Wk1 Flashcards
Key critical thinking skills and terms associated with ADPIE
Assessment: ask, validate, identify, analyse, interpret
Diagnose: analysing, interpreting assessment data and identify gaps. Determine nursing diagnosis
Planning: achieve goals, consider consequences of actions, setting priorities
Implementation: involve patient and implement care, MDT
Evaluation: reassessing, modifying, individualising care, determining if outcomes are met
Relationship between critical thinking and clinical judgement
Critical thinking and reasoning = process
Clinical judgement = conclusion, decision, opinion (result or outcome)
Critical thinking and RN standards of practice
Standard 1: think critically and analyse practice
Use strategies and best evidence in making decisions
Provide safe and quality nursing with evidenced based and person centred frameworks
Critical thinking means
Not accepting information at face value without evaluating whether it is factual and reliable
Alfaro lefevre
Personality affects
Processing of information, decision making, degree of structure and control in your life
Nosce Te ipsum
Know thyself
Celebrate strengths and overcome weakness
The big five
Five traits that have surfaced repeatedly in factor analyses of personality measures
High reliability and considerable power in predicting job performance and team effectiveness
Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Careful and vigilant
Desire to do a task well
Takes obligation to others seriously
Efficient and organised
As opposed to easy going and disorderly
Emotional stability/neuroticism
Remain stable and balanced
High neuroticism have tendency to easily experience negative emotions
One find energy from internal sources rather than external ones
Personality trait shared by people who are friendly assertive outgoing with others
How personality styles affect nursing
Know your own to celebrate strengths and overcome weakness
Know and recognise others styles to respect their own approaches to the same situation
Benefits of knowing personality traits in nursing
Partnering/team building: understand and respect relationships
Performance and retention: promotes critical thinking, less stress, self confidence, positive environment
Patient satisfaction: empowerment, communication, outcomes
Emotional intelligence
Social intelligence that emphasises the abilities to manage, recognise and understand emotions and use emotions to guide thought and action
Visual, auditory, read/write, kinaesthetic
Kolbs learning cycle
Concert experience
Reflective observation
Abstract conceptualisation
Active experimentation
When learning people have different preferences for
How they receive and perceive information
Key point in understandings learning styles in nursing is
Most people learn in a combination of styles rather than just one
Must adapt as a nurse for patient and families need for understanding and education
Visual learners learn best by
Watching, maps, charts , diagrams, graphs, symbols
Auditory learns learn best by
Lectures, group discussions, radio, speaking, podcasts
Reading writing learners learn best by
Texts, manual, reports, essays, assignments, power points
Kinaesthetic learners learn best by
Moving, doing, experience and practice, simulation, experimenting, demonstrations
Techniques important to educating others
Summarise and explain concepts in own words
Benners stages of nursing expertise
1: novice
2: advanced beginner
3: competent
4: proficient
5: expert
Benner: novice traits
Act before thinking
Require clear rules
Hampered by not knowing resources
Need step by step procedures
Benner: expert traits
Asses and think before acting Know when to bend rules Aware of resources and how to use them Can integrate steps Focus on steps as a whole (pt response)
Why is clinical reasoning important
Care for and make decisions about complex patients
Responsible for clinical judgements in health care
Need to respond to challenging and dynamic situations
Psychomotor and thinking abilities
Has positive impact on patient outcomes
Poor skills can fail to detect deteriorating patient
Errors are key factor in adverse outcomes
Clinical reasoning is dependent on
Critical thinking disposition
Clinical reasoning and critical thinking attributes include
Holistic and contextual perspective Intuition Inquisitive Perseverance Open mindedness Flexibility Confidence Creativity Academic integrity Reflexivity
Within a conflict situation there can be three ways to view the situation
Your view
Their view
The way it really is
Overall goal of conflict resolution
Try obtain a win-win situation in all conflict resolution
Five main styles of managing conflict
Avoiders Accomodators Forcers Compromisers Collaborative problem solvers
When conflict is managed well, positive outcomes can include
Reduced stress
Increased harmony and productivity
Better relationships
Better understanding of others
Improved ability to clarify issues with creative solutions
Improved self-esteem
Able to exchange view points, wants and needs and come to a sincere agreement
When conflict isnt managed well negative outcomes include
Increased stress Decreased harmony and productivity Poor relationships Isolation Wasted time and energy Frustration Anger Poor self esteem Hopelessness
Rarely argue and avoid confrontation
Ignore issues or pull away/withdraw from conflict
Opportunities are missed and things can build up to explode
Give up own needs to smooth over and make others feel better
Ella’s to exploding due to failure of honestly addressing and confronting issues
Get their own way even if others have to give up their own needs or wants and don’t care if they aren’t liked
A peeps who tries to find middle ground
Everyone gives up wants and needs
Persuades everyone to give up and compromise thus everyone loses something
Collaborative problem solver
Shows equal concern for issues and relationships
Solutions for win-win
Issues fairly faced together with seeking of full support of everyone involved
Principles of negotiation can conclude
Don’t jump to conclusions -seek facts
Focus on relationships (goals and values)
Appropriate time and place for discussion
Encourage atmosphere of trust and desire to face issues well
Persevere with issues
Look for win-win solutions
Stay calm - keep focus
Seek help from outside sources
Transactional analysis is based on two notions
- Three parts to our personality or ego state
2. We converse with each other using transactions
4 basic life position as identified by TA author Harris
Ok corral
I’m ok/you’re ok
I’m ok/your not ok
I’m not ok/your ok
I’m not ok/your not ok
In TA a split/ulterior transaction
Occurs when two messages are conveyed at the same time, hidden agenda is noted and consist of an on the surface message with ulterior meaning
Eg. This is a really intriguing problem but it might be too hard for you
Adult response: I don’t have the capability to deal with this issue
Child response: I will do it and show him
Benefits of TA
Insight into personality and behaviour differences
Resolves communication difficulties