word associations Flashcards
permant settlements farming domestication
earlist civilizations
river valley nike indus euphrates eggyptian civilization
unify peoole communication and transportantion fertile soil
river valleys
affects distribution of popultion influence people culture
geographical features
reflects a societys technology will of ruler culture
“eye for an eye” social order
hammurabis code
end in 1911 ruling came from god similar to divine right
mandate of heaven
ethnocenrism isolation natural boundaries
chinas geography
dependent trade irrugular coastlines
japan geo
developent of navy imperialistic trade irregular coastlines
europe geography
hard time trade distant cultrue sahra desert
norther africa geo
minerals imperialosm from eruope diverse geo
sub sahran african geo
africa little trade no natural babys or harbors
regualr smooth coastlines
diverse geo diverse culture difficulty transportaion
latin america geo
inida and south asia seasonal winds could be devesting
monsoons isolation alot of minerals
india geo
strategic locations bosporous dardanelles malacca hormuz magellan constantiople
scaricity of water cultural crossroads oil!!!!
middle eat geo
no communication little travel and trade act as barriors
communication! improve travel untiy
warmer deports, peter the great, frequent invasion,germans defredted
russians geography
Koren, five pillars, monothestic, moham med allah
monothestic, torah, talmud, pronmised land-isreal
social order, five relationships, family enethics, filiaal piety,
Cast system, recarnation, Dharma, Karma, Moksha, Ahimsa
recarnation, nervana, four noble troups, eightfold path, siddhart, guadtema
Monothestic, routes in Judisium, Jesues Christ Our Savor
spirits in nature, Japan, Form of aniamism
Praticed in Africa, Similar to Shintoism, Trational African Society
exchange of ideas, Buddism spreading, accors along trade routes, silk road
Cultural Diffusion
growing trade, oil and o.p.e.c. nations, enviornmental and ethological concerns
Democracy, Sprits and curiosity, Golden age of Athens
Ancient Athens
Totaliarian Government, near militaristic spirit, little culuture
Ancient Sparta
elect leaders, 12 Tables, Godist of Justice
Republic Rome
Ceteralized government, “All roads lead to Rome” Colapsed in 476- disorder in Europe-feudialism
Imperial Rome
Justintine code, perserve greek Roman thought, Captial city (conatantinople)- important trading center, eastern Orthidox religion and Cultural diffusion with Russia
Byzantine Empire
trading center between eroup and asia
Roman Law preserve of clasical civiliaztion
justintanian law
cultural difusion
trade between asia and europe
spread of buddhism
silk road
northern africa mohammed
spread of islam
advances in science calligraphy house of wisdom
golden age of islam
feudalism powerful catholic church gothic cathedrails
midevila europe
ridgid class stability
stressed honor loyality foloowed by medivial knights
code of chivalry
^ trade between asia annd europe recliam holy land negative: lasting hate by christians and musliams
code of bushido ridgid class shogun damiyo samurai
japanese feudalism
isolation forabdde contact with with foriners ended n 1868
tokugawa shogunate
mongols arid and grass land nomadic untill several centruies
central asian steeple
spread from eruope to asia tributes and taxes isolated russia
mongol empire
early african trade eastern africa CD
axium and kushi
early africa trading western afrixa CD islam from NA
ghana mali songhai
social economical collaspe break down feualism middle ages
black plague
humanism rebirth of classical civilizations secularsim
“end justifys the means interest of the state the prince
martin luther protest against catholic church end of religious unity in europe
protestant reformation
95 thesis selling indulgetnts
marin luthor
council of trent ignatius of loyola reaffirm cathoical doctrine but reform a little
counter reformation
chinese exploration ended cause of confucian beliefs chinease islolation
zheng he
spread parts of eastern europe and middle eastislamic empire suleuman the lawgiver
ottoman empire
trade route to asia after constanople falls to the ottomans in 1453 desire to find richies of species spread christianity curiosity about worldd stimulated by renassiannces
motives for european exploration
located in present day mexico and CA highly adcances and unifyed under one leader taken over by spanish and cortes- spanish more techonically advanced
aztec empire
inca empire
present day peru highliy advanced taken over by spanish and cortes
slavery in new world
flirst slaves were indians- died from disease africans replace indians arabs africans europeans involved in slave trade
between europe africa and americas middle passage
triangualr trade
practiced by eruopean countries ^ amount of bullon led to unequal trade relationships between parent counties
practiced in the americas and enforced by europeans exploited native wrokers
econmienda system
gov is dominant (louis xIv ivan the terrible phillip 11 akbar the great charless 11) developed by Jacques-Benigne
ruller reviwed authority from god developed by Jacques-Benigne
divine right
peoople have thr right to overthrow a governemnt believed in natural rights liberty and property people were naturally born
John locke
naturally born bad believed in absolutism
thomas hobbes
limit power of english kind
magna kartaa
glorious revoltion limited power of king parliament as powerful as king
english revolution
