Words Flashcards
Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndənt/
Synonyms: Plentiful, Ample, Lavish, Copious, Bountiful
Antonyms: Scarce, Limited, Sparse, Insufficient
Example Sentence: The garden was abundant with flowers, showcasing a variety of colors and species.
Pronunciation: /ˈædɪkwət/
Definition: Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.
Synonyms: Sufficient, Enough, Ample, Satisfactory, Suitable
Antonyms: Inadequate, Insufficient, Deficient, Unsatisfactory
Example Sentence: The school provided an adequate number of textbooks for all students.
Persian Translation: کافی، مناسب
Pronunciation: /ˈædvəˌkeɪt/ (verb)
Definition: To publicly recommend or support.
Synonyms: Support, Promote, Champion, Endorse, Uphold
Antonyms: Oppose, Criticize, Contest, Dissuade
Example Sentence: She decided to advocate for environmental protection in her community.
Persian Translation: دفاع کردن
Pronunciation: /siːs/
Definition: To bring or come to an end.
Synonyms: Stop, Halt, End, Terminate, Discontinue
Antonyms: Continue, Start, Begin, Persist, Resume
Example Sentence: The company decided to cease operations in the area.
Persian Translation: متوقف کردن
Pronunciation: /koʊˈhɪrənt/
Definition: Logical and consistent.
Synonyms: Logical, Consistent, Clear, Rational, Articulate
Antonyms: Incoherent, Confused, Illogical, Disjointed, Inconsistent
Example Sentence: The professor’s lecture was coherent and easy to follow.
Persian Translation: منسجم
Pronunciation: /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/
Definition: To occur at the same time or to be in agreement.
Synonyms: Concur, Correspond, Match, Align, Synchronize
Antonyms: Differ, Diverge, Disagree, Separate
Example Sentence: The timing of the two events seemed to coincide perfectly.
Persian Translation: همزمان بودن
Pronunciation: /ˈkɒmplɪˌmɛnt/
Definition: To enhance or complete something by adding something else.
Synonyms: Enhance, Complete, Supplement, Augment, Improve
Antonyms: Detract, Clash, Oppose, Diminish
Example Sentence: The wine perfectly complements the meal.
Persian Translation: تکمیل کردن
Pronunciation: /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/
Definition: Complete and including everything that is necessary.
Synonyms: Complete, Thorough, Exhaustive, Inclusive, Extensive
Antonyms: Incomplete, Limited, Narrow, Partial
Example Sentence: The report provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s progress.
Persian Translation: جامع
Pronunciation: /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/
Definition: Complete and including everything that is necessary.
Synonyms: Complete, Thorough, Exhaustive, Inclusive, Extensive
Antonyms: Incomplete, Limited, Narrow, Partial
Example Sentence: The report provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s progress.
Persian Translation: جامع
Pronunciation: /kənˈsiːv/
Definition: To form or devise a plan or idea in the mind.
Synonyms: Imagine, Devise, Formulate, Invent, Envision
Antonyms: Misconceive, Disregard, Ignore, Overlook
Example Sentence: She managed to conceive a brilliant solution to the problem.
Persian Translation: ابداع کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈkluːd/
Definition: To bring something to an end or to reach a decision or agreement.
Synonyms: Finish, End, Close, Complete, Resolve
Antonyms: Begin, Start, Commence, Initiate
Example Sentence: After several hours of discussion, they concluded the meeting with a clear plan of action.
Persian Translation: نتیجه گیری کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈkɜːr/
Definition: To agree or have the same opinion.
Synonyms: Agree, Coincide, Correspond, Consent, Approve
Antonyms: Disagree, Differ, Oppose, Dissent
Example Sentence: The committee members all concurred on the decision to move forward with the project.
Persian Translation: موافق بودن
Pronunciation: /ˈkɒndʌkt/
Definition: To organize and carry out.
Synonyms: Manage, Direct, Execute, Lead, Administer
Antonyms: Neglect, Mismanage, Ignore
Example Sentence: The scientist conducted an experiment to test the hypothesis.
Persian Translation: انجام دادن
Pronunciation: /kənˈfɜːr/
Definition: To grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right); to have discussions and exchange opinions.
Synonyms: Bestow, Grant, Consult, Discuss, Deliberate
Antonyms: Withhold, Revoke, Deny, Deprive
Example Sentence: The committee will confer the award to the most deserving candidate.
Persian Translation: اعطا کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈfaɪn/
Definition: To keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits.
Synonyms: Restrict, Limit, Constrain, Contain, Enclose
Antonyms: Free, Release, Liberate, Expand
Example Sentence: The patient was confined to bed rest for two weeks.
Persian Translation: محدود کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈsɪst/
Definition: To be made up or composed of.
Synonyms: Comprise, Contain, Include, Composed of
Antonyms: Exclude, Omit, Lack
Example Sentence: The team consists of experts from various fields.
Persian Translation: شامل بودن
Pronunciation: /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/
Definition: To make something physically stronger or more solid; to combine a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole.
Synonyms: Strengthen, Combine, Merge, Unite, Solidify
Antonyms: Weaken, Separate, Divide, Disperse
Example Sentence: The company decided to consolidate its various departments into a single unit.
Persian Translation: ادغام کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈsjuːm/
Definition: To use up a resource; to eat, drink, or ingest.
Synonyms: Use, Devour, Ingest, Expend, Absorb
Antonyms: Save, Conserve, Preserve, Store
Example Sentence: The average family can consume a large amount of electricity during the summer.
Persian Translation: مصرف کردن
Pronunciation: /kənˈviːn/
Definition: To come together or assemble, usually for a public or official purpose.
Synonyms: Assemble, Gather, Summon, Meet, Congregate
Antonyms: Disperse, Adjourn, Scatter, Disband
Example Sentence: The board of directors will convene next week to discuss the new policy.
Persian Translation: تشکیل جلسه دادن
Pronunciation: /kənˈveɪ/
Definition: To communicate or make known; to transport or carry to a place.
