words Flashcards
moral legitimacy
in accord with the rules of an ethic
During a time of social and political hierarchy in England, it was believed that the health of a country was directly related to the goodness and moral legitimacy of its king
very typical of a certain kind of person or thing
Shakespeare consistently presents the archetypal notion of
belonging as a part of the whole
one of his integral and reoccurring themes
stop oneself from doing something
more fittingly a warning, to refrain from transgressing beyond the affirmed natural boundaries
absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true
He presents striking paradoxes that unveil consequences
the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong
in order to provide an insight into the enormity of the crime Macbeth has committed against King Duncan
be or go beyond the range or limits of
when Macbeth transcends his limits
a short passage taken from a text, film, or piece of music
within this extract,
make (something) physically stronger or more solid
Shakespeare consolidates the recurring motif of..
relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
However, a more analytical reading of this use of metaphor suggests..
an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence
Shakespeare is illustrating the gruesome consequences of Macbeth’s transgressive abuse of the boundaries of life and death causing severe disruption to the natural cycle of day and night
nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis)
Shakespeare exposes the consequences of Macbeth’s shift between good and evil as he exposes the sheer disruption of the natural world
the process of becoming progressively worse
the deteriorating state of patriarchy within the kingdom
relating to or denoting a system of society or government controlled by men
To Shakespeare’s fiercely patriarchal audience
undermine the power and authority of
whom entirely subverts the natural gender expectations of a passive, subservient, patriarchal female
depart from an established course
Shakespeare deviates strongly from the affirmed patriarchal gender roles
one in which men have most of the power and influence
reveals a female figure within a male-dominated society
deprive of positive human qualities
her unnatural feminine desires to transgress into a dehumanising state
subdue (someone or something) by force
shows no attempt at repressing her cravings for corruption and vicious desires to be rid of all purity and conscience
powerfully affect (someone); overwhelm
foreshadows her descent into engulfing insanity
a limiting condition or measure
the repercussions of transgressing passive restrictions for a female within the domestic sphere
load heavily
burdened with a restlessly guilty conscience
centre or most important part
focal protagonist, Macbeth
completely filling one’s mind and attention; obsessive
descent into all-consuming insanity