Word Of Day Flashcards
To call
I have to call my mom
Je dois appeler ma mere
My friend called me yesterday
Mon ami m’a appele hier
I will call my son Billy
J’appelerai mon fils Billy
We have to drink
Il faut boire
“Eel foe bwah”
To Hope
I hope you are doing well
J’espere que tu vas bien
What are you doing?
Qu’est ce que tu fais?
Que fais tu?
What did you do yesterday?
Qu’est ce que tu as fait hier?
My, Mine
Mon (my- Masc) - when the following word is masculine (C’est mon frere)
Ma (my- Fem) - when the following word is feminine (C’est ma soeur)
Le Mien/La Mienne (mine) - when the word (what is mine) does not follow
ex- A qui est cette voiture? C’est la mienne.
To call
I have to call my mom
Je dois appeler ma mere
my friend called me yesterday
Mon ami m’a appele hier
To be irrelevant, to make no sense (Literally: To stand out of one’s shoes)
Etre a coté de ses pompes