Word of the Day Quiz 12/5/24 Flashcards
Syncretism (Noun)
The combination of different forms of belief or practice.
Sallet (Noun)
A light medieval helmet with a slit for vision made with armor.
Vintner (Noun)
A wine merchant/producer of wine.
Lucrative (Adjective)
Producing a great deal of profit.
Consolatory (Adjective)
Something that offers comfort or consolation.
Assuage (Verb)
To make something less milder or to appease/soothe.
Tripling (Noun)
A literary device in which a word, phrase, or idea is repeated three times for emphasis.
Penultimate (Adjective)
Next to the last or second last.
Bellicose (Adjective)
Very angry/aggressive and willing to fight.
Sibilance (Noun)
The repetition of “s” sounds in a series of neighboring words. This deliberate repetition creates a hissing sound.