Wordlist #3: Compound Greek Suffixes Flashcards
surgical removal of [compound]
condition of blood, congestion of blood [compound]
-genous, -genic
producing, produced [compound]
solid figure having a specified number of faces [compound]
diseased condition, infected [compound]
science of, systematic study of [compound]
dissolution of or by [compound]
madness for or about [compound]
measure, instrument for measuring [compound]
art or science of measuring [compound]
science of, system of laws governing [compound]
having a house or dwelling [compound]
disease of, treatment of disease of or by [compound]
loving, thriving in, pollinated by the agency of [compound]
abnormal fear of [compound]
formation, plastic surgical operation [compound]
abnormal flow or discharge of [compound]
the making of a surgical opening [compound]
treatment of or by [compound]
surgical operation on, surgical cutting of [compound]
condition of the urine [compound]