Word Definitions Flashcards
The systematic study of the development, structure & functioning of human society.
All aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society.
Critical Thinking
Going beyond the obvious, thinking outside the box.
How should you think critically?
- Formulate your question
- Gather the information
- Apply the research
- Consider the Implications
- Research other points of views
Sociological Imagination
The ability to see from another’s perspective.
Social Institution
A idea of a set of repeated behaviors.
Social Structure
A social institution that meets the needs of a society that performs functions to maintain social order.
Bio-cultural functionalism
Physiological needs of a society in order to function.
What are the basic needs of a society?
- Economics: Dealing with wealth.
- Social Control: Rules and standards in society that keep individuals conventional standard.
- Education: Transmitting knowledge
- Political Organization: Governing a country
What is a social system?
The patterned series of interrelationships existing between individuals, groups, and institutions and forming a coherent whole.
Structural Functionalism
The society separated into different parts to work or that still work together.
What was Emile Durkheim’s theory?
Society shapes the individual.
What is the Conflict Theory and who was it created by?
The theory that most society struggles because of conflicts between different social classes. Then they will start competing for limited resources. Theorized by Karl Max
Symbolic Interactionism
Social meaning that is given to behavior.
What is the Dramaturgical Theory?
Theory created by Evring Goffman, saying A person’s identity is being constantly remade when the person interacts with others.
An attribute, behavior or reputation that is socially discrediting.
Emotional Dissonance
People who pretend not to feel what they are really feeling.