Word Smart Junior Chapter2 Flashcards
animosity (an uh MOS i tee)
n. open hatred
retort (ri TORT)
n. to make a quick and witty answer or n.a quick, witty answer
impudent (IM pyuh dunt)
adj. disrespectfully or offensively bold
disparage (di SPAR ij)
v. to try to discredit something or lower its importance; to belittle or speak of something a inferior
adj. not favorable; going against the direction you want
clamor (KLA mur)
n. loud, sutained noise
boisterous (BOY star us)
adj. rough; noisy and undisciplined
fanatic (fuh NAT ik)
n. a person who is completely, unreasonable devoted to a cause person, or belief
behoove (bi HOOV)
to be required or proper for
deference (DEF ur uns)
n. respectful submission to another person’s wishes; respectful politeness
bigot (BIG ut)
n. a person who is intolerant of people who are different from him or herself; in religion, race or belief
overt (oh VERT)
adj. open and obvious
audacity (aw DAS i tee)
boldness, daring; sometimes a disrespectful boldness or outspokenness
disparate (DIS pur it)
completely different
radical (RAD i kul)
adj. extreme; revolutionary