I’m not a MORNING PERSON (someone who wakes up happy) and my dad always wakes up ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED (de mau humor)! As long as they don’t touch me (contanto que eles não me toquem ou mexam comigo)! I’M ENTITLED (tenho o direito) to travel this year because of my hard work! / Some websites are subjects to government CENSORSHIP! / She was treated with SCORN (desprezo) and RIDICULE by her colleagues when she applied for the job! / The comedian’s performance was full of MOCKERY (zombaria) towards politicians. / A teacher is often the UNSUNG (desconhecido, anônimo) hero of a great writer’s success! / She regarded him with wide and GUILELESS eyes (olhos sinceros, honestos)! / Barren landscape (paisagem árida) / Sand (areia) / leather (couro) / quietness (quietude) / To glance (olhar de relance) / cloud of dust (nuvem de poeira).



1- Let’s meet today.
Let’s catch up today.

2- I’m very hungry.
I’m starving.

3- I’m very happy.
I’m over the moon.

4- I’m very busy.
I’m swamped.

5- Why are you so angry?
Why are you so pissed off?

6- Sorry, I fell asleep.
Sorry, I nodded off.

7- It’s very cold outside.
It’s freezing outside

8- Stop wasting time.
Stop faffing around.

9- You are so lucky.
You are so jammy.

10- Keep it a secret.
Keep it under wraps.

11- I visit my hometown very rarely.
I visit my hometown once in a blue moon.

12- I’m going to get married tomorrow.
I’m going to tie the knot tomorrow

13- It’s not so difficult.
It’s not rocket science.

14- I’m very tired.
I’m worn out.



All I can do is TO BITE MY TONGUE (stop saying something) if I want to keep my job! / Don’t ROCK THE BOAT (disturb the harmony) untill the negotiations are finished, okay!? if you think I’m coming back, DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH (é melhor esperar sentado)! / We’ll all be there at 6 for the party, don’t SPILL THE BEANS (to tell people secret information)! / I don’t always SEE EYE TO EYE (agree with each other) with my father on many projects! / Her last film was a surprise BOX OFFICE HIT (a film or play that is very popular and financially successful) / He will soon be returning to the BIG SCREEN (telonas) for his first movie since 2005. / She’s a lovely person, but her husband is a bit of A COLD FISH (unfriendly person) / He’s a SMART COOKIE (an intelligent person), adjusting his songs to fit his audiences. / He has A BIG MOUTH (can’t keep a secret) will tell them the whole story. / I hate to travel with my brother because He’s such A WET BLANKET (someone who spoils others’ enjoyment) / That child is A PAIN IN THE NECK (very annoying) and he is always fighting with his classmates. / Bob is such A DARK HOUSE (surprise people doing something unexpectec). I’ve never seen him studying but he always
gets the higher score! / I always TRAVEL LIGHT when going on a weekend trip. / We prefer destinations OFF THE BEATEN PATH (menos conhecidos ou batidos ) to avoid the crowds. / Let’s HIT THE ROAD (começar a viagem, pegar estrada) early tomorrow to avoid traffic! / I’ve been LIVING OUT OF A SUITCASE (viajar constantemente, sem lugar fixo) for weeks due to my work trips! / Let’s go to the beach and CATCH some RAYS (tomar sol) this afternoon! / RED-EYE FLIGHTS (voos noturnos que chegam de madrugada ) can be tiring, but they are usually cheaper!



This song was RIPPED OFF (to steal someone’s ideas) from an old hit / All this studying is WEARING me OUT (to make someone very tired). / At the last moment, he decided to PULL OUT (to stop being involved in an activity, event, etc) of the deal. / The task TURNED OUT (acabar, dar em, resultar…) to be beyond his abilities! Their latest product is finally starting to CATCH ON (to become popular)! / I DROP my son OFF (to leave someone or something at a place) at a preschool! / I need TO CATCH UP (to do tasks or chores you’ve avoided) on some cleaning! / I called my friend TO CATCH UP (to talk with someone you haven’t deem for a while)! / Could you GO OVER (to review) this email before I send it? / I’m HEADING (to go in a direction) home! / I’m not ready TO OPEN UP (to become more vulnerable and willing to talk) yet! / Could you please WIPE the table OFF (to remove something by using a cloth or one’s hand)? / You should STAY OUT OF (to avoid going into a certain place) this area! / You need to CLEAN UP (to make someone or something clean and neat) your room! / The fact that he won the lottery was hard for me to TAKE IN or When she heard that her parents would get a divorce, it took her some time to TAKE it all IN (to understand something or to accept that something is true)! / I need to LOOK that word UP (to try to find a piece of information in a book, on the internet, etc) in a dictionary! / Who was that guy? It looked like he was HITTING ON (flirting with) you! / He ASKED her OUT (invited) for drinks! / I don’t want to LEAD him ON (to provide false hope or expectation)! / My last girlfriend and I didn’t HIT IT OFF right away (have a special connection immediately)! / I only started to FALL FOR (fall in love with someone) him after we went out a few times! / So why had you SPLIT UP (to separate or to break up)? / We just started to DRIFT APART (slowly started to go in different directions) with different interests and plans! / I HOOKED UP WITH (to have sex with a person specially someone you just met) a girl at a New Year’s party! / We were constantly fighting and MAKING UP (Reconciling and restoring peace in the relationship after a fight)! / She CHEATED ON me (kissing or having sex with another person)! / He caught her MAKING OUT WITH (kissing someone very passionately) her ex-boyfriend! / I know he was just trying to JERK ME AROUND (to manipulate someone for the own advantage)! / Pamela says she’s not interested in SETTLING DOWN (to be in a long-term stable relationship) yet!