thinkers like copermicus newton and gallieo focasted on nature and how it works heliocentric therory developed
scientific rev
thinks knows as age of reason spoke out as absolutism
maria thersea and catherine the great absolute rullers who also worked to improve there subject lives
enlightment despots
rise of napolean developemnt of nationalism inspired latin america rev
effects of french rev
simone bolivar caused by unequal rights in ownership inherent in the colonial system no unification of south american due to different cultures
latin american rev
compensation lgeticmacy and ballance of power wanted to turn things back in europe to way it use to be before the french rev metternich
congress of vienna
india national congress the zionist the slaves/plan slavism (the balck hand)
national groups
started in england poor working and pay factory stystemad and growth of cites
industral rev
laissez faire therory hands off wealth of nations free trade
adam smithq
communism communist meanifest and das kapital
karl max
need for raw meterials and new markets europnea culture was superior to natives becaome more powerful
carved uo africa into colonies known as scrample for africa “great african cake”
berlin conference
areas in china that were imperialised uneqal treaties after opium war led to nationalist china(boxers)
spheres of influence
democracy nationasm economic well being “farther of modern day china
Sun Yat Sen
japn westernizes japan dosnt get imperialized they become imperalistic
meigi restoration
drivin by its need for resoruces asian power simo-japan ar and ruso-japan war
imperialistic japan
trench warfare allianc system “the spark” central power vs allied power
bread land peace ended romanov dysntasty and russia became comunist led by lenin
russia rev/bulshevicks
signed after WW1 heavy reparations germany was hyperinfaltion-rise of hitler
treaty of versailes
farther of modner turkey westernized
kemal attaturk
india independence civil disobiedence salt march
mohandis ghandi
policy of appeasemnt and nevile chamberlain sudetenland hope that hitler will be better in future
munich agreement
anti semitism final soultion ultranationastic germany nazi party fascism
adolf hitler
axi powers vs allied powers total war key events d day and hiroshima and nagaski
marshall plan-rebuild europe Japan:new constituional i writtin and military is limited 2 superpowers us and soviet union begain cold war
post world war 2
soviet union communist leader makes soviet union powerdul leader through collectization kills or exucates those who question him
josef stalin
communism soviet union vs democratic us warsaw pact vs nato berlin airlift space race cuban misile crisis
cold war
assmembly of representives formed all over world major purpouse promote peace
united nations
end tariffs between nations promote cooperation between european nations
uropean union common market
ends tariffs between us and canada promote cooperation between NA countiess independence
NAFTA north america tree trade agreement
manily made of middleeastern counties seeks limit of oil exported to wrold oil vs weapon
OPEC organization petrolium exporting countires
led by mao defeated nationalist forces led by chang created republic of china
chinease communist rev
support of peasants great keap forward cultural rev
4 modernizations allowed for cap elentwmts culturqal rv
parttioned to 2 india and islamic pakistan massacre between hindus and muslim during great migration dispute over kashmir
indian independence
decolonization took place after WWII cause fromer european mother countries were too weak to colonize most african americana nations still struggling after independence
african independence movements
blacks seperated viewed inferior vietnam war ho chi minhi revoltionary nationalst leader and communist
vietnam independence
goal of zionism fulfilled david gurion and therodore herzl arab-israeli wars istanbility in the middle east
creation of israel
led by yassir arafat fighting for an independent palestinian nation terrosim
the PLO palesriana liberation organization
led by ayatollahh kholmeni and islamic fundamentalists overthrown the shah and set up an islaimic therocracy retuned iran to an islamic society and governemnt
iranian rev
saddam hussein iraq dispute with kuwait iraq defeated by a collation of forces led by U.S
persion gulf war
failure of communism to meet economical needs and political desires berlin wall taken down mikhail gorbachev
collaspe of communism in eastern europe
soviet union leader during 1980 his policy of perestrokia and glasnost helped to end communism in the soviet union was replaced by boris yeltsin cause his reforms didnt go fAR ENOUGH
mikhail gorbachev
former communist nations having difficukty making the trasnion to demorcracy and capitalism ethnic conflict in several former communist nations
aftermath of communist in eastern europe
fidel castroo cuba became communist nation in western hempishphere bay of big invasion and cuban missile crisis
cuban rev
northern catholics vs protestants chinease and the tibetans islamic palestinians vs jews
ethnics and religious tensions
a trend in world dependence among the various ntions of wolrd manily due to a scarcity of resources by one nation and its dependence on another
desfortation in south america desterfication manily in africa
enviromental probs
mainly in the souther hemishphere most were at on etime colonies of other nations struggling with poverty hunger disease
developing nations of wolrd
inida pakistan north and south kora china nd taiwan
hot spots of today