Women of Troy Flashcards
The Cost of War
- war = way of life / obsession for Ancient Greece + character in play
- war -> opportunity for success / wealth / fame etc.
- Play focus on bad behaviour of Greeks + suffering of victims (Trojans)
- Play has an anti-war message
Fate, Fortune and the Gods
- Fortune = easily changed and manipulated gods
- Gods are unpredictable + only side with themselves -> only support their wills victory
- Fate = unpredictable like gods + often reversed
- Play concerned with bleakness of war
- Play concerned with they high chance in life and the uncertainty of fate eg. Princess to slave in a day
Duty, Obligations and Integrity
- Hecuba clings to family obligations and civic duty
- Heavy focus on duty to ignore the bad stuff -> duty holds society together and blocks out the bad
- Honour of house and family + hubris
- Loyalty and allegiances
Gender Expectations
- Women=property of their fathers later their husbands
- Eligible of citizenship \
- War=left women deprived of protection as fathers and husbands were killed-> foreign men use women
- enslavement ships women of any power they had in there previous lives
- women who aren’t sexual objects are slaves
- men have strength in spears not in mind
- strict gender roles
- Men= warriors
Ath. (Prologos): plans ruin the Greeks journey home ‘so that the Greeks will learn their lesson, and in future, respect my temples, and fear the power of the gods’. p9
Pos. : ‘A somewhat cavalier change of mind, surely
- Troy = destroyed with Ath.’s help
- Ath. =goddess of war + wisdom
- Ath. = powerful / capricious -> ruins the Greeks b/c she feels insulted
- Pos. recognises taht Ath = capricious
Hec. monody: ‘Look at me now, throned in the dust [..] an old woman, dragged as a slave from my home, all hope plundered from my god-cursed ravaged gray head, with no reprieve from my punishment of everlasting sorrow.’ p10
- Proud noble Queen -> ‘old woman’ w/o hope
- Position on the ground represents the change in fortune / low status
- After war the women = property of Greek men / slaves or concubines
- Hec. too old to be concubine / outlived reproductive function -> trophy of war to degrade her (Odysseus’ slave)
- E invites the Athenian audience the treatment of women / prisoners of war
Cassandra / Episode 1
‘Father and brothers destroyed’.
Gender / CoW / Duty
- Cass has lost everything including family / city / virginity = sacred identity
- Cass want revenge on behalf of her family / city -> martyrs herself
- Fatal marriage to Agamemnon -> his downfall
- All characters think Cass is mad BUT Cass is the only one who can give WoT modicum of solace
Cassandra / Episode 1
Agamemnon will find Cassandra ‘more destructive as a wife than Helen was’.
Gender/CoW P19
-Cass compares marriage to Agamemnon to Helen’s marriages to Menelaus + Paris -> Trojan War = death + destruction
-B/c gift of prophecy, Cass knows Ag’s fate (killed by his wife)
-Cass goes willingly b/c driven by desire for vengeance / revenge for Troy
Hec to Chorus:
‘Weep, wives of the bronze armoured Trojans, grieve for you hero’s dead, daughters […] husbands lost!’ p10
- Hec calls on the WoT to lament with her
- Chorus guide the audiences reaction
Cassandra / Episode 1
‘Who could wait for the wind that fills her sails more eagerly then I do?’
‘One of avenging furies’
- Cass duty to get revenge for war atrocities
- Cass = metaphorical Trojan horse
- Cass pretends to go willingly / exited to new life with Agamemnon -> Ag’s jealous wife murdering him
- Across the play questions signify confusion + helplessness but Cass answers her own question / not helpless victim b/c taking control
Andromache / Episode 2
A: ‘You Greeks’ have ‘dreamed up such cruelties even the barbarians would flinch at’
- Challenging the Athenian audience b/c it forces them to think about their ideology about war
- Makes them reflect on contemporary issues \
- Challenges Athenian assumptions / arrogance
- Forces Athenian audience to reconsider their ideology about war / duty
- Makes them reflect on contemporary issues
Menelaus / Episode 3
‘This is the most glorious of days when I shall get my hands on that wife of mine […] yes, I am that man , Menelaus’
-Pronoun ‘mine’ = sees Helen as property / possession
-Helen = 2nd concern / revenge on Paris = #1
-M invested in strict gender binary : men are warriors / women are objects to serve and give pleasure to men
M = fatuous + self-serving
Andromache / Episode 2:
Cradling Astyanax while lamenting “why are you killing this child? What has he done in his innocence? He’s guilty of nothing!”
