Women in Athens and Rome Flashcards
What did Eppia do with the gladiator?
Went to Pharos, leaving her husband and children ‘in tears’
Give a description of three features of the gladiator
‘Big wart between his nostrils’, a ‘smelly discharge always dripping from his eye’ and a ‘mark where his helmet rubbed him’
Eppia enjoys
‘Hauling rough rope’
What quote from the Eppia source is similar to a description of Clytemnestra
‘With heart undaunted she braved the waves’
What seas does EPPIA brave the waves of?
Emperor Claudius wife is described as…
‘Imperial whore’
Where did the imperial whore prefer
‘A cheap pad to the royal bed’
What was the imperial whores disguise?
‘A blonde wig’
Who did she take with her to the brothel and what does this link with in another source?
She takes ‘one female slave’ this can be linked with the ‘maid who knows the man when mistress wants some fun’ from WATT
why does Eratosthenes ‘let the women have the ground’?
To ‘sleep with the child so that she could give him the breast and stop him crying’ but really she is giving the breast to ERATOSTHENES
How did the maid warn the wife that Eratosthenes was downstairs?
She would ‘pinch the baby on purpose’
What does Euphiletus hear?
‘Creaking during the night’
Who does Eratosthenes’ ex wife send?
And old hag who tells euphilatus ‘you will discover all’
What does he say to the maid?
‘Tell me no lies, speak the whole truth’- the maid who knows the man when mistress wants some fun but spills the beans to master when a good nights work is done
What are the three punishment for adulterer
Death on the spot by the man who catches him under the state of the law, radishment, massive fine
The pillar of the court of Areopagus states….
Adulterers are worse than rapists because they are to blame for the ‘corruption of wives’
As told in the Eratosthenes source Rapists are…
‘Violators deserving of a lesser penalty than seducers’
The fine for a seducer is…
Double that of a rapist
Who does iscomachus meet in the Agora?
What does Socrates say about Iscomachus’ appearance
‘You don’t spend your time indoors, nor does your physique look like you do’
What is iscomachus doing?
Waiting for some foreigners
How does iscomachus brag about his wife
‘My wife is completely capable of running my household affairs’
Evidence of the patriarchy
‘Iscomachus son of my father’
How old was his wife when she first ‘came to him’
‘Fifteen years old’
Iscomachus’ wife had lived a…
‘Protected life’
What did iscomachus and his wife do after their marriage that shows piety
‘Offered a sacrifice and prayed’ she ‘offered to fulfil many vows to the gods’ she was ‘attentive to what she was taught’
Iscomachus describes his wife as..
‘Manageable and domesticated’
What does iscomachus tell his wife to take
‘Take the wool and produce clothes’
In the iscomachus source what does he hope the god will allow
Children to be born
In the iscomachus source children are described as
‘The best allies and supporters in old age’
What are the four metaphors for iscomachus’ wife
‘Leader bee’, ‘captain of the watch’, ‘council investigating the calvary’ ‘queen’
What are some of the regulations iscomachus directed his wife to make
‘Nursing of young children’ ‘not to neglect them’ ‘nurse’ ‘stand over the loom’ ‘keep an eye on the baker’ ‘moisten and knead the bread’
What makeup was iscomachus’ wife caught wearing
‘White lead, thick rouge, high rouge’
What else does iscomachus praise?
‘Her great intelligence’ how she ‘quickly obeyed’
How does iscomachus describe their marriage
‘Most effective partnership’
What does iscomachus say about women’s bodies
‘Good endowed women with a body less able to endure hardships’
Euphiletus originally describes his wife as
‘Economical and exact’
What does the Cloelia source say in the opening about courage
‘Seeing that the romans respected courage women too are inspired to carry out acts of heroism’
How is the peace treaty kept in the cloelia source’
‘With the girls given as hostages’
how did Cloelia escape?
Eluded The guards and swam the Tiber amidst a rain of enemy Spears’
In the Cloelia source what is the reaction of the enemy
‘his anger turned to admiration’ he not merely respected her courage but honoured it’
How did the romans reward Cloelias courage?
With an equestrian statue erected on the via sacra
Who does Cloelia choose to send home
‘Released the persons at greater risk of harm by the enemy’
What did The oppian law source say?
‘No woman might own more than half an ounce of gold or wear a multi coloured dress nor ride in a carriage in the city’
What does Cato viciously describe women as being/having
An ‘unbridled nature’ ‘female fury’ ‘unmastered creature’ ‘wild animals chafed by their chains’
What does Cato say about in relation to the ‘mans world’
‘What is worse they ask for law and votes’ and ‘snatch at government and meddle in the forum’
What does Cato say that confirms male fear about women
‘They will have become your superior’
What does Cato say about women’s behaviour in public
‘Publicly solicit other women’s husbands’ ‘blockaded every street’
what does Lucius say about the Sabine women
the ‘battle was jolted by female intervention’
What does Lucius say about the women and the law
It ‘concerns them directly’
What evidence does Lucius give that women help the state?
‘Did not widows assist the treasury?’ ‘Widows and children were donating their funds to the treasury’
How does Lucius argue the women’s side?
By saying ‘will your horse be more beautifully saddled than your wife’ and referring to how slaves appeals are not ‘scorned’ but they are ‘angry when honourable women ask for something’
What does Lucius say in response to Catos claims about women entering the ‘men’s world’
In clothes and finery ‘they find joy and take pride called the woman’s world’
What does Lucius say to defend the fear about the return of the matriarchy
‘They hate the freedom created by widowhood’ and ‘they prefer to be subject to your judgement’
How does Lucius insult the men for their treatment of women?