My boss BLEW UP AT (exploded in anger) me when I told him I hadn’t finished a project on time! / Jane’s boss said that she LET HIM DOWN (to disappoint someone) / The fact that the boss didn’t let Jane explain the situation PISSES HER OFF (really annoy or upset someone)! / After 10 minutes, Jane’s boss finally CALMED DOWN (to become calm and relaxed)! / However, Jane was SHAKEN UP (upset or emotionally unstable)! / Jane left work early to try to PULL HERSELF TOGETHER (To stabilize and organize her thoughts and emotions)! / Mark has also worked with colleagues who FLIP OUT or FREAK OUT (get very upset or agitated)! / Jane asks how to COPE WITH difficult coworkers (to endure or tolerate a difficult person or situation)! / Mark tells Jane: try not to let their comments GET TO YOU (disturbs or affects someone in a negative way) / Remember that some people LASH OUT (to give a sudden, angry verbal attack) at others when they are under a lot of pressure! / My boss is probably still FUMING ABOUT (stay angry for an extended period of time) the whole situation! / Matt advises her not to FRET ABOUT (to worry) it! / With time her boss will GET OVER (to recover or overcome from it) the incident! / Mark then suggests something to CHEER Jane UP (make someone happier) / He wants to go to a movie that people have been RAVING ABOUT (saying lots of excellent things about it)! / My closet is a mess. I really need to SORT it OUT (to put things in order or in their place)! / We want this deal but that price is less than we can SETTLE FOR (to accept or agree to something that is not as good as desired)! / He COUNTS ON (to rely on someone or something for help or support) his secretary to keep his schedule organized! / If you FALL BEHIND with your sales quota, you won’t get promoted (to fail to finish something on time OR to make less progress than others)! / If you don’t do it right, you’ll have to DO it all OVER again!



There was a DEAFENING (very noise, extremely loud) roar as the rocket ship BLASTED OFF (the moment when a spacecraft leaves the ground)! / I have an EXCRUCIATING (very painful) headache! / He grew up in a DESTITUTE (very poor) family that barely had enough food to eat! / The town was destroyed by a DEVASTATING flood or They received the DEVASTATING news that their son was in a coma (very damaging)! After he lost weight, he started dating a GORGEOUS woman (very beautiful, normally for woman, places, etc)! I have five major projects to by the end is the week, I’m totally SWAMPED (very busy)! / The stores were PACKED (very crowded) on the day before Christmas! / John’s parents were THRILLED (very happy or excited) to hear that she’d won a full scholarship to college! / Fifty people were badly injured in a HORRIFIC (very scaring or shocking) accident at the factory! / Modern medical technology is MIND-BLOWING (very amazing)! / This book tells the story of Henry’s MIRACULOUS (very fortunate) escape from a war-torn country! / He FEARLESSLY (very brave) walked into his boss office and asked for a big raise! / That book contains some PREPOSTEROUS or ABSURD (very ridiculous) theories that go against scientific consensus! / John is HOT-HEADED and he tends to react strongly when things don’t go as planned / She IS DRIVEN to succeed in her career, always working hard to reach her goals! It’s important TO BE AWARE OF (having knowledge) how many places you want to visit in your next trip! / The carpets are made in WOOL (lã) and nylon! / He wore a LEATHER (couro) jacket and dark TROUSERS (calças)! / They continued to get their SILKS (seda) from China! / The comedian skillfully delivered DOUBLE ENTENDRE (a phrase that can be understood in two different ways) that left the audience laughing! / He actually plays FLUTE (instrument) in the carnival! / I agree I’m ambitious and I don’t see that as a PEJORATIVE or DEROGATORY term (speaking about someone in a negative way)! / The writing Workshop was actually a SPIEL (a short speech to get us to buy something) to sell English books! / It’s often impossible to return an animal RAISED IN CAPTIVITY (criado em cativeiro) to the wild! / Changing schools can be quite UNSETTLING (makes us feel worried of upset - perturbador) for kids! / I can assure you, it never CROSSES MY MIND that I might steal something! / Only a BRAT (pirralho) would throw a TANTRUM (birra) over not getting a new toy! / Her daughter is only three years old and already CUTE AS A BUTTON (fofa, gracinha) / She was GROUNDED (castigo) for a week after breaving the rules. / His MISBEHAVIOR (mau comportamento) at the party was embarrassing for his parents! / Everyone says she’s SPOILED ROTTEN (muito mimada) because her parents never say no to her! / The lion is ENFEEBLED (enfraquecido) by age! / The lion leave their CRUMBS (migalhas) for hyenas! / It is way too pricey (é muito caro!)



My dad is such a NEWS JUNCKIE (viciado em leitura)! / After hearing about all the problems in the world, I couldn’t escape the feeling of DOOM and GLOOM (feeling where everything seems bad or negative)! / You can’t STICK YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND (to ignore or avoid a problem or situation) about your homework, It won’t go away! /