WOD Flashcards
One who has power and position to rule over others; monarch
Adhering to the traditional and established, especially in religion
To scold, rebuke it harshly criticize
To issue official blame
To condemn openly
Seeking of preferring seclusion or isolation
Relinquish (v)
To retire; give up or abandon
To give up ( a title for example) especially by formal announcement
Vituperative (adj)
Marked by harshly abusive condemnation
Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile
Credible (adj)
Capable of being believed; plausable
Exonerate (v)
To free from blame
Incontrovertible (adj)
Indisputable; not open to question
To officially charge with wrong doing or a crime
Litigious (adj)
Prone to engage in lawsuits
Partisan (adj)
Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause
Parity (n)
Equality, as in amount, status or value
Rectitude (n)
Moral uprightness; righteousness
Lax in attending to duty; negligent
To reject the validity or authority of
Sanctimonious (adj)
Feigning piety or righteousness
Scrupulos (adj)
Principled, having a strong sense of right and wrong conscientious and exacting
Plausible but misleading of fallacious argument
Substantiate (v)
To support with proof or evidence
Veracity (n)
Adhering to the truthfulness
To free from blame
Cajole (v)
To urge with repeated appeals, teasing, of flattery
Chicanery (n)
Obsequious (adj)
Fawning of servile
Sycophant (n)
Insincere, obsequious flatter
Altruism (n)
An unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Distinguished; prominent
Empathy (n)
Identification with an understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives
Magnanimous (adj)
Courageously or generously noble in mind and heart
Laudatory (adj)
Full of praise
Philanthropic (adj)
Mutually take is give; respond in kind
Reciprocate (v)
Eradicate (v)
To get rid is as if by the rots; abolish
Expurgate (v)
To remove; objectionable consent before publication or release
Extirpate (v)
To destroy
Quell (v)
To put down; to forcibly suppress
Raze (v)
To level o the ground; demolish
Squelch (v)
To crush as is by crumbling; squash
Supplant (v)
To usurp the place of especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics
Stymie (v)
Abase (v)
To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem
Deride (v)
To mock contentiously
Derogatory (adj)
Insulted or intended to insult
Disparage (v)
To speak negatively; to belittle
Effrontery (n)
Brazen boldness; presumptuousness
Ignominy (n)
Great personal dishonor or humiliation; disgraceful conduct
Impugn (v)
To attack ad false or questionable
Mar (v)
To damage, especially in a disfiguring way
Pejorative (adj)
Disparing; belittling; insulting
Vex (adj)
To annoy or bother; to perplex
Vindictive (adj)
Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful; spiteful
Bombastic (adj.)
Given pompous speech or writing
Ebullience (n)
Intense enthusiasm
Exorbitant (adj)
Exceeding all bounds, as of custom of fairness
Exuberant (adj)
Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or hoy
Embellish (v)
To ornament it decorate; to exaggerate
Flagrant (adj)
Extremely it deliberately shocking or noticeable
Gratuitous (adj)
Given freely; unearned; unnecessary
Sonorous (adj)
Producing a deep or full sound