Women context Flashcards
Margaret Sanger
Campaigned for birth control in the progressive era, opening the first birth clinic in 1916
The married women’s property act
Began to be rolled out across individual states in 1839
1887: 1/3 states had not provided staturatory protection for married women to control earnings
Muller v Oregon 1908
Restricted the working hours of women
During Gilded age three US states rganted married women the right to control earnings
Cult of domesticity
Providing value system among the upper and middle class
Emphasised new ideas of femininity, the woman’s role within the home and dynamics of work and family
4 cardinal virtues:
- Piety
- Purity
- Domesticity
- Submissiveness
Married women’s legal existence was conserdered to be merged with that of her husband
No independent legal existence of her own