Synonyms: Communicate, Express, Transmit, Deliver, Impart
Antonyms: Withhold, Suppress, Conceal, Retain
Example Sentence: The artist was able to convey deep emotions through her paintings.
Persian Translation: انتقال دادن
Pronunciation: /ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd/
Definition: To be in agreement or harmony with; to communicate by exchanging letters.
Synonyms: Match, Agree, Align, Conform, Communicate
Antonyms: Differ, Disagree, Contradict, Conflict
Example Sentence: The figures in the report correspond with the data we collected last month.
Persian Translation: مطابقت داشتن
Pronunciation: /kraɪˈtɪəriə/
Definition: A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
Synonyms: Standards, Benchmarks, Measures, Guidelines, Norms
Antonyms: Guess, Conjecture
Example Sentence: The main criteria for admission to the program include academic performance and extracurricular involvement.
Persian Translation: معیارها
Pronunciation: /ˈkruːʃəl/
Definition: Extremely important or essential.
Synonyms: Vital, Essential, Critical, Important, Key
Antonyms: Unimportant, Trivial, Minor, Insignificant
Example Sentence: It is crucial to follow the safety guidelines to prevent accidents.
Persian Translation: حیاتی
Pronunciation: /ˈkjuːmjʊlətɪv/
Definition: Increasing or growing by accumulation or successive additions.
Synonyms: Accumulative, Aggregate, Collective, Increasing, Additive
Antonyms: Diminishing, Decreasing, Subtractive
Example Sentence: The cumulative effects of pollution have severely impacted the environment.
Persian Translation: انباشته
Pronunciation: /dɪˈdjuːs/
Definition: To arrive at a conclusion by reasoning; to infer.
Synonyms: Infer, Conclude, Reason, Derive, Assume
Antonyms: Misinterpret, Misunderstand, Confuse
Example Sentence: From the evidence, the detective was able to deduce who the culprit was.
Persian Translation: استنباط کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈdɛfɪsɪt/
Definition: The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
Synonyms: Shortfall, Deficiency, Shortage, Lack, Insufficiency
Antonyms: Surplus, Excess, Abundance, Overflow
Example Sentence: The company is facing a significant budget deficit this year.
Persian Translation: کسری
Pronunciation: /dɪˈnoʊt/
Definition: To be a sign of; to indicate.
Synonyms: Indicate, Signify, Represent, Mean, Symbolize
Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Obscure
Example Sentence: The red light denotes that the machine is currently inoperable.
Persian Translation: نشان دادن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈpɑːrt/
Definition: To leave, typically in order to start a journey.
Synonyms: Leave, Exit, Go, Withdraw, Vacate
Antonyms: Arrive, Stay, Remain, Return
Example Sentence: The train will depart from the station at 5 PM.
Persian Translation: ترک کردن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈpɪkt/
Definition: To represent or show something in a picture or story.
Synonyms: Illustrate, Portray, Represent, Show, Describe
Antonyms: Conceal, Distort, Misrepresent
Example Sentence: The artist’s mural vividly depicts the cultural heritage of the community.
Persian Translation: به تصویر کشیدن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈraɪv/
Definition: To obtain something from a specified source.
Synonyms: Obtain, Extract, Garner, Elicit, Acquire
Antonyms: Create, Invent, Originate
Example Sentence: Many English words are derived from Latin.
Persian Translation: مشتق شدن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/
Definition: To decide or conclude something after reasoning or observation.
Synonyms: Decide, Resolve, Conclude, Ascertain, Establish
Antonyms: Hesitate, Doubt, Waiver
Example Sentence: The investigation will determine the cause of the accident.
Persian Translation: تعیین کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈdiːvieɪt/
Definition: To depart from an established course or norm.
Synonyms: Diverge, Differ, Stray, Veer, Depart
Antonyms: Conform, Adhere, Follow, Abide
Example Sentence: He decided to deviate from the original plan to explore new possibilities.
Persian Translation: منحرف شدن
Pronunciation: /ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃieɪt/
Definition: To recognize or ascertain what makes someone or something different.
Synonyms: Distinguish, Discern, Discriminate, Separate, Identify
Antonyms: Confuse, Mix up, Equate
Example Sentence: It’s important to differentiate between the two species based on their physical characteristics.
Persian Translation: تمایز قائل شدن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/
Definition: To make or become less.
Synonyms: Decrease, Reduce, Lessen, Dwindle, Shrink
Antonyms: Increase, Expand, Grow, Enlarge, Amplify
Example Sentence: The medicine helped diminish the patient’s pain significantly.
Persian Translation: کاهش دادن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈskrɛpənsi/
Definition: A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Synonyms: Difference, Inconsistency, Divergence, Disparity, Conflict
Antonyms: Agreement, Consistency, Accord, Similarity
Example Sentence: The accountant noticed a discrepancy between the two financial reports.
Persian Translation: اختلاف
Pronunciation: /dɪˈspoʊz/
Definition: To get rid of something; to arrange or settle matters.
Synonyms: Discard, Get rid of, Eliminate, Throw away, Arrange
Antonyms: Keep, Retain, Hold, Acquire
Example Sentence: He decided to dispose of the old furniture before moving to the new house.
Persian Translation: دور انداختن
Pronunciation: /dɪˈspjuːt/
Definition: A disagreement or argument.
Synonyms: Argument, Disagreement, Conflict, Debate, Controversy
Antonyms: Agreement, Harmony, Accord, Consensus
Example Sentence: The two companies are involved in a legal dispute over the patent rights.
Persian Translation: اختلاف، نزاع
Pronunciation: /dɪˈstɪŋkt/
Definition: Recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.
Synonyms: Clear, Definite, Noticeable, Different, Unique
Antonyms: Indistinct, Vague, Similar, Unclear
Example Sentence: There are distinct differences between the two proposals.
Persian Translation: متمایز
Pronunciation: /daɪˈvɜːrs/
Definition: Showing a great deal of variety; very different.
Synonyms: Various, Varied, Different, Assorted, Heterogeneous
Antonyms: Similar, Uniform, Homogeneous, Identical
Example Sentence: The city is known for its diverse population and rich cultural heritage.
