Words Flashcards
Curvature of the earth
45 000 km to go around the world
Mariana Trench
300 million cars on the road today
Turing was the father of modern computer science and the algorithms and technology behind Google,’’
Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science
His work ushered in in the computer age. Cracked the Enigma, the German code used during ww2,
It too a valiant effort
As befits the image of the preoccupied academic, Turing was prone to absent-mindedness
Bletchley park - the birthplace of computers
Of course, the life and work of Turing represents for many, the abiding spirit of the place; and no doubt he would have been delighted by this belated attention
Strongly : she feels emphatically Canadian
Amps up the passion
Maladaptive- counter the intended or healthy condition that it becomes counterproductive
To turn something up, drastically change things
If you correlate time against the level of learning, it’s found that …
Opinion or doctrine against/ at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine.
I’m about to enter a heresy here
How they set up their lives and take time to down shift
When you hurry or get stressed you trigger your inflammatory response.
Relaxing or slowing down turn this to anti-inflammatory response
Morbidity- related with illness or disease
Mortality is associated with death
He makes a compelling case of taking care of our emotional hygiene
Taking care of our mind and our brain with the same diligence that we take care of our body
Enduring and influential work
Needs further research to quantify it
Precipitate- cause an (usually) undesirable situation to happen
Emerging frontier to medicines
Climaxed in what would be a pulp fiction scene