WoB quotes Flashcards
I am expert
in al myn age
I wol bistowe the flour of al myn age
In the actes and in fruit of mariage
in bacon
hadde I nevere delit
I was fourt…
But yet I hadde alwey a coultes tooth
I am al Vererian / In feeling
and myn herte is Marcien
God badde us for to
wexe and multiplie
Abraham was an hooly man, / And Jacob
…And ech of them hadde wives mo than two
I laughe whan I thinke
How pitously a-night I made hem swinke!
Deciete, weping, spinning
God hath yive / To wommen kindley
Stibourn I was
as I a leonesse
The thre were goode men, and riche, and olde/
Unneathe mygthe they the statut holde
They had yven
hir lond and hir tresoor
My fifthe housbonde…
I took for love and no richesse
to him yaf I
al the lond and fee
He nolde suffre
nothing of my list
he smoot me ones
on the list
wo that is
shal be bothe detour
and my thral
thre of hem were goode
and two were badde
The bacon
was nat fet for hem
For as an hors
I koude bite and whine
de hem no plesaunce…
Til he had maad his raunson unto me
I was his
Hir hosen weren of
fyn scarlet reed
Of remedies of love she knew per chaunce
For she koulde of that art the olde daunce
vessel al of gold
been of tree
Virginitee is
Lat hem he breed of pured whete-seed
And lat us wives hoten barly-breed
The bren, as I best kan,
no moste I selle
I love him best, for that he
Was of his love daungerous unto me
in oure bed
he was so fresh and gay
In th’olde dayes of the King Arthour
this land fulfild of faierie
By verray force
he rafte hire madienhead
Wommen desiren to have sovereintee…
And for to been in maistrie him above
ye speken of which gentillesse
As is descended out of oure olde richesse
men may often fynde
A lords sone do shame and vileyne
poverty is
a hateful good