Persian Translation: متنوع
Pronunciation: /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/
Definition: To have control or power over something or someone.
Synonyms: Control, Rule, Command, Govern, Overpower
Antonyms: Follow, Submit, Yield, Surrender
Example Sentence: The team managed to dominate the game from start to finish.
Persian Translation: تسلط داشتن
Pronunciation: /ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/
Definition: To come into view; to become apparent or prominent.
Synonyms: Appear, Arise, Surface, Develop, Materialize
Antonyms: Disappear, Vanish, Recede, Withdraw
Example Sentence: New opportunities began to emerge as the market expanded.
Persian Translation: ظاهر شدن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/
Definition: To include comprehensively; to surround or hold within.
Synonyms: Include, Surround, Enclose, Embrace, Contain
Antonyms: Exclude, Omit, Overlook, Ignore
Example Sentence: The course will encompass all aspects of the subject.
Persian Translation: در بر گرفتن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈdjʊər/
Definition: To suffer something painful or difficult patiently; to last or remain in existence.
Synonyms: Withstand, Bear, Suffer, Tolerate, Persist
Antonyms: Surrender, Quit, Give up, Perish
Example Sentence: She had to endure many hardships throughout her career.
Persian Translation: تحمل کردن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈhæns/
Definition: To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
Synonyms: Improve, Augment, Increase, Boost, Strengthen
Antonyms: Diminish, Reduce, Decrease, Weaken
Example Sentence: The new technology will enhance the efficiency of the manufacturing process.
Persian Translation: تقویت کردن
Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɔːrməs/
Definition: Very large in size, quantity, or extent.
Synonyms: Huge, Vast, Immense, Gigantic, Massive
Antonyms: Small, Tiny, Minute, Minuscule
Example Sentence: The construction of the bridge required an enormous amount of steel.
Persian Translation: عظیم
Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɔːrməs/
Definition: Very large in size, quantity, or extent.
Synonyms: Huge, Vast, Immense, Gigantic, Massive
Antonyms: Small, Tiny, Minute, Minuscule
Example Sentence: The construction of the bridge required an enormous amount of steel.
Persian Translation: عظیم
Pronunciation: /ɪˈkweɪt/
Definition: To consider one thing to be the same as or equivalent to another.
Synonyms: Compare, Identify, Relate, Associate, Match
Antonyms: Differentiate, Distinguish, Separate, Contrast
Example Sentence: It is not fair to equate the struggles of different groups without considering their unique contexts.
Persian Translation: برابر دانستن
Pronunciation: /ɪˈvɒlv/
Definition: To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Synonyms: Develop, Progress, Grow, Advance, Transform
Antonyms: Regress, Deteriorate, Decline, Degenerate
Example Sentence: Over millions of years, these organisms have evolved into complex life forms.
Persian Translation: تکامل یافتن
Pronunciation: /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/
Definition: To show or display something publicly.
Synonyms: Display, Show, Reveal, Demonstrate, Present
Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Suppress, Cover
Example Sentence: The museum will exhibit ancient artifacts from various cultures.
Persian Translation: نمایش دادن
Pronunciation: /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/
Definition: To make use of a resource or situation unfairly or to the greatest possible advantage.
Synonyms: Utilize, Use, Take advantage of, Leverage, Manipulate
Antonyms: Preserve, Protect, Conserve
Example Sentence: The company was accused of exploiting workers by paying them very low wages.
Persian Translation: بهرهبرداری کردن
Pronunciation: /ɪkˈspoʊz/
Definition: To make something visible by uncovering it; to reveal the true nature of something.
Synonyms: Reveal, Uncover, Disclose, Display, Show
Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Cover, Protect
Example Sentence: The investigation aimed to expose the corruption within the organization.
Persian Translation: افشا کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈfiːzəbl/
Definition: Possible to do easily or conveniently.
Synonyms: Possible, Achievable, Practical, Realistic, Attainable
Antonyms: Impossible, Impractical, Unachievable, Unattainable
Example Sentence: The project is technically feasible but requires significant funding.
Persian Translation: امکانپذیر
Pronunciation: /ˈfʌŋkʃən/
Definition: An activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.
Synonyms: Role, Purpose, Duty, Task, Operation
Antonyms: Dysfunction, Malfunction, Idleness
Example Sentence: The primary function of the software is to manage customer data efficiently.
Persian Translation: عملکرد
Pronunciation: /hɛns/
Definition: As a consequence; for this reason.
Synonyms: Therefore, Thus, Consequently, Accordingly, So
Antonyms: However, Nevertheless, Nonetheless
Example Sentence: The weather was unfavorable, hence the cancellation of the event.
Persian Translation: از این رو
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnsɪdəns/
Definition: The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or something else undesirable.
Synonyms: Occurrence, Frequency, Rate, Prevalence, Commonness
Antonyms: Rarity, Infrequency, Scarcity
Example Sentence: The incidence of flu increases during the winter months.
Persian Translation: بروز (وقوع)
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈklaɪn/
Definition: To feel willing or favorably disposed toward an action, belief, or attitude; to have a tendency to do something.
Synonyms: Tend, Lean, Be disposed, Favor, Slope
Antonyms: Decline, Disincline, Oppose, Resist
Example Sentence: I incline to accept the proposal after reviewing the details.
Persian Translation: تمایل داشتن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt/
Definition: To include or integrate a part or parts into the whole.
Synonyms: Include, Integrate, Combine, Merge, Assimilate
Antonyms: Exclude, Separate, Remove, Divide
Example Sentence: The company plans to incorporate the new technology into its existing product line.
Persian Translation: ادغام کردن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/
Definition: To hinder, restrain, or prevent an action or process.
Synonyms: Restrain, Hinder, Prevent, Suppress, Deter
Antonyms: Encourage, Promote, Aid, Facilitate
Example Sentence: Fear of failure can inhibit a person’s ability to take risks.
Persian Translation: بازداشتن
Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/
Definition: The ability to assess and start things independently; a strategy or plan intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation.
