Words 2 Flashcards
Verb, /ˈspɛkjʊleɪt/
Noun, countable, /ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃn/.
-To guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details:
She refused to speculate.
speculate on/about (why/what etc)
Jones refused to speculate about what might happen.
- speculate that
Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost.
To buy goods, property, shares in a company etc, hoping that you will make a large profit when you sell them.
- speculate in/on
He speculated in stocks.
- speculation that
There is speculation that the president is ill. - speculation about/on
Speculation about the future.
The witness’s statement was pure speculation ( =not based on any facts)
wild/idle speculation (=speculation that is unlikely to be true).
When you try to make a large profit by buying goods, property, shares etc and then selling them: - property speculation.
/ˈnetl̩/ Verb and noun: be nettled (by something) informal -To be annoyed by what someone says or does: She was nettled by Holman's remark. - To sting with or as if with a nettle. Noun: گياه گزنه
علف هرز
Skim milk
شيري كه خامه اش گرفته شده باشه و رقيق باشه
ته ريش
Five o’clock shadow
مقدار ريشي كه وقتي صبح ريشت را مي تراشي و تا شب در مياد.
1. To make someone feel bored, especially by talking too much about something they are not interested in:
A. I won’t bore you with all the technical details.
B. Bore somebody to death/tears (=make them very bored)
2. To make a deep round hole in a hard surface:
A. Bore something through/into/in something:
The machine bores a hole through the cards.
To build the tunnel they had to bore through solid rock.
3. If someone’s eyes bore into you, they look at you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable