Words 2 Flashcards
- respite (from something) a short break or escape from something difficult or unpleasant.
- a short delay allowed before something difficult or unpleasant must be done
His naps offered a soothing respite from the cacophony of perplexing voices in his head.
The state of being dedicated or devoted to something, the quality of being faithful and dependable: Constancy is the vertue, whereby man or woman hold. They are supposed to be changeless and are believed to reflect an underlying constancy of nature.
LUFTSCHLOSS (Luft·sch.loss)
translates to ‘air castle’ or ‘castle in the sky’ and describes an unrealistic plan or dream that a person longs for, even though it is usually unattainable.
Example sentence:
Lost in reverie, he built Luftschlösser for his Queen, well aware that she might never visit.
INSOUCIANT Pronunciation: /ɪnˈsuːsiənt/
(adjective) showing a casual lack of concern.
not worrying or caring about anything.
careless, indifferent, unconcerned. (1829-)
Example sentence:
With her insouciant attitude she overcame life’s challenges without ever losing her seraphic smile.
A moment or period of being lost, esp. pleasantly, in one’s thoughts; a daydream: As he gazes out of the window, he drifted into a nostalgic reverie and relived meeting his loved ones for the first time.
- the act of putting two or more things together so that they form one; the new thing that is formed in this way
- the action, process, or result of combining or uniting: Can you think of an amalgamation where different elements, entities, or components are combined to created a unified whole?
Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.
The tendency to seek, or the practice of seeking, distraction from what normally has to be endured
BRAZEN Pronunciation: /ˈbreɪz(ə)n/
bold and without shame, usually about something that shocks people.
1) Made of brass
2) figurative. Hardened in effrontery; shameless.
With her brazen spirit she defied social norms and fearlessly asserted her independence.
1) Blood-red. Also sanguine red
2) Of persons or their dispositions: Having the mental attributes characteristic of the sanguine complexion; chiefly, disposed to hopefulness or confidence of success.
Despite unexpected obstacles they remained sanguine about the path they are on.
In an inextricable manner; beyond all possibility of being disentangled or extricated. (1597-)
Are pain and growth inextricably linked?
(Portuguese word - Sau + Da+ ge)
an emotional state of melancholic or profoundly nostalgic longing for a beloved yet absent something or someone. It is often associated with a repressed understanding that one might never encounter the object of longing ever again.
Example sentence:
I feel saudade of the way we once were.
(adjective)1. involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
2. dirty or squalid,immorable, dishonest
“It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past”.
“He told me he’d had an affair but he spared me the sordid details”.
“He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed”.
(noun) a state of serene calmness.
Freedom from disturbance of mind or passion; stoical indifference.
Ataraxy does not dismiss the challenges of life, but invites us to embrace them with a composed spirit.
(Swiss German Word)
to be used when the inevitable happens. when something doesn’t suprise anymore just say “Iowa”. The word has a slight ironic undertone so use it wisely.
a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy: Sheer lassitude prevented him from untangling his headphones.
AUREATE (O + reate)
- made of or having the colour of gold.
- metaphorically to express the quality of excellence and splender: Her aureate glow filled him with wonder, what will life be like when the sun has set and she has left.
noun that means a harsh or discordant sound, or a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds. For example, a cacophony could be a group of hoots, cackles, and wails, or the sound of city traffic at midday.
stoical (sto +e +kal)
enduring pain and hardship without showing one’s feelings, emotions or complaining: In character he appears to have been gentle and kindly, self-sacrificing with his patients and stoical towards his own ill health.
blissful,sublime, joyful, serene:”a seraphic smile”
Daniprat (Dan +dee +prat)
An insignificant person: You are a self obsessed dandiprat!
Clodpate (kalaud+peyt)
A silly, stupid person, blockhead: I refuse to engage a clodpate like you
Montebank (Moun+tee+bank)
a crook to tricks people in order to get their money, a fraudster: I see right through your tactics, you are a mounte bank
confident, polite, polish, sophesticated (Espically men): Your urbane manners are so impressive.The reason we call him Newyork boy because of his urbane charm
Incisive (In+syi+sive)
impressively direct and decisive: your incisive comments gave us a new prespective on this topic
(exclamination remark)_confused or perplexed situation of beign disoriented and bewildered: I was bumfuzzled by the information she gave me
(exclamination remark)_irresponsible, silly gossipy: we need to ignore him, he is a flibbertigibbet!
(exclamination remark)_ shrewd, unprincipal person generally used in political context: I will not vote that politician, he is a snollygoster
VERBOSE (ver +bauhs)
using more words than necessary: he is notoriously verbose, makes me want to pull my hair out!
law+ guh+ree+uh: a pathological inability to stop talking: I can’t put with his logorrea anymore!
a person who talks excessively: she always gets herselg into trouble because she is just a motormouth
SOPORIFIC (sop+uh+rif+ik)
causing sleep or making a person want to sleep: the lecture was so monotonous that it had a soporific effect on me
sleep: I fell into a deep slumber after a long day at work
SOMNOLENCE (som+nuh+luhns)
a feeling of wanting to sleep: the toreential rain outside put me in a state of dreamy somnolence
not from this world: the desire of look ethereal among all of them
petrichor (pet-ruh-kawr)
Petrichor is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil: “other than the petrichor emanating from the rapidly drying grass, there was not a trace of evidence that it had rained at all”
sounding sweet and smooth; pleasant to listen to: His mellifluous voice frequently erupts in rumbustious laughter.
quivering. quivery. shaking. trembling: The bamboo thicket was aquiver with small birds and insects. The exciting news set me aquiver.
ephemeral (a + phemeral)
lasting or used for only a short period of time: The poem celebrates the ephemeral joys of childhood.
a state of infatuation or obsession with another person that involves an all-consuming passion and intrusive thoughts: Love, sexual attraction, and limerence can all exist without each other or any or all of them can coexist together.
Elysian (E + li+ sian)
relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise: “Elysian visions”
achieving stability through change_remaining stable by being variable”: Allostasis reminds us that our bodies have mastered maintaining balance in an ever-changing world and so can we.
energy and confidence, enthusiasm and individual style, vigour or vivacity of style or performance: Whatever you do with brio, don’t stop doing that.
Feeling, expressing, or communicating mirth or cheerfulness; mirthful, merry, cheerful, blithe, gay, sprightly, light-hearted; pleasant, cheering, delightful. (Of persons, actions, things, etc.): Happy birthday Laura, your jocund spirit and authentic approach to life have always been a huge inspiration to me.
A naively or unrealistically optimistic person_“All is for the best in the best of possible worlds.”:Even the most Panglossian temperament would have had trouble finding the good in this situation.
A method in which to do something: The four widely accepted learning modalities (or modes) are known by the acronym VARK: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic or The modality of teaching is changing to become more modern.
ability to perceive, understand, and judge things clearly: But I need to plead with you to handle this crisis with wisdom and discernment.
entirely trustworthy, cannot be doubted or questioned: An unimpeachable role model who avoids bad influences and sketchy situations, An unimpeachable reputation.
adjective_someone who is calm and almost without emotion: She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out
a long piece of writing on something that you have studied: spending an entire year of your life writing a dissertation that no other than your lecturer will read