COW / Gender
- Ast. innocent child -> no harm / threat to Greeks
- Killed b/c Greeks lost mercy / honour
- End of Trojan lineage
- Repetition of Rhet. Q’s show her inability to comprehend the events and the exclamative her fury
- Most explicit violence in play -> appeal to universal human instinct to protect the innocent / children to emphasise that such acts are dishonourable
- Comforting scene -> Ath. audience experience pathos
Menelaus / Episode 3
‘My real motive to get my hands on the man who stole my wife’
Gender / DIO
- Play explores toxic fixed mindset -> both genders suffer
- M worried war -> appear effeminate so he needs to re-establish that he is ‘the man’
- M believes war = ‘masculine’ b/c desire for honour / not ‘feminine’ b/c the need for love. Play explores how rigid belief system based on past -> War Party to make poor choices (Melos / Sicily)
- M = Fatuous + self-serving
- Menelaus = powerful -> his devotion to masculinity becomes toxic -> other Grk men become tool to prove masculinity
- 10 yrs in brutal war for vanity project / needs to protect ego + honour = masculine qualities
- Agamemnon shares same ideas -> ultimately leads to his death / Odysseus
- Men can’t admit to loving a woman -> repress their emotions
- Societal expectations result in a lack of freedom -> thousands of ppl die
- Men use war as a shield to cover emotions
Hecuba / Episode 3
‘With one look she makes men’s eyes her prisoners’
Hecuba accuses Helen of being ‘wet with lust the moment’ she saw Paris.
Hecuba believes that ‘any woman of breeding’ would never be swayed by her emotions or desires.
‘Hair’ + ‘Make up’ + ‘best dress’ / ‘I beg you on my knees.
-H + other WoT cannot understand / accept Helens behavior -> condemns Helen b/c acts of love / lust for Paris
-Women held at a different standard to men
-Bewitching = evil / magic
-Wet = sexual desire
-Breeding = royal blood / bred as a commodity for power alliance
WoT subscribe to same gender binary as Grk men despite -> death / slavery / concubine
Helen uses sexuality to survive b/c only asset patriarchy values. ‘begs’ M to appeal to ego / desire. Kneels before him emph. vulnerability
Hecuba / Episode 3
‘consummate the Greek victory […] Wives who betray their husbands deserve death’
Andromache / Episode 2
Helen should ‘die in agony’
Chorus / Episode 3
‘punish your wife in a way worthy of the traditions of your family’
- WoT united blame 4 Helen -> implore M to kill Helen in retribution
- Hec verb ‘consummate’ = refer to sexual penetration after wedding / H suggest victory for M is to regain ownership of Helen + destroy her
- Last hope of WoT is for Helen to suffer + die b/c vindication of values they lived their lives by
- E uses Chorus to question Grk values / Athenian republic b/c brutalisation of women = ‘tradition’ / ‘noble’ behavior
Bp3 Andromache / Episode 2: 'The gods always hated us' Chorus in stasimon: prayers to the gods are 'vain dreaming, false hopes' DIO / FFG
- Astyanax murder -> Andromache + Hecuba losing hope -> realisation that the gods abandoned Troy
- Hecuba + Andromache = loyal servants to gods
Talthybius / Episode 2 About Cass concubinage to Agamemnon
‘Kings mistress’ / ‘no bad thing’
- Dehumanising effect of military service -> Tal ignorant of the impact concubinage on TW (most would rather die)
- Noun ‘mistress’ = euphemism -> masquerade reality that Cass = Aga sex slave
- -> forcing Athenian audience to consider foreign policy during wars esp. following SofM
Cassandra / Episode 2
‘Any sensible man must hate war, he dies his best to avoid it’
‘It is no shame for a city, indeed, it is a crown of honour to die nobly, with dignity.’
- Aosth society = long celebrated + mythologised war
- Sign of heroism -> Increased status + $
- But through Cass, E suggests ppl hasty going to war = ignorant + foolish
- E worried about Athenian soldiers who die attacking foreign countries like Sparta / Melos, ect. could lose their life foe nothing
- Whereas dying defending home = honourable
- Upcoming expedition to Sicily = more pointless loss of life
- Cycle of violence b/t Athens and Sparta
Episode 4
Ast. body carried in Hector’s shield
Stage direction:
‘Enter Talthybius and Guards with Astyanax’s body, carried in Hector’s battel shield.’
