Word Smart Quiz #1 Flashcards
Denotation: logical and consistent
Connotation: logically, ordered, cohesive
Root word: haerere “to adhere, stick”
Sentence: It was not a coherent dance routine.
Denotation: (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation
Connotation: not formal or literary. informal
Root word: colloquium, which means “speaking together.”
Sentence: Colloquial language was not allowed in the meeting.
Denotation: secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
Connotation: illegal or deceitful purposes and carries a sense of illicit agreement.
Root word: collusionem “act of colluding”
Sentence: The students acted in collusion to cheat on the test.
Denotation: corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.
Connotation: correspondent, comparable, and proportionate.
Root word: the act of measuring, mensūra.
Sentence: This year the farmers land commensurate with the rich soil.
Denotation: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
Connotation: captivating, admiration, attention
Root word: compellere, to drive together
Sentence: Ms. Salas read a compelling persuasive essay.
Denotation: a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.
Connotation: guide, handbook, manual
Root word: compendere meaning ‘what is weighed together’
Sentence: The cook book had a compendium of recipes.
Denotation: pleased, especially with oneself or one’s merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect.
Connotation: self-approving, gloating, proud
Root word: complacere in the sense ‘pleasant’
Sentence: The gold medalist swimmer began to be complacent, and started to get unfit.
Denotation: combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.
Connotation: matching, complementary, harmonious.
Root word: complēre which means “to complete.”
Sentence: The colors in the artwork complement each other.
Denotation: the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
Connotation: crime, in cahoots, gang, criminals
Root word: complicāre “folded together,” or complicit, like partners in crime.
Sentence: They were hopeless since they didn’t have any proof of the kidnappers’ complicity.
Denotation: complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.
Connotation: thorough, extensive, in-depth
Root word: comprehendere “to take together, to unite”
Sentence: The majority of the class failed the comprehensive exam.
Denotation: consist of; be made up of.
Connotation: contain, include, compose
Root word: past participle of comprendre “to contain, comprise”
Sentence: The Bible is comprised of 66 books.
Denotation: intended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility.
Connotation: pacifying, pacific, disarming, appeasing
Root word: conciliare “to bring together, win over,”
Sentence: The conciliatory mother tried to calm her baby.
Denotation: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Connotation: to the point, condensed, in a nutshell
Root word: concidere, which means to cut down.
Sentence: The instructions for the project were concise and easy to follow.
Denotation: agreement or harmony between people or groups.
Connotation: accord, agreement, unity
Root word: concordia, meaning“of the same mind, agreeing”
Sentence: After the problem was solved the people lived in unity and concord.
Denotation: existing, happening, or done at the same time.
Connotation: simultaneous, synchronous, coexisting
Root word: concurrere - ‘running together, meeting’
Sentence: There are two concurrent parties i want to go to, but i can only go to one.