‘You should prefer to be called fathers and husbands to masters
Who does Cicero defend in the Cloelia trial?
Marcus caelius Rufus
Who does Cicero purposely mistake for Clodias husband?
her brother
What does Cicero claim Clodia did in the aqueduct he built?
‘Provide water for your post incestuous ablutions’
What is clodia accusing rufus of
Stealing gold and trying to poison her
What are the three ‘insults’ clodia gives rufus
‘Adulterer, lecher, briber’
What does Cicero sarcastically call clodia
A ‘noble’ and notorious’ woman
what does Cicero say that insinuates she has many affairs?
She is ‘everybody’s friend’ and ‘gives herself freely to everybody’ a ‘hussy that lives brazenly’
Cicero implies her morals are
‘Easy going and modern’
What is the name of the blind man that is a member of her family?
Caecus the blind
What does Cicero accuse clodia of due to being associated with someone like caelius rufus
Let down her ‘male ancestors’ and the ‘illustrious descendant’ Claudia the vestal virgin as a she let herself get influenced but the vices of her brother
How does Cicero imply clodia is an adulterous whore?
By mention the ‘daily treaties with your filthy lovers’ and parading with ‘other women’s husbands’
What was the pleasure resort that clodia went to called
How does Cicero accuse clodia of being a cougar and pervert?
‘You a fine lady want to hold a young man tight with your wealth’ and ‘you have a garden on the Tiber and you were very careful to put it where the young people bathe’
What was the bad omen in the Turia source
Both her parents were ‘murdered together’
How is turia a good daughter
She performs her ‘filial duty’ by the ‘pursuit of justice’
How is turia good to her female relatives?
Shared her inheritance with her sister ‘brought up her female relations’ and ‘prepared marriage portions’ for them
What does turia do for her husband when he is in exile?
‘Took all the gold and jewellery from her body’ and sent it to him in silence, he was ‘saved by her good advice’ ‘prepared a safe hiding place for him
What quote conveys turias stoicism?
‘Your body was full of bruises, your spirit was unbroken’ after being beaten by Lepidus
How was she loyal and faithful to her husband?
‘Utterly faithful’ to him ‘grieved over his childlessness’
What did turia offer to do?
‘Proposed a divorce’ and ‘offered to yield their house to another woman’s fertility’ providing a wife who was ‘worth and suitable’
What is minicia Marcella as wise as
‘As wise as an old woman’
Who does minicia Marcella love?
‘Loved her nurses and pedagogues and teachers’
How did minicia Marcella suffer her illness?
‘With sobriety, patience and constancy’
how was she like her Father?
She was like him in ‘manner as in physical appearance and copied her father in everything with marvellous similarity’
What were the husbands attitudes towards their wives in Lucretia
‘Each one praised his own’
How does Lucretia add to the wealth of the house?
‘Working at her wool by lamplight’ with her maidservants showing chastity and modesty
How do we know sextus Tarquinius has bad intentions towards Lucretia?
He is ‘inflamed by lust’ and already ‘seething with passion’
What is Lucretia husbands name?
What did sextus Tarquinius in the Lucretia source become obsessed with?
‘The idea of raping her’
What weapon does sextus threaten and pin down Lucretia with
His drawn sword
How did sextus try to persuade Lucretia?
With ‘entreaties with threat’ ‘death was having no effect, he tried that of dishonour’
How would sextus Tarquinius destroy Lucretia honour?
He said that nest to her ‘dead body he would place the corpse of a slave with his throat cut’ by doing this it would make it seem like ‘she had been killed in the act of adultery’
Sextus Tarquinius triumphed over lucretias…
‘Tenacious chastity’
Where were lucretias husband and father when she sent a message to them.
In Ardea
What was lucretias fathers name?
Spurius Lucretius, who came with publius Valerie’s son of volesus
What does Lucretia say about her mind and body,
‘My body was violated, my mind is innocent’
How does Lucretia kill her self?
‘She took a dagger she had hidden in her clothes, plunged it into her heart and fell forward dead’
Who is Thalassius?
and ancient roman senator in the day of Romulus
In the Sabine women source who are the most beautiful women reserved for?
‘Senators’ they were escorted to the sentators houses by plebeians
How did Romulus blame the victim in the Sabine women source?
He said ‘this wouldn’t have happened with their fathers hadn’t been so inflexible’
How does Romulus try to convince the Sabine women to ‘cool their anger and give their hearts to the men who had already taken their bodies’
He says they now have ‘the status of wives’ and the ‘civil rights of citizenship’ as well as children ‘of which there is nothing dearer’
How do we know cirons daughters marriage was legitimate?
They gave a public ‘marriage banquet to the phratry’ none of the ‘members of the phratry objected or doubted’ her legitimacy
‘How does Pliny describe Calpurnia Hispulla?
‘A model of devotion’
How did Calpurnia Hispulla feel about her brother?
‘She loved her wonderful brother with tenderness, and loved his daughter as if she were his own’
What does Calpurnia do that shows her love for Pliny?
Made her take up for books, ‘she reads and rereads my writings and even memorises them’
How do we know Pliny is older than his wife?
He says ‘it’s not my youth or body she loves-they are gradually declining-but my glory’
what does Juvenal say Cornelia has?
What does the mother in law in the Juvenal have hiding in the cupboard?
‘Her lover, impatient at the delay, waiting in silence stretching his foreskin’
Who is Eppia the wife of?
A senator