Word Learning Flashcards
Describe prenatal hearing
- Prenatal hearing is hearing before birth
- the foetus is responsive to sound (gross movement, heart rate changes).
- Can be habituated/dishabituated to specific sounds.
- Prefer music played in Usero between 30 and 36 weeks
- prefer to listen to a story read to them in uterine vs a novel story between 34 and 40 weeks
-there is evidence of learning and memory, though recognition may be based on rhythm.
Describe hearing in the first few months (infancy)
-early functioning of auditory system, hearing is not adult like.
- hearing is fairly good but not as good as adults :
- infants are more sensitive to higher frequencies early on but sensitivity to lower frequency sounds develops later.
-they are also most responsive to sounds in the frequency range of human speech (1000 - 3000Hz)
what type of sounds and speech do infants like to hear?
2 days old prefer infant directed speech (IDS)
What is IDS
Higher pitch, wider pitch range, more rising contours
Simplify -slower shorter utterances, more repetitive
Does IDS vary across languages and cultures?
Yes but is quite pervasive
Describe infant speech perception
Within first 2 months, infants can distinguish between sounds from different phoneme categories (or speech sounds that make meaningful distinctions)
-Such as rake and lake or big and pig
How is it displayed that infants can distinguish sounds from different phoneme categories?
They can distinguish it from different languages they have never heard before.
Can infants start to identify words in continuous fluent speech?
Decried vocabulary development of a child 10-15 months old
First words at least in production:
- Effortful, hard to understand
- slow growth, followed by vocabulary burst around 18 months
How many words on average do 6 year olds know?
Vocabulary consists of about 10,000 words
How many words do high school graduates know ?
Around 60,000 words twice as many for big readers
How can we measure vocabulary size in infants?
Ask parents
Are some words during infancy learned before others and which one is learned first across cultures?
Yes and Mummy
Do first words across languages variable?
Which variables are strongest when predicting first words learned?
Frequency and babiness