Wk 5 – Membrane Potential, APs, Synapse & Reflexes Flashcards
(Finish Qs)
What is an Action potential’s task?
- Changes a cell membrane’s voltage, which responds to a stimulus that results in communication of an electrical signal from the Neuron’s Cell body to Nerve terminal
- Briefly changes the charge inside of the cell by making it positive, which goes back to being negative again
What does Ca^2+ do at the axon terminal?
When the Depolarization from an AP causes the VG Ca^2+ channels to open, a flood of Ca^2+ enter at the Axon terminal
How does the Nervous system discontinue a Neurotransmitter’s signal?
- Presynaptic neuron should stop the release of a neurotransmitter
- Neurotransmitters need to be taken out from the Synaptic cleft by:
- Enzymatic degradation of neurotransmitter: Synaptic cleft’s enzyme splits down Neurotransmitter, which changes its shape & can’t fit onto post-synaptic cell’s receptor
- Reabsorbing the Neurotransmitter into the Pre-synaptic neuron or any other cell that’s a helper by Endocytosis
- Enzymatic degradation of neurotransmitter: Synaptic cleft’s enzyme splits down Neurotransmitter, which changes its shape & can’t fit onto post-synaptic cell’s receptor
Causes of the Resting membrane potential?
- Different ion concentrations inside vs. outside of cell:
- Na+/K+ pump: ATP is used to pump 3 Na+ outside and 2 K+ inside of cell
a. Inside of cell loses one (+) charge net every time it pumps
b. Makes Na+ and K+ gradients
i. Low [Na+] inside; High [Na+] outside of cell
ii. High [K+] inside; Low [K+] outside of cell
2. High Cl- outside; low Cl- inside of cell
3. High Ca2+ outside; low Ca2+ inside of cell
- Na+/K+ pump: ATP is used to pump 3 Na+ outside and 2 K+ inside of cell
- Selective permeability to different ions:
- Membrane lets more K+ pass under RMP conditions
a. K+ exit the cell through K+ leakage
channels down its chemical gradient, which causes inside of cell to lose positive charge
- Membrane lets more K+ pass under RMP conditions
- Existence of fixed anions:
- Fixed anions: Big molecules with negative charges that aren’t able to leave cell
(EX: DNA, proteins, ATP, & more) - Causes inside of cell to be more negative
- Fixed anions: Big molecules with negative charges that aren’t able to leave cell
Note: Other ions (e.g. Low Cl^- inside, Low Ca^++ inside of cell, & etc.) also impact RMP value
What is Depolarization & its task?
- When inside of cell becomes more positive
- Task: Causes voltage-gate (VG) Na+ and K+ channels to open.
What is Hyperpolarization & its task?
- When inside of cell becomes even more negative than during Resting membrane potential
- Task: Stops Neuron from sending electrical impluse/Action potential