Synonyms: Enterprise, Drive, Plan, Scheme, Strategy
Antonyms: Inactivity, Idleness, Passivity, Inertia
Example Sentence: She took the initiative to organize a community clean-up event.
Persian Translation: ابتکار عمل
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnsaɪt/
Definition: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
Synonyms: Understanding, Perception, Awareness, Comprehension, Intuition
Antonyms: Ignorance, Misunderstanding, Misconception
Example Sentence: His book provides a fascinating insight into the world of quantum physics.
Persian Translation: بینش
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnstəns/
Definition: An example or single occurrence of something.
Synonyms: Example, Case, Occurrence, Illustration, Occasion
Antonyms: Whole, Generalization, Abstraction
Example Sentence: For instance, many people find it difficult to adapt to new technology quickly.
Persian Translation: نمونه
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti/
Definition: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; the state of being whole and undivided.
Synonyms: Honesty, Uprightness, Rectitude, Wholeness, Soundness
Antonyms: Dishonesty, Corruption, Fragmentation, Deceit
Example Sentence: The politician was admired for his integrity and dedication to his constituents.
Persian Translation: صداقت و تمامیت
Pronunciation: /ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃuəl/
Definition: Relating to the intellect or an educated person possessing a highly developed intellect.
Synonyms: Mental, Cognitive, Scholarly, Academic, Thoughtful
Antonyms: Unintelligent, Uneducated, Ignorant
Example Sentence: The conference attracted many intellectuals from around the world.
Persian Translation: روشنفکر
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtɛns/
Definition: Of extreme force, degree, or strength.
Synonyms: Extreme, Acute, Severe, Powerful, Fierce
Antonyms: Mild, Moderate, Gentle, Weak
Example Sentence: The heat was so intense that it was difficult to stay outside for long.
Persian Translation: شدید
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtɜːrprɪt/
Definition: To explain the meaning of information, words, or actions.
Synonyms: Explain, Clarify, Elucidate, Decipher, Translate
Antonyms: Misinterpret, Confuse, Obscure, Misunderstand
Example Sentence: It’s important to accurately interpret the data before making any conclusions.
Persian Translation: تفسیر کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈɪntərvəl/
Definition: A period of time between events or states.
Synonyms: Intermission, Interlude, Break, Pause, Gap
Antonyms: Continuation, Continuity
Example Sentence: There was a brief interval between the two acts of the play.
Persian Translation: فاصله زمانی
Pronunciation: /ˌɪntərˈviːn/
Definition: To come between disputing people, groups, etc.; to intercede or mediate.
Synonyms: Mediate, Intercede, Interpose, Step in, Interfere
Antonyms: Ignore, Overlook, Avoid
Example Sentence: The teacher had to intervene to stop the fight between the two students.
Persian Translation: مداخله کردن
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/
Definition: Belonging naturally; essential.
Synonyms: Inherent, Innate, Inborn, Essential, Fundamental
Antonyms: Extrinsic, External, Nonessential
Example Sentence: The intrinsic value of a gem is not always reflected in its market price.
Persian Translation: ذاتی
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈvoʊk/
Definition: To call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration; to appeal to or cite in support or justification.
Synonyms: Summon, Appeal to, Call upon, Cite, Invoke
Antonyms: Dismiss, Ignore, Abandon
Example Sentence: The lawyer decided to invoke the right to remain silent during the questioning.
Persian Translation: استناد کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/
Definition: To show or prove to be right or reasonable.
Synonyms: Defend, Support, Validate, Rationalize, Excuse
Antonyms: Condemn, Disprove, Denounce, Criticize
Example Sentence: The manager had to justify the decision to reduce the budget to the board.
Persian Translation: توجیه کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈlɛdʒɪsleɪt/
Definition: To make or enact laws.
Synonyms: Enact, Ordain, Pass laws, Establish, Formulate
Antonyms: Abolish, Repeal, Nullify, Rescind
Example Sentence: The government decided to legislate new measures to combat climate change.
Persian Translation: قانون وضع کردن
Pronunciation: /məˈnɪpjuleɪt/
Definition: To handle or control something in a skillful manner; to control or influence someone or something cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.
Synonyms: Control, Influence, Maneuver, Direct, Exploit
Antonyms: Mismanage, Botch, Bungle
Example Sentence: The politician was accused of trying to manipulate public opinion.
Persian Translation: دستکاری کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/
Definition: Experienced or done by each of two or more parties toward the other or others.
Synonyms: Reciprocal, Shared, Common, Joint, Collective
Antonyms: One-sided, Unilateral, Independent
Example Sentence: Their mutual respect for each other strengthened their partnership.
Persian Translation: متقابل
Pronunciation: /nɪˈɡlɛkt/
Definition: To fail to care for properly; to pay little or no attention to.
Synonyms: Ignore, Disregard, Overlook, Abandon, Forsake
Antonyms: Care for, Attend to, Maintain, Nurture
Example Sentence: The old building had been neglected for many years.
Persian Translation: غفلت کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈnjuːtrəl/
Definition: Not supporting or helping either side in a conflict or disagreement; impartial.
Synonyms: Impartial, Unbiased, Nonpartisan, Detached, Indifferent
Antonyms: Biased, Partial, Subjective, Opinionated
Example Sentence: The country remained neutral during the conflict.
Persian Translation: بیطرف
Pronunciation: /ˌnɛvərðəˈlɛs/
Definition: In spite of that; notwithstanding.
Synonyms: Nonetheless, However, Still, Yet, Even so
Antonyms: Therefore, Hence, Consequently, Thus
Example Sentence: The project faced many challenges; nevertheless, it was completed on time.
Persian Translation: با این وجود
Pronunciation: /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/
Definition: In spite of that; notwithstanding.
Synonyms: Nevertheless, However, Still, Yet, Even so
Antonyms: Therefore, Hence, Consequently, Thus
Example Sentence: The project faced many challenges; nonetheless, it was completed on time.
Persian Translation: با این وجود
Pronunciation: /ˈnoʊʃən/
Definition: A conception of or belief about something.
Synonyms: Idea, Concept, Belief, Understanding, Perception
Antonyms: Misconception, Ignorance, Unawareness
Example Sentence: The notion of freedom varies from culture to culture.
