Wolf Of Wall Streeet Flashcards
Pride yourself on something
to value a skill or good quality that you have:
He prides himself on his loyalty to his friends.
Guide you
It means to provide help or assistance in somwthing
To show you how to do something
To guide you through the world of wilderness
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change:
No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.
To do something succesfully very good
25 gramd to the first to nail a bulls eye
of or in an earlier time; before the present time or in the past:
his former wife
Im a former member of the middle class
Brokerage firm
A brokerage firm or brokerage company is a middleman who connects buyers and sellers to complete a transaction for stock shares, bonds, options, and other financial instruments
Pissed me off
Annoyed me
It really pissed me off cause that was 3 shy of a million a week
huge; enormous.
“a humongous steak”
Used to describe thing that are really hard to measure
National debt
Or the number of cells in uour body
] a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals:
It’s a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings, and estate workers’ houses.
Anchors aweigh
of a ship’s anchor) lifted off the sea bed:
With a cry of “Anchors aweigh!” they prepared to set sail.
Indict me
If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime:
He was indicted on drug charges at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
To accuse someone of a crime
Till next time
A way to say bye
To drug someone with a lot of medication.
The doctor sedated the patient.
Yup on a daily basis i consuem enogh drugs to sedata queens manhatgam and long island for a month
Take the edge off
Make something less unpleasanat
to make something unpleasant have less of an effect on someone:
Have an apple - it’ll take the edge off your hunger.
Mellow me out
To get chill and relaxed. Mostly referred after smoking pot.
This dope always mellow me out.
to remove one or all of the organs from the inside of a body
Enough of this shit ll make you able to conquer the world eviscerate yiur enemies
Money crazed
Crazed means behaving in a wild or strange way,money crazed помешан на деньгах
to be suitable or right for someone or something:
I went to the only place on earth that befits my ambitions
Pond scum
people that you do not like or respect at all: He is an odious little piece of pond scum.
an unpleasant person:
Don’t waste your time on that douchebag
to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing a particular series of numbers on the phone:
Can I dial this number direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
simplistic individuals who are said to have limited impact on the operations of the market or a business
Pitch a stock
A stock pitch is essentially a summary of an investment recommendation
Trading floor
A trading floor is where traders buy and sell fixed-income securities, shares, commodities, foreign exchange, options,
unable to stop having it, watching it, doing it, etc.:
I was hooked after two episodes
I was hooked in seconds
strongly attracted to something or someone:
We were afraid she was getting hooked on painkillers, so we changed the medication.
Paint the tape
Illegal practice bytraderswho manipulate themarketbybuyingand selling asecurityto create the illusion of hightradingactivity and to attract othertraderswho may push up the price.
Slang for cocaine
deserving great admiration, praise, and honour:
a glorious victory
a memorial to the glorious dead of two world wars
Straight up
For example, one might say “He told me straight up that he couldn’t come to the party.”. It just blew straight up”.
Straight up unmixed absolut martinis
Wigs out
to react or behave in a very excited or wild way:
Sometimes he’d wig out in the studio and break stuff and just split.
Lose control in ones emotions
tohitsomeone or somethingnoisily:
He whacked thetreetrunkwith hisstick
To hit someone forcefully
He whacked me
to work or operate:
You’ll soon learn how the office functions.
Work in the normal way
Put meat on the table
Provide with enough money to cover the basic necceseties
Name of the game
If you say that something is the name of the game, you mean that it is the most important aspect of a situation.
Making you more succesful
to sell your investments or property to make them available in the form of money:
Investors have started to liquidate their mutual funds.
Cash in
convert an insurance policy, savings account, or other investment into money.
“hundreds of savers cashed in their investments”
Cold hard cash
money in its physical form, as opposed to money that is stored away in a bank or digital form.
impossible, or very difficult, to believe:
an incredible story
Rookie numbers
rookie numbers pl (plural only)
(slang, humorous) Low numbers or a small amount of something, especially seen as signaling one’s inexperience or
Pump something up
to fill something with air using a pump:
You should pump your tires up.
It also means to increase something
You gotta pump those numbers up