WOD Flashcards
the process of determining the anticipated cost of materials, labor, and equipment of a proposed project
the process in which detailed lists are compiled, based on drawings and specifications, of all the materials and equipment necessary to construct a project. The cost estimator uses this list to calculate how much it will cost to build the project.
measured amounts of construction items expressed in their customary units
in estimating, an activity to translate project scope information into resource quantities suitable for costing. In engineering and construction industry, a takeoff is a specific type of quantification that is a measurement and listing of quantities of materials and drawings
quantity survey
a detailed analysis of material and equipment required to construct a project
a measurement of a given planar region or of the surface of a solid
area method
a construction cost estimating system employing unit square foot costs multiplied by the adjusted gross floor area of a building
the longest dimension of an object
Linear Measurement
a unit or system of units for measuring length
a distance between two points, lines, or planes
specifications or specs
documents that define that qualitative requirements for products, materials, and workmanship upon which the contract for construction is based
portion of the contract documents that gives a graphic representation of the work to be done in the construction of a project
document describing an addition, change, correction, or modification to contract documents. This is done during bidding or before the bid is accepted
a modification of the contract by a subsequent agreement. Does not change whole contract; just the terms of the agreement
the surface or level of the ground
to give a flat or even surface to a pre-existing surface
the location of a project geographically, usually defined by legal boundaries
a vertical distance relative to a reference point
Cut and Fill
operation in earth moving in which material is excavated from one location and moved to another location to be used as fill
the soil or other material used to raise the grade of a site area
the entire substructure below the first floor or frame of a building, including the footing upon which the building rests
grade beam
a horizontal, end-supported (as opposed to ground supported) load-bearing foundation member that supports an exterior wall of the structure above
the measurement or extent of something from side to side
that portion of the foundation of a structure that spreads and transmits the load directly to the soil
reinforced concrete
concrete containing adequate reinforcing (such as rebar) either prestressed or not prestressed, and is designed assuming the two combined materials will work together against resisting forces
reinforcing bar
a steel bar, usually with manufactured deformation, used in concrete and masonry construction to provide additional strength
footing beam
a reinforced concrete beam connecting pile caps or spread footings to distribute horizontal loads caused by eccentric loading
an individual or continuous support used to hold reinforcing bars in position. usually used in slab work
pan construction
type of concrete floor or roof in which pan forms are used to create intersecting ribs, which creates a waffle like underside
total system of support for freshly poured concrete