Persian Translation: تصور، عقیده
Pronunciation: /əˈblɪtəreɪt/
Definition: To destroy utterly; wipe out.
Synonyms: Destroy, Annihilate, Erase, Eliminate, Exterminate
Antonyms: Create, Establish, Preserve, Construct
Example Sentence: The hurricane could obliterate entire communities along the coast.
Persian Translation: نابود کردن
Pronunciation: /ˌɒbsəˈliːt/
Definition: No longer in use; out of date.
Synonyms: Outdated, Archaic, Antiquated, Old-fashioned, Obsolete
Antonyms: Modern, Current, Up-to-date, Contemporary
Example Sentence: Many technological devices become obsolete within a few years.
Persian Translation: منسوخ
Pronunciation: /ɒmˈnɪpətənt/
Definition: Having unlimited power; able to do anything.
Synonyms: All-powerful, Almighty, Supreme, Invincible, Unconquerable
Antonyms: Powerless, Weak, Helpless, Vulnerable
Example Sentence: The deity was believed to be omnipotent and could control all aspects of the universe.
Persian Translation: قادر مطلق
Pronunciation: /ˈoʊnərəs/
Definition: Involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.
Synonyms: Burdensome, Heavy, Arduous, Difficult, Demanding
Antonyms: Easy, Light, Effortless, Simple
Example Sentence: The manager found the new regulations to be onerous and time-consuming.
Persian Translation: طاقتفرسا
Pronunciation: /ˌɒpərtjuːˈnɪstɪk/
Definition: Exploiting immediate opportunities, especially regardless of planning or principle.
Synonyms: Calculating, Cunning, Resourceful, Strategic, Unscrupulous
Antonyms: Principled, Ethical, Honest, Fair
Example Sentence: The opportunistic businessman took advantage of the market crash to buy stocks at a low price.
Persian Translation: فرصتطلبانه
Pronunciation: /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/
Definition: Hopeful and confident about the future.
Synonyms: Hopeful, Positive, Upbeat, Sanguine, Confident
Antonyms: Pessimistic, Negative, Doubtful, Gloomy
Example Sentence: She remains optimistic about the company’s future despite the recent setbacks.
Persian Translation: خوشبین
Pronunciation: /ˌɒstənˈteɪʃəs/
Definition: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice.
Synonyms: Showy, Pretentious, Extravagant, Flashy, Conspicuous
Antonyms: Modest, Humble, Unpretentious, Simple
Example Sentence: His ostentatious display of wealth made him many enemies.
Persian Translation: خودنمایانه
Pronunciation: /ˈpærəmaʊnt/
Definition: More important than anything else; supreme.
Synonyms: Supreme, Chief, Principal, Foremost, Dominant
Antonyms: Secondary, Minor, Subordinate, Insignificant
Example Sentence: Safety is of paramount importance in this industry.
Persian Translation: بسیار مهم
Pronunciation: /pərˈsiːv/
Definition: To become aware or conscious of something; to come to realize or understand.
Synonyms: Discern, Recognize, Notice, Detect, Understand
Antonyms: Overlook, Ignore, Misunderstand, Misinterpret
Example Sentence: She could perceive the tension in the room as soon as she walked in.
Persian Translation: درک کردن
Pronunciation: /pərˈsiːv/
Definition: To become aware or conscious of something; to come to realize or understand.
Synonyms: Discern, Recognize, Notice, Detect, Understand
Antonyms: Overlook, Ignore, Misunderstand, Misinterpret
Example Sentence: She could perceive the tension in the room as soon as she walked in.
Persian Translation: درک کردن
Pronunciation: /pərˈpɛtʃueɪt/
Definition: To make something continue indefinitely.
Synonyms: Preserve, Sustain, Maintain, Continue, Prolong
Antonyms: Discontinue, Halt, Cease, Stop
Example Sentence: The movie perpetuates outdated stereotypes about certain cultures.
Persian Translation: تداوم بخشیدن
Pronunciation: /ˈpɜːrtɪnənt/
Definition: Relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.
Synonyms: Relevant, Applicable, Appropriate, Suitable, Related
Antonyms: Irrelevant, Unrelated, Inappropriate
Example Sentence: Her comments were pertinent to the discussion about environmental policy.
Persian Translation: مرتبط
Pronunciation: /pərˈveɪsɪv/
Definition: Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
Synonyms: Widespread, Prevalent, Ubiquitous, Omnipresent, Extensive
Antonyms: Rare, Uncommon, Isolated
Example Sentence: The influence of technology is pervasive in modern society.
Persian Translation: فراگیر
Pronunciation: /ˈplɔːzɪbl/
Definition: Seeming reasonable or probable.
Synonyms: Believable, Credible, Reasonable, Convincing, Likely
Antonyms: Implausible, Unbelievable, Unreasonable, Improbable
Example Sentence: Her explanation for the delay sounded plausible to everyone in the room.
Persian Translation: محتمل
Pronunciation: /præɡˈmætɪk/
Definition: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
Synonyms: Practical, Realistic, Sensible, Down-to-earth, Rational
Antonyms: Idealistic, Impractical, Unrealistic, Theoretical
Example Sentence: The team took a pragmatic approach to solve the problem, focusing on achievable solutions.
Persian Translation: عملگرایانه
Pronunciation: /ˈprɛsɪdənt/
Definition: An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
Synonyms: Example, Model, Standard, Guide, Prototype
Antonyms: Subsequent, Later, Following
Example Sentence: The court’s decision set a precedent for future cases of this nature.
Persian Translation: سابقه
Pronunciation: /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt/
Definition: Present as the strongest or main element; having or exerting control or power.
Synonyms: Main, Principal, Chief, Dominant, Primary
Antonyms: Minor, Secondary, Subordinate, Inferior
Example Sentence: The predominant color in the painting is blue.
Persian Translation: غالب
Pronunciation: /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/
Definition: To delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
Synonyms: Delay, Postpone, Stall, Hesitate, Dawdle
Antonyms: Advance, Hasten, Expedite, Accelerate
Example Sentence: He tends to procrastinate when it comes to completing his assignments.
