Word Bank 1 Flashcards
4Cs (list)
- Customer Value
- Convenience
- Cost
- Communication
4Ps (list)
- Product
- Pricing
- Promotion
- Placement
Action plan
Individual support plans included in a marketing plan that provide guidance for implementation and control of the various marketing strategies within the plan. sometimes referred to as marketing programs.
Nonpersonal communication from an identified sponsor using the mass media.
advertising appeal
The central idea or theme of an advertising message.
A learned predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to stimuli on the basis of relatively enduring evaluations of people, objects, and issues.
bottom-up budgeting
Allocation of the promotion budget based on identifying promotion goals and allocating enough money to accomplish them.
Business plan
A plan that includes the decisions that guide the entire organization.
The stage of the selling process in which the salesperson asks the customer to buy the product.
consumer behavior
The process involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
corrective advertising
Advertising that clarifies or qualifies previous deceptive advertising claims.
creative brief
A guideline or blueprint for the marketing communication program that guides the creative process.
Custom research
Research conducted for a single firm to provide specific information its managers need.
customer relationship management
A systematic tracking of consumers’ preferences and behaviors over time to tailor the value proposition as closely as possible to each individual’s unique wants and needs.
data mining
A process in which analysts sift through Big Data (often measured in zettabytes—much larger than gigabytes or even terabytes) to identify unique patterns of behavior among different customer groups.
The process by which a receiver assigns meaning to the message.
Statistics that measure observable aspects of a population, including size, age, gender, ethnic group, income, education, occupation, and family structure.
direct marketing
Any direct communication to a consumer or business recipient designed to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a store or other place of business for purchase of a product.
discretionary income
The portion of income people have left over after paying for necessities such as housing, utilities, food, and clothing.
Consumers’ feeling that products from their own country are superior or that it is wrong to buy products produced in another country.