word history Flashcards
Congress of Vienna
redivide the parts of frans that napolion concered
Coup d’état
over throw the frech goverment
the dudes runling frans before napoleon
a list of derecshons
english billl of rights 1689
free dom of spesh parlament strath
english cival war
revolting aganst the roale fam
estates gernaral
the legislative body in France until 1789, representing the three estates of the realm (i.e., the clergy, the nobility, and the commons).
1st estate
the cherch
retriks the overmants power
he economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism.
napoleonic code
French Code Civil, French civil code enacted by Napoleon in 1804. It clarified and made uniform the private law of France and followed Roman law in being divided into three books: the law of persons, things, and modes of acquiring ownership of things.
naatiional assembaly
an assembly composed of the representatives of a nation and usually constituting a legislative body or a constituent assembly.
Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests
puritions revalushon
the pepole that beleve in the roal fam in the english sival war 1689
reigen of teror
Robespierre wan in power and scared so he just started to chop heades off