Persian Translation: تعلل کردن
Pronunciation: /prəˈfaʊnd/
Definition: Very great or intense; having deep insight or understanding.
Synonyms: Deep, Intense, Insightful, Thoughtful, Significant
Antonyms: Superficial, Shallow, Mild, Unimportant
Example Sentence: The philosopher’s lecture was filled with profound ideas about the nature of existence.
Persian Translation: عمیق
Pronunciation: /prəˈlɪfɪk/
Definition: Producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; producing many works or results.
Synonyms: Productive, Fruitful, Fertile, Abundant, Generative
Antonyms: Unproductive, Barren, Sterile, Infertile
Example Sentence: The prolific author wrote over fifty novels during his career.
Persian Translation: پرکار
Pronunciation: /ˈpruːdənt/
Definition: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: Wise, Cautious, Judicious, Sensible, Discreet
Antonyms: Reckless, Imprudent, Foolish, Careless
Example Sentence: It would be prudent to save some of your income for future emergencies.
Persian Translation: محتاط
Pronunciation: /ˈpʌndʒənt/
Definition: Having a sharply strong taste or smell.
Synonyms: Sharp, Strong, Acrid, Bitter, Spicy
Antonyms: Mild, Bland, Weak, Dull
Example Sentence: The pungent aroma of garlic filled the kitchen.
Persian Translation: تند و زننده
Pronunciation: /ˈkwɒndəri/
Definition: A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: Dilemma, Predicament, Plight, Confusion, Uncertainty
Antonyms: Certainty, Solution, Resolution, Clarity
Example Sentence: She was in a quandary about whether to accept the job offer or pursue further studies.
Persian Translation: معضل
Pronunciation: /kwɛl/
Definition: To put an end to, typically by the use of force; to suppress or pacify.
Synonyms: Suppress, Subdue, Quash, Pacify, Calm
Antonyms: Incite, Provoke, Agitate, Stir up
Example Sentence: The government tried to quell the uprising with a show of force.
Persian Translation: سرکوب کردن
Pronunciation: /kwɪkˈsɒtɪk/
Definition: Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
Synonyms: Idealistic, Impractical, Unrealistic, Visionary, Romantic
Antonyms: Realistic, Practical, Pragmatic, Sensible
Example Sentence: His quixotic quest for perfection made him difficult to work with.
Persian Translation: خیالپردازانه
Pronunciation: /rɪˈkælsɪtrənt/
Definition: Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
Synonyms: Uncooperative, Defiant, Rebellious, Insubordinate, Stubborn
Antonyms: Compliant, Obedient, Cooperative, Submissive
Example Sentence: The recalcitrant student refused to follow the teacher’s instructions.
Persian Translation: سرسخت، نافرمان
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛktɪfaɪ/
Definition: To put right; correct.
Synonyms: Correct, Amend, Fix, Resolve, Adjust
Antonyms: Worsen, Corrupt, Damage, Complicate
Example Sentence: The technician was able to rectify the issue with the computer system.
Persian Translation: اصلاح کردن
Pronunciation: /riˈɪtəreɪt/
Definition: To say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
Synonyms: Repeat, Restate, Recapitulate, Echo, Recite
Antonyms: Retract, Reverse, Cancel
Example Sentence: The teacher had to reiterate the instructions to ensure everyone understood.
Persian Translation: تکرار کردن
Pronunciation: /rɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/
Definition: To voluntarily cease to keep or claim; to give up.
Synonyms: Surrender, Abandon, Renounce, Give up, Resign
Antonyms: Retain, Keep, Hold, Maintain
Example Sentence: She decided to relinquish her position as the team leader.
Persian Translation: واگذار کردن
Pronunciation: /ˌrɛmɪˈnɪsənt/
Definition: Tending to remind one of something.
Synonyms: Evocative, Suggestive, Remindful, Reflective, Redolent
Antonyms: Forgetful, Oblivious, Unmindful
Example Sentence: The old photographs were reminiscent of her childhood.
Persian Translation: یادآور
Pronunciation: /rɪˈnaʊnd/
Definition: Known or talked about by many people; famous.
Synonyms: Famous, Celebrated, Acclaimed, Notable, Distinguished
Antonyms: Unknown, Obscure, Uncelebrated, Unsung
Example Sentence: The scientist is renowned for her groundbreaking research in genetics.
Persian Translation: مشهور
Pronunciation: /rɪˈplɛnɪʃ/
Definition: To fill something up again; to restore to a former level or condition.
Synonyms: Refill, Restock, Renew, Restore, Resupply
Antonyms: Deplete, Exhaust, Use up, Drain
Example Sentence: We need to replenish the supplies before the next shipment arrives.
Persian Translation: دوباره پر کردن
Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪliənt/
Definition: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Synonyms: Strong, Tough, Hardy, Flexible, Adaptable
Antonyms: Fragile, Weak, Vulnerable, Inflexible
Example Sentence: Despite facing numerous setbacks, she remained resilient and continued to pursue her goals.
Persian Translation: انعطافپذیر، مقاوم
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛzəluːt/
Definition: Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
Synonyms: Determined, Steadfast, Unwavering, Firm, Persistent
Antonyms: Indecisive, Irresolute, Hesitant, Wavering
Example Sentence: She was resolute in her decision to pursue a career in medicine.
Persian Translation: مصمم
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛzəneɪt/
Definition: To produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound; to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions.
Synonyms: Echo, Reverberate, Resound, Strike a chord, Connect
Antonyms: Mute, Silence, Quiet, Suppress
Example Sentence: The speaker’s words resonated with the audience, leaving a lasting impact.
Persian Translation: طنین انداز شدن
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛtrəˌspɛkt/
Definition: A review or contemplation of things in the past.
Synonyms: Hindsight, Recollection, Reflection, Review, Reminiscence
Antonyms: Anticipation, Foresight, Prediction
Example Sentence: In retrospect, she realized that her decision had been the right one.