-Hector’s shield = symbol patriarchal protection father should provide BUT Hector cannot
-E suggests patriarchal support will eventually fail -> link to Poseidon Q
-E suggests Athenians fighting abroad have abandoned children to fight war.
-Doing duty = sacrificed their integrity
Cassandra / Episode 2
‘had forgotten what their children looked like’
‘lie forgotten in a foreign country’
- Through C, E challenges audience -> ? honour of war in foreign lands
- Grks were so long away from loved ones that they forgotten faces whereas Trojans went home to fam each night
- Bodies of Grk soldiers failed to get burial rights their culture demands
- Emphasises to contemporary Grk audience needless death replicated in Peloponnesian war
Cassandra / Episode 2 to Talthybius
“Officers of your kind are always hated by everyone, lackeys. Slaves yourself doing great men’s dirty work.”
- C attacks T as middle manager
- T expresses compassion for TW but does nothing to help
- T = part of the Grk war machine -> facilitates brutal + barbaric decisions of generals
Pos. (Prologos) : ‘When a man sacks [and] destroys everything […] sacred temples [and] tombs […] he’s asking for trouble.
The same destruction sooner or later will fall on his own head.’
- Cyclical pattern of history -> problems in contemporary Athens.
- Sinful +barbaric acts -> equally sinful + barbaric retaliation.
- This pattern only benefits the pinnacle of the patriarchal pyramid
BP3 Talthybius 'I ask you not to hate me.' 'with the greatest reluctance' 'joint decision of the council of the Greeks' 'they have decided...' 'I'm not half hard enough' Gender / DIO
- T = con concerned about H and And respect for him decreasing
- Makes it clear it is the decision of the council - no individual is taking responsibility
- Group decisions made by the council -> dishonourable choices b/c no-one has accountability
- Pronoun ‘they’ = faceless bureaucrats -> soldiers carry inhumane acts
- = Tal wants TW to know he is not responsible to assuage his guilt
- Tal feels guilty but powerless to stop war -> Ath. aud. questions the decision making of the War-Party within Eccesia
- aud = not @ the pinnacle but common soldier
- E wants audience to understand that individuals can make a difference
Catharsis = getting rid of unhappy memories or strong emotions such as anger or sadness by expressing them in some way.
Anagnorisis = moment main character realizes their wrong doing / learn a moral lesson the that make them a better person.
“March down to the Aechaen fleet!’
- E’s contemporary Ath aud + modern aud DON’T experience catharsis b;c at eh plays end WoT are slaves but Grk men are not punished for crimes
- No Grk men experiences anagnorisis b/c they get away with their war crimes + dishonour / play ends with WoT being loaded onto a ship
Hecuba - Exodus
Attempts to ‘die in [the] embrace’ of the burning city -> runs into flames / attempts suicide for release from pain
- Hecuba = manifestation of Troy
- Destruction of city + loss of fam + enslavement + Ast death + fear of Helen release -> Hec despair.
- Hecuba experiences anagnorisis b/c realizes commitment to the structures of the old life (patriarchy / Hellenic values / gods) have led her to this point
- Grk generals should recognize crimes but is WoT who realize commitment to Trojan way of life -> perpetuating cycles of history
- E denies aud catharsis -> leave theatre feeling frustrated / sad / angry
Hecuba - Ep 3
- She was ‘exported, sold of abroad’ as a ‘saleable asset’
- I was raped, not married’
- Dehumanizing language
- Women = possessions to be objectified as + exploited
- X power over own bodies
- Even within marriage no agency / oppressed by husband / domestic creatures
- Woman expected to fulfill sexual needs of husbands / np choice –> marriage = vehicle of patriarchal control
- E suggest in patriarchal society survival is best woman can hope for
The Chorus - Ep 3
-‘This woman whose promiscuity shamed Greece, and stained the pure Waters of Simois with blood.’ -The Chorus
Andromache - Ep 2
-Helen should ‘die in agony’
- Chorus accuse H of being unfaithful / disloyal / sexually irresponsible
- H’s behavior shameful b/c defies expectations
- H blamed for Trojan war / patriarchy + Menelaus = blameless
- And. views H with disgust + contempt / deserves violent death
- WoT gain solace from H’s punishment b/c vindication of values they live by
- WoT reinforce and weaponize patriarchy to disempower others