WK 7 Particle Swarm Oprimization Flashcards
– each particle is a candidate solution
— No mass or volume
— BUT! Velocity and acceleration do apply
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
is a metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.
It is commonly used to solve optimization problems where a global optimum needs to be found in a multidimensional search space.
Particle Swarm Optimization steps :
- Initialization & Evaluation
- Particle Movement
- Local and Global Best Update
- Iteration & Convergence
- Termination
Initialization & Evaluation:
Initialize a population of particles (also called “swarm”) randomly within the search space.
Evaluate the fitness or objective function value of each particle, which indicates how well the solution performs in the problem domain.
Particle Movement:
Update the velocity and position of each particle based:
- on its previous movement
- the best-known positions of both the particle itself and the entire swarm.
The velocity determines the particle’s direction and speed of movement in the search space.
Local and Global Best Update:
- Track the best fitness value achieved by each particle individually (local best)
- Track the best fitness value achieved by the entire swarm (global best).
Update these values whenever a particle finds a better solution.
Iteration & Convergence:
Repeat the process of particle movement and fitness evaluation for a certain number of iterations
As they progress, the particles tend to converge towards the global best position, indicating the optimal solution to the problem.
“Rooster Effect” or “Cornfield Vector”
The “Cornfield Vector” or “Rooster Effect” is a phenomenon observed in swarming or flocking behavior, where individual agents collectively move towards a near-optimal solution.
Position Updating
position of particle_i_j[t+1] = position of particle_i_j [t] + velocity_i_j[t]
Velocity Updating
velocity_i_j[t+1] = velocity_i_j[t] +
constant1rand()(previous local (paticle) best_i_j -current local best_i_j)
constant2rand()(previous global (population) best_i_j - current global best_i_j)
Why rand() in Velocity Updating?
to stop the swarm converging too quickly
Why c1 & c2 in Velocity Updating?
used to change the weighting between personal and
population experience/knowledge.
— Manage the relationship between pbest and gbest/lbest
— Too low values may mean slow progress
— Too high valuesfast convergence
Why particle best in velocity updating ?
This is the component which draws individuals back to their previous best situations
Why g ( population) best in velocity updating ?
This is the component where individuals compare themselves to others in their group
PSO and Social Behaviour
The pbest is the cognitive component:
— How well the individual is doing based on performance in the past
The gbest parameter is the social component
— How well the individual is doing based on the performance of other individuals