Persian Translation: گذشتهنگری
Pronunciation: /rɪˈvɪr/
Definition: To feel deep respect or admiration for something or someone.
Synonyms: Respect, Admire, Venerate, Honor, Esteem
Antonyms: Disrespect, Scorn, Despise, Disdain
Example Sentence: The community revered the local doctor for his years of dedicated service.
Persian Translation: احترام گذاشتن
Pronunciation: /ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz/
Definition: To imbue something with new life and vitality.
Synonyms: Refresh, Renew, Rejuvenate, Invigorate, Revive
Antonyms: Deteriorate, Weaken, Decay, Deplete
Example Sentence: The government plans to revitalize the downtown area to attract more businesses.
Persian Translation: احیا کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈtrɪviəl/
Definition: Of little value or importance.
Synonyms: Unimportant, Minor, Insignificant, Petty, Inconsequential
Antonyms: Important, Significant, Major, Serious
Example Sentence: He was criticized for focusing on trivial details instead of the main issue.
Persian Translation: بیاهمیت
Pronunciation: /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/
Definition: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Synonyms: Omnipresent, Pervasive, Universal, Ever-present, Widespread
Antonyms: Rare, Scarce, Uncommon
Example Sentence: Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
Persian Translation: همه جا حاضر
Pronunciation: /ʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛntɪd/
Definition: Never done or known before.
Synonyms: Unparalleled, Unmatched, Unheard of, Exceptional, Unique
Antonyms: Common, Ordinary, Usual, Familiar
Example Sentence: The pandemic created unprecedented challenges for healthcare systems worldwide.
Persian Translation: بیسابقه
Pronunciation: /ʌnˈwɒrəntɪd/
Definition: Not justified or authorized.
Synonyms: Unjustified, Unjust, Uncalled for, Groundless, Baseless
Antonyms: Justified, Warranted, Necessary, Appropriate
Example Sentence: The accusations against him were completely unwarranted.
Persian Translation: بیمورد، بیجا
Pronunciation: /juːˈzɜːrp/
Definition: To take a position of power or importance illegally or by force.
Synonyms: Seize, Take over, Appropriate, Commandeer, Assume
Antonyms: Relinquish, Surrender, Resign, Abdicate
Example Sentence: The general attempted to usurp the throne from the king.
Persian Translation: غصب کردن
Pronunciation: /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈtɛːrɪən/
Definition: Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.
Synonyms: Practical, Functional, Pragmatic, Efficient, Serviceable
Antonyms: Aesthetic, Ornamental, Decorative, Useless
Example Sentence: The building’s utilitarian design focused on functionality over beauty.
Persian Translation: کاربردی، سودمند
Pronunciation: /ˈvæsɪleɪt/
Definition: To alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.
Synonyms: Waver, Hesitate, Dither, Oscillate, Fluctuate
Antonyms: Decide, Determine, Persist, Resolve
Example Sentence: She tended to vacillate between different career options before finally settling on medicine.
Persian Translation: مردد بودن، نوسان داشتن
Pronunciation: /veɪɡ/
Definition: Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Synonyms: Unclear, Indistinct, Ambiguous, Hazy, Obscure
Antonyms: Clear, Distinct, Precise, Explicit
Example Sentence: His directions were so vague that we got lost on the way.
Persian Translation: مبهم
Pronunciation: /ˈviːəmənt/
Definition: Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
Synonyms: Passionate, Forceful, Intense, Fervent, Ardent
Antonyms: Apathetic, Indifferent, Mild, Calm
Example Sentence: She made a vehement argument against the proposal.
Persian Translation: شدید، پرشور
Pronunciation: /ˈvɛnərəbəl/
Definition: Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
Synonyms: Respected, Revered, Esteemed, Honored, Distinguished
Antonyms: Disrespected, Dishonored, Ignored, Insignificant
Example Sentence: The venerable professor was admired by students and colleagues alike.
Persian Translation: محترم، قابل احترام
Pronunciation: /ˈvɪndɪkeɪt/
Definition: To clear someone of blame or suspicion; to show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified.
Synonyms: Clear, Exonerate, Justify, Defend, Absolve
Antonyms: Accuse, Blame, Condemn, Convict
Example Sentence: The new evidence helped to vindicate the accused man.
Persian Translation: تبرئه کردن، اثبات کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈvɒlətaɪl/
Definition: Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
Synonyms: Unstable, Unpredictable, Erratic, Explosive, Inconstant
Antonyms: Stable, Predictable, Consistent, Steady
Example Sentence: The stock market has been particularly volatile during the economic downturn.
Persian Translation: ناپایدار، متغیر
Pronunciation: /ˈwɛəri/
Definition: Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
Synonyms: Cautious, Careful, Alert, Watchful, Vigilant
Antonyms: Reckless, Careless, Trusting, Unaware
Example Sentence: She was wary of strangers offering unsolicited help.
Persian Translation: محتاط
Pronunciation: /ˈwɪmzɪkəl/
Definition: Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way; acting or behaving in a capricious manner.
Synonyms: Playful, Fanciful, Capricious, Quirky, Amusing
Antonyms: Serious, Sober, Stern, Grave
Example Sentence: The artist’s whimsical paintings delighted viewers with their imaginative details.
Persian Translation: بوالهوس، خیالی
Pronunciation: /ˈwaɪdˌsprɛd/
Definition: Found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
Synonyms: Extensive, Pervasive, Prevalent, Common, Universal
Antonyms: Limited, Rare, Uncommon, Isolated
Example Sentence: The new policy received widespread support from the community.
Persian Translation: گسترده
Pronunciation: /ˈrɪɡərəs/
Definition: Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.
Synonyms: Thorough, Meticulous, Strict, Exacting, Harsh
Antonyms: Lax, Lenient, Careless, Inexact
Example Sentence: The research was conducted with rigorous standards to ensure accuracy.
Persian Translation: سختگیرانه
Pronunciation: /ˈskruːtɪnaɪz/
Definition: To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
Synonyms: Examine, Inspect, Investigate, Study, Analyze
Antonyms: Overlook, Ignore, Neglect
Example Sentence: The accountant had to scrutinize the financial statements for any discrepancies.
