Words Flashcards
Define diastole
The period of relaxation of the heart , especially of the ventricles
Define laryngitis
Inflammation of the larynx (voicebox)
Define afferent
Carrying toward
Define subdural
Space between the dura mater and the arachnoid
Define metacarpals
Connects the wrist bones to the phalanges
Define keratin
A protein that forms the epidermis, hair and all horny tissue
Define idiopathic
A disease of unknown cause
Define laparoscopy
Endoscopic surgery of the abdomen
Define catheter
A flexible tube passed through body channels for withdraw/introduction of fluids into a body cavity
Define agoraphobia
Irrational fear of open spaces
Define stethoscope
A medical instrument for listening to various internal sounds of the body
Define hypertension
High blood pressure
Define mastectomy
Surgical removal of a breast
Define acetylcholinesterase
an enzyme that occurs in cholinergic nerve endings promoting the breakdown of acetylcholine
Define seborrheic dermatitis
A chronic inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by greasy scales & yellowish crust
Define blepharoplegia
Paralysis of the eyelid
Define omphalorrhexis
Rupture of umbilicus
Define scabies
A contagious dermatitis of humans & animals caused by the itch mite
Define subcutaneous
Fatty layer below dermis
Define antibiotic
A chemical substance that inhibits the growth of other microorgnaisms
Define staphylococcus
Gram positive bacteria responsible for skin infection
Define Internist
A physician who specializes in internal medicine
Define tinnitus
Ringing in the ears
Define cephalgia
Define pedodontist
Dentist for children
Define computerized tomography
X-rays that produce detailed cross sectional imaging of the body
Define coloclysis
Irrigation of the colon
Define diuretic
Increasing urine excretion
Define diuretic
Increasing urine excretion
Describe thrombocyte
A blood platelet , forms clots/ prevents bleeding
Define gonococcus
Bacterium which causes gonorhhea
Define amylase
An enzyme that breaks down starch
Define midsagittal plane
vertically divides the body through the midline into right & left halves
Define myocele
Hernia of the muscle