Words Flashcards
Summon sb
llamar a vtr + prep
citar a vtr + prep
emplazar a vtr + prep
(formal) convocar a vtr + prep
Jim summoned a doctor when his son’s fever got worse.
Jim llamó al médico cuando la fiebre de su hijo empeoró.
Restraining order
Orden de alejamiento
1.Deploy sth
2.Deploy so
1.( make use of sth) implementar⇒ vtr
(distribute, use) utilizar⇒ vtr
hacer uso de loc verb
We must deploy all the strategies available to us if we are to succeed.
Debemos implementar todas las estrategias posibles si queremos triunfar.
2.(move into position) desplegar a vtr + prep
The general deployed his troops.
El general desplegó a sus tropas.
By and large
In general, on the whole
En línea generales
wreak havoc on[sth],
wreak havoc with[sth
causar estragos en
sembrar el caos
difficult, demanding
draining away energy
presuntamente adv
supuestamente adv
según se dice
Somethingbadthat ispersistent, neverstops or never becomes lessintense.
implacableadj mfincansableadj mfincesanteadj mfThe residents of the street were growing annoyed at the relentless noise of the party at number 32.
Firme, Natalie was relentless in her pursuit of her goal.
Unusual quality (rareza, extravagancia)
commodities pricing
assigning prices to products or raw material
on her mother’s lap
en el regazo
fake, pretence
sham referendum
Create/do something out of thin air
Seemingly from nowhere
Surmise that/sth
Conjeturar, suponer
Called to military service
yield (n)
amount produced) cosecha nf
The yield this year was outstanding for corn farmers.
La cosecha de este año ha sido destacada para los productores de maíz.
yield n (finance: amount of gain) rédito, interés
owner (titular, propietario)
without expression (con rostro circunspecto o inexpresivo, con cera de poker, con la mirada vacía) The old lady no longer speaks; she simply stares blankly ahead.
Informal conversation
Out of curiosity
We are doing something because we were/are interested to know.
act of faking, feigning
Farol, engaño
overblown, pretentious
dar vida a loc verb
incitar a, provocar a vtr + prep
mover a la acción a loc verb
The new manager’s enthusiasm has galvanized the team.
Incitar a alguien paraloc vervThe teacher’s speech galvanized the students into improving on their work significantly.
dejar atrás a loc verb
dejar rezagado a loc verb
superar a vtr + prep
My brother outpaced me today in gym class.
informal (seedy or disreputable) sórdido/a adj
indecente adj mf
The situation came to a head
La situación llegó a un punto crítico
revolutionary, innovative) revolucionario/a adj
innovador/a adj
deprimente adj mf
lúgubre adj mf
pésimo/aadjdeplorableadj mfpobreadj mfThe team’s dismal performance caused them to lose the game.
Watershed point
(event, turning point) punto de inflexión nm + loc adj
momento crucial nm + adj
This moment is a watershed in the history of our country.
Praise, award
Elogio, galardón nm
retail space
espacio de venta al público.
Words related shopping mall (centro comercial)
unfathomable joy
impossible to measure, really happy
heady thrills of black bean sauce
embriagadora emoción de la salsa de frijoles negros
Aunque, si bien
The flowers are beautiful, albeit not appropriate for this event.
devilled lamb kidneys
riñones de cordero a la brasa
braised pork belly with chimichurri and a vegan option of miso-roasted celeriac on butterbean mash.
panza de cerdo estofada con chimichurri y una opción vegana de apio asado con miso sobre puré de judías.
drooling like one of Pavlov’s dogs at each ding.
babeando como uno de los perros de Pavlov a cada ding.
mainly UK(quite large)grandeadjcuantioso/aadjconsiderableadjA sizeable part of the settlement went to the victim’s family
love handles
body fat, extra pounds, roll of fat
spare tire/tyre
maniglie dell’amore
poingées d’amour
Rettungsringe Npl Speckröllchen
likeable, loveable
attachant adj mignon,
che ispira tenerezza, che ispira affetto
atractivo, encantador
Hopeless(ly) romantic
Romántico empedernido