Persian Translation: بررسی دقیق کردن
Pronunciation: /ˌsɛrənˈdɪpɪti/
Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Synonyms: Chance, Luck, Fortuity, Fluke, Coincidence
Antonyms: Misfortune, Bad luck, Calamity
Example Sentence: It was pure serendipity that they met and became lifelong friends.
Persian Translation: نیکبختی
Pronunciation: /ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪk/
Definition: Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.
Synonyms: Sleep-inducing, Sedative, Hypnotic, Calming, Tranquilizing
Antonyms: Stimulating, Invigorating, Exciting
Example Sentence: The professor’s soporific lecture nearly put the entire class to sleep.
Persian Translation: خوابآور
Pronunciation: /ˈspɛkjʊleɪt/
Definition: To form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.
Synonyms: Guess, Theorize, Hypothesize, Conjecture, Suppose
Antonyms: Know, Confirm, Prove, Verify
Example Sentence: Economists speculate that the stock market will continue to rise.
Persian Translation: حدس زدن
Pronunciation: /spɒnˈteɪniəs/
Definition: Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
Synonyms: Unplanned, Impulsive, Unpremeditated, Instinctive, Automatic
Antonyms: Planned, Deliberate, Intentional, Prearranged
Example Sentence: The crowd broke into spontaneous applause.
Persian Translation: خودبخود
Pronunciation: /ˈstæɡnənt/
Definition: Having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence; showing no activity; dull and sluggish.
Synonyms: Still, Motionless, Inactive, Static, Sluggish
Antonyms: Flowing, Active, Moving, Dynamic
Example Sentence: The stagnant water in the pond was covered with algae.
Persian Translation: راکد
Pronunciation: /səbˈstænʃieɪt/
Definition: To provide evidence to support or prove the truth of something.
Synonyms: Prove, Validate, Verify, Confirm, Authenticate
Antonyms: Disprove, Refute, Deny, Contradict
Example Sentence: The scientist was able to substantiate his theory with extensive research and data.
Persian Translation: اثبات کردن
Pronunciation: /suːˈpɜːrfluəs/
Definition: Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Synonyms: Unnecessary, Excessive, Redundant, Extraneous, Surplus
Antonyms: Necessary, Essential, Required, Indispensable
Example Sentence: The report was filled with superfluous details that didn’t contribute to the overall findings.
Persian Translation: زائد، غیرضروری
Pronunciation: /sərˈmaɪz/
Definition: To suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Synonyms: Guess, Speculate, Conjecture, Assume, Presume
Antonyms: Know, Confirm, Prove, Verify
Example Sentence: Based on the look on his face, I surmise that he was not happy with the news.
Persian Translation: حدس زدن، گمان کردن
Pronunciation: /ˈtæktfəl/
Definition: Having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.
Synonyms: Diplomatic, Sensitive, Considerate, Polite, Discreet
Antonyms: Tactless, Insensitive, Blunt, Indelicate
Example Sentence: She handled the delicate situation in a very tactful manner.
Persian Translation: با تدبیر، با ملاحظه
Pronunciation: /ˈtændʒəbəl/
Definition: Perceptible by touch; clear and definite; real.
Synonyms: Touchable, Palpable, Concrete, Real, Physical
Antonyms: Intangible, Abstract, Immaterial, Unreal
Example Sentence: The company’s success was evident through its tangible assets and market presence.
Persian Translation: ملموس، محسوس
Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnjʊəs/
Definition: Very weak or slight; having little substance or strength.
Synonyms: Weak, Flimsy, Fragile, Thin, Insubstantial
Antonyms: Strong, Substantial, Firm, Solid
Example Sentence: The evidence against the suspect was tenuous and not enough to convict him.
Persian Translation: ضعیف، نازک، سست
Pronunciation: /ˌθɛrəˈpjuːtɪk/
Definition: Relating to the healing of disease; having a good effect on the body or mind; contributing to a sense of well-being.
Synonyms: Healing, Curative, Medicinal, Restorative, Beneficial
Antonyms: Harmful, Detrimental, Hurtful
Example Sentence: The therapeutic massage helped relieve her stress and muscle tension.
Persian Translation: درمانی، شفابخش
Pronunciation: /ˈtrænzɪənt/
Definition: Lasting only for a short time; impermanent.
Synonyms: Temporary, Fleeting, Short-lived, Ephemeral, Momentary
Antonyms: Permanent, Lasting, Enduring, Perpetual
Example Sentence: The transient nature of the job made it unsuitable for someone seeking long-term stability.
Persian Translation: گذرا، موقتی
Pronunciation: /ˌtrɛpɪˈdeɪʃən/
Definition: A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
Synonyms: Fear, Anxiety, Apprehension, Dread, Unease
Antonyms: Confidence, Calm, Composure, Assurance
Example Sentence: She felt a sense of trepidation as she approached the stage to give her speech.
Persian Translation: ترس، دلهره
Pronunciation: /ˈzɛləs/
Definition: Having or showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective.
Synonyms: Enthusiastic, Passionate, Fervent, Ardent, Eager
Antonyms: Apathetic, Indifferent, Unenthusiastic, Dispassionate
Example Sentence: The volunteers were zealous in their efforts to help the community.
Persian Translation: مشتاق، پرشور
Pronunciation: /zɛst/
Definition: Great enthusiasm and energy; the outer colored part of the peel of citrus fruit used as flavoring.
Synonyms: Enthusiasm, Gusto, Ardor, Energy, Relish
Antonyms: Apathy, Indifference, Lethargy, Dullness
Example Sentence: She added lemon zest to the cake batter to enhance its flavor.
Persian Translation: اشتیاق، ذوق، پوسته (مرکبات)
Pronunciation: /ˈziːnɪθ/
Definition: The time at which something is most powerful or successful; the highest point reached by a celestial or other object.
Synonyms: Peak, Apex, Summit, Pinnacle, Acme
Antonyms: Nadir, Bottom, Low point
Example Sentence: The company reached its zenith in the late 1990s.
Persian Translation: اوج، بالاترین نقطه