Woman in the home Flashcards
What did that comedian say about woman
Aman who teaches a woman to write should recognise he is providing poison to an asp”
History of the Peloponnesian war quote
“The greatest glory will be hers who is least talked of among the men whether for good or for bad”
What is the stele with the grandmother and her grandson
The grave stele of ampharete
What is the stele with the woman and her sevant
The grave stele of hegeso
What was an unmarried girl called in Athens
What was a married girl called in Athens
How could a woman treat infertility
By taking herbal remedies or spending s night in the sanctuary of God Asclepius (God of medicine)
How was Sparta exposure different then Athens
Spartan elders chose wether babies were to live or die based on the strength rather than gender
Why did boys and girls practice naked in Sparta
To banish prudety and encourage fitness
Spartan Polyandry quote
“An old man should introduce to his wife whatever young man he admired for his bodily and mental qualities,so that she might have children by him.”
What was a bulla
An ammulet that would be passed to the next child in hopes that they would be better than the last.
Given so they could survive childhood.
what is cum manu
with hand
bride becomes a part of husbands family and inherits land and money is husband died
requires a dowry to be paid
any children are a part of the same family as the mothers and fathers
what is sin manu
without hand
common amongst wealthy families as they wanted to keep their wealth within their own family
the wife remained a legal part of her original family-could not inherit from her husband but still from her father
do not require a dowry
each year wife has to move out of house for 3 consecutive days if not marriage becomes cum manu
what is coemptio
coemptio-cum manu
bride ‘sold’ by her paterfamilias who would place a coin in a set of scales